Hair regrowth
I am wondering how long it takes for your hair to grow back in after chemo treatments. I had my last treatment on August 29th and my hair has started to grow back, but very slowly. It is getting thicker on top, but still hardly a half inch long. When will it get long enough for me not to have to wear my wig. Also I used to…
lets live it up!!
Hi all, I was reading the posts about hair coloring. my take on the whole thing is do what you want. I have been semi conscious about what I have been doing for the past 18 months, but I still go shopping while on chemo, sit in the sun for more than five minutes, blah blah blah. I do not smoke, never have, never did drugs…
Any Good Hospitals/Doctors in the Los Angeles Area?
Hi there! My mom was just recently diagnosed with having breast cancer. I would like to find out from anyone out there who would like to recommend any hospitals/doctors where you have had a positive experience. We would like to seek a second opinion. I have read positive things about Revlon/UCLA Breast Cancer Center. How…
Questions about smoking & reconstuction
Just a quick question. I was a smoker until I was diagnosed and stopped immediately when the plastic surgeon told me how horrible things would turn out if I didn't ( healing with the tissue expanders, etc.) That was in Nov.2000. For some reason, in the past month or two, I have lit up a few times , nothing in excess. I…
Swimming With a Wig
I like to swim at the Y and I was wondering if any one has any suggestions about swimming with a wig. I am going to go on the chemo AC and I am pretty sure I will lose all of my hair. I am afraid that when I am swimming the force of the water will flip my wig off. I can't wear a swim cap because my head is so small that I…
Hair Loss
Anybody out there NEVER have their hair grow back after chemotherapy treatment? My scalp hair thinned quite a bit on the 4 treatments of Taxotere I had (maybe about a 40% loss), but then it started coming out in clumps about 5 weeks after my last treatment. At about the two month mark, all that had started growing was a…
Thanks to everyone who posted exercise ideas for the tightness in my arm. I'm taking turns trying all of them and my arm is doing much better. It's great to have this support system in place and although I wish we had met under healthier conditions, I feel such love and concern for one another is great therapy. Hope…
Possible return of breast cancer
Several people replied to my message the other day. The people gave me such peace of mind. I had the lump removed on Friday and will find out the results on Monday. Remember, the lump was found on top of the scar from previous breast removal. The doctor said it could be just scar tissue, so I asked if anyone had ever…
Soy Products
Hi, I've been hearing all kinds of mixed information about soy products...someone said you should stay away from them and then I read that it could be helpful in prevent Breast Cancer... Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks, amy
A n urgent plea for information - To reconstruct or not?
I am 49years old, have had a large tumour in my breast and just completing my fourth chemotherapy. In a few weeks I will have a mastectomy. I deeply enjoy yoga and meditation practice and need support to make a good decission about whether to do reconstruction or not. I would appreciate hearing from any women like me who…
port-o-cath pain
I have no idea what a port-o-cath is, but I had a Bardport inserted in my right chest just under my clavicle back in January. I am very tall and skinny and also right-handed. The port rides right on top of my muscles and looks as though it's about ready to pop out. Since my job requires a lot of physical exertion I am in…
possible return of breast cancer
Monday, I noticed a small (about the size of an English pea) hard lump on the right side of my chest. Four years ago I had my right breast removed because of breast cancer. This lump is on the scar. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? If so, was it scar tissue or had the cancer come back? I as having this removed…
good article on tumor markers
http://www.fujirebiodiagnostics.com/patient/breast/breasts.html Thought many of you would find this of interest.
Starting the follow ups
Hello everyone, I am finished with treatment and will start all the follow up visits next week. A mugga to check my heart, and a visit with my radiation oncologist and my cancer oncologist for the tumor marker. I feel very strong and very positive that all is well. To those of you that had lumpectomys, do you get a pulling…
Radiation following mastectomy and chemo?
I'm 44 years old and just completed my 4th and final (Yea!!!) A/C chemo treatment last week. I had a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery in March. Fortunately, my lyph nodes were clear. With the last chemo behind me, I was so ready to start getting back to "normal". However, my oncologist has referred me to a radialogy…
Let's live it up
After undergoing a double mastectomy for breast cancer with lymph node involvement, and surviving AC and Taxol treatments, you can bet that I am "Living it up" to the fullest. Housework and other responsibilities don't always fit into my daily schedule when there are more enjoyable things to do. I'm not sure how many…
Thank you one and all for any thoughts or prayers you have sent my way! One of my nurse was so very sweet to fax me copies of scan results today so I would not have to wait until Tuesday--all three nurses are just angels. She told me they looked good, and "Thank God" they were. I will see the oncologist Tuesday. I know…
What tests are standard after treatment?
I had a lumpectomy, finished chemo, finished radiation. Now what tests should the doctor order to verify that the cancer is gone? Last time I saw my Onc. I asked if I was cancer free. He said he would think yes and that once I finished radiation (6/26) he would order some tests. I read about people having bone scans and…
Chemo or not?
I have a very difficult decision to make. My internist and my oncologist have both told me that chemo is not really needed. (I have a stage 1 with no node involvment.) I am currently receiving radiation. The oncologist said that I have an 80% chance of no recurrance. That also translates into a 1 in 5 chance that the…
What about regular Full Body Cancer Screening instead of more drugs, i.e. tamoxifen, etc
Have any of you talked to you Doctors about this possibility? If we have regular screenings, why do we need more drugs now? It seems that 1 drug requires another drug to offset side effects and on and on.
Heart damage from radiation
I have read a lot in these posts about heart damage and radiation. Can someone elaborate? I am in my fourth week of radiation and all I was told was that the heart would be receiving some of the radiation. Sounds more serious than that from what you all have written. Thanks, Jayne
fibrocystic cyst
could someone help me, I was diagnosis with breast cancer in Feb. Since then i've had a lumpectomy and radiation treatments. Now i'm getting fibrocystic cyst on my other breast. I've had a biopsy done about 3 weeks ago, and it came back beign. But now i'm getting alot more lumps in my breast. So my question is that what I…
chat room
I have been complaining about the slow chat room that is on this site. I have suggested making changes to make it user friendly. If anyone else has some ideas please write and give your comments. They say they are on the process of making changes. Lets all get in on the things we want to see changed on this site so many…
Colouring Hair
We habe been told that it is not wise to put a rinse or any hair dye in your hair untill at least 6 months to a year after treatment. Anyone have any info on this
Questions about ovarian cyst
Last week had my follow up scans after 6 mos. of chemo (bilateral mast. in Dec) and was told they were clear but that they did find a cyst on my right ovary. My onco recommennded a gyno and I visited him yesterday. Turns out this cyst is a "complex mass associated with the right ovary" and is 5cmm in size ( size of a…
Input about tamoxifin
This week as most of you have read about the studies being done. I just started taking tamoxifin last week and don't see my onco. til July 20. How is your thinking on the news about pros and cons on this drug? Sharon
Hot Flashes! Looking for relief!!
Hi, all. Mel here with more questions! Just had my 5th chemo out of 6 on Thursday and when I saw my onco told her about these hot flashes and night sweats I've been experiencing. I am 46 and haven't had a period since my 2nd chemo. Anyway, she perscribed Megestrol 20 mg. daily. I am on my 4th day . Does anyone out there…
paxil for hot flashes
well, it's been a couple of weeks now, and not much change in the hot flashes yet. but i'm told it can take a month to really kick in. meