Hi I am supposed to go on to tamoxifin according to my surgeon. Six months after completing treatment i'm not sure whether i want any more drugs in this body of mine. I would love to hear how people are coping with it. Are they happy taking it?
Praise in the midst of trouble!
my pastor asked me to share in church last Sunday because alot of members are having troubles of one kind of another and he knows I have a different slant on things. This is something that really blessed me when God showed it to me and maybe it will bless others too........ In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were thrown in prison…
how do you get in a chat room
i would like to know how to join into a chat room discussion.
Survived 2nd chemo
Hi everyone. I have survived 2nd chemo. Had it on Thursday & what a bad reaction this time. The Zofran did nothing for the nausea. everytime I stood uop I vomited & it bunged me up below so before long I had piles like bunches of grapes & so very constipated. I was also dehydratd & then started a post withdrawal of Megace…
steriotactic biopsy
hi gang...my radiation is being held up because I need to have a steriotactc biopsy on a small spot on my mammo that can't be felt or seen on ultrasound. All my doctors expect it to be a cyst from the way it looks but because of the other cancer , they want to be sure before we proceed....my question to anyone who has had…
Hello everyone - I have been on a much needed vacation, feeling pretty good too. My radiation treatments just started and I have also noticed my arm feels so very heavy. I talked to my doctor about it today and she has me schedule to see a physical therapist. I haven't heard much about this here, is this common? Is there…
I have been researching nutrition and someone gave me some info on Dr. Lorraine Day. I checked out her web site. But I was wondering if anyone knew anything else on her. She's a medical doctor but is really anti-everything that is medical. Comments? Thanks, Jayne
3rd round of chemo
Hello to all you wonderful ladies! I am going this Friday the 13th!! for my 3rd treatment. I read these boards with so much admiration for all of you. Your courage, faith and love continually lift my spirits. I keep all of you in my prayers daily. Remember "strength for today and hope for tomorrow." Love you good, Rosemary…
Making Decision on Radiation Treatment
hey folks, my wife (39 years old) had a lumpectomy (0.5 cm) with clear margins and no indication of lymph node involvement. She is scheduled for her first radiation treatment next week and we are having some difficulty sorting through all of the information on the radiation portion of the treatment. For example, the…
whereabouts of tekgal??????
Has anyone heard anything from tekgal lately? I had been in close contact with her, and all of a sudden, I have not heard a word from her. I am very concerned and hope everything is okay with her. I know she was having some discussions on having her ovaries removed and going off the tamoxifen. Any information you can give…
3 month check-up
Hi Everyone - Just wanted to let you all know that I see my oncologist for my 3 month check-up. I am now a one year survivor and feel real good about that. I like everyone else have those aches down my legs, but otherwise I am feeling really great. I do worry about the pains going down my leg, but after reading your posts,…
Mother in law
My mother-in-law is having a mastectomy today. She is in Kansas and I am in Arkansas but my heart and thoughts are with her. We are expecting a grandson anytime so she wanted us to wait and not have to make two trips. I have four sister-in-laws, so she has plenty of support.It is still hard not to be there, though. She…
Hot flushes on Taxol
Anybody with any wisdom on taxol hot flushes,tell me quick! I'm roasting! Can someone tell me how long these hot flashes last during the 3 week period? Due to some good advice from kind survivors here, I think I have the body aches and foot/leg pain covered. It's the hot flashes that have taken me by surprise.I would have…
I'm sending a prayer request for all to pray for the little boy that got bit by shark.The boy is in critical condition, all his organs has been damage ,i want to do a prayer chain say 6:00pm tonight.It doesn't have to be my time when its 6:00 say a prayer for him & his famuily, that way we all are saying a prayer every…
Scans tomorrow!
Hope all of you will keep me in mind tomorrow; and pray the CAT scan and bone scan will at least be as stable as they were last time!! As a friend recently said to me, 'stable sounds great now'. In the beginning you feel like you have to reach 'cure'; but when things just remain stable and no new recurrances; you are so…
What I learned through my breast cancer experience.
I am a breast cancer survivor (8 years!) I am also a writer working on a project about what women learned through their breast cancer experiences. If you would like to contribute to the article, please email me your comments, quotes, or humorous antedotes. Please keep in mind the topic is what I learned from the cancer…
Resource info
I was wondering if anyone knows of a good book or web site for ways to make your body a better fighter against cancer. I've heard a lot about diet, but nothing definitive. More grains? Less red meat? Low fat? ANy information would be greatly appreciated. My thoughts are with you all. Love, Jayne
Just a thought.
I wonder if there are many like me out there who are amazed how much God is addressed through this fight for life. I just wanted to say that there was a time when I figured some people hid behind God to avoid what is going on in thier lives. When I was diagnosed with Cancer my mother asked me "Are you praying?" This coming…
I am a 16 year breast cancer survivor. I had a modified radical mastomectomy with no lymph imvolvment. I feel blessed. At the time I didnot have any further treatments. Now I am being advised to look into taking tamoxfin to reduce the risk of breast cancer in other breast. Just wondering if anyone else has taken ths long…
It was fat tissue
Hello everyone. I had the surgery on July 2nd for the very tender lumps on my chest wall. They turned out to be "irritated fat tissue" according to my surgeon. The path report will be back on Friday but he has seen so much of this that I trust him completely. He has to be the best surgeon in the world. He has never hurt…
Scan results are clear!!
Thank all of you for your prayers...they were definitely answered! They found that I have arthritis in my lumbar portion of the spine AND a "cystic mass" on my right ovarie. I asked if the cyst showed up on the scans in Jan. and they said yes. (no one told me). Seeing a new gyno next Friday to check this out. My feeling is…
Side Effects of Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy
Radiation Therapy Side Effects The side effects of Radiation Therapy can be classified as Acute, Subacute and Delayed. Acute reactions occur during the course of treatment and are temporary. They are manifested as signs of increased inter-cranal pressure or worsening of neurological deficits. They results from an increase…
heh all of you out there I have a appointment for my year ccheck-up & I don't feel right on something, I pray & believe its going to be ok but I'm writing you all to say a prayer for me tomorrow that everythings ok, I believe i could have lymphedema I pray & hope thtas what it is it might be nothing but theres something i…
Lymphedema and mastitis
Has anyone every developed Mastitis shortly after diagnosis with mild lymphedema?
preventive masectomy
can anybody tell me about preventive masectomy? When I lost my breast in 1995 i had a cyst on my right it is still there today, a lot of my family has read on this surgery that with my history of breast disease because I always have boils & cyst all the time on this breast, one Doctor recommends me to have it .I'm 6yrs…
balancing act
i roared with laughter when i read dee's description about adding weight to her empty bra, since I just had a masctecomy last week...and i can relate!I was given a tip...which i have to confess I have not tried yet...to stop new boob from taking a hike over shoulder...and that is to use one of those things that are kinda…
Mom Newly Diagnosed, Would Love Advice
My mother was recently diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer (HER2-neu negative, histological grade = 2). She had a T1 tumor removed which was 1.2 cm with negative margins, and had two negative lymph nodes removed. Her estrogen receptors were positive, but her progesterone receptors were negative. Basically, she is in the…
Scans....hurry up and wait!!!!!!
Thank you Sherry, Brenda and Lola for your responses to my post regarding my follow up scans. Although my appt. was for 10:30 am on Tues., one of their CT's was not operating and did not get CT scans until 3:30 that afternoon. During the "waiting time" I had the bone scan. While I was having my scan, another technician…
Everyone here is amazing!! I want each of you to know that I appreciate ya'll taking the time to respond to my message. Each one of you is fighting a battle I can't even imagine and yet you were willing to help me, you have no idea how much that means to me as well as to my aunt. I have printed each response and I am going…
Unspeakable Joy - Thank you
I cannot tell you the unspeakable joy that flooded my heart when I returned to this site and saw that I had 15 messages awaiting me! I was so overwhelmed that the tears began to fall. I don't know what I expected, but I didn't expect so many supportive messages. Thank you for taking the time to write me. I say that you'll…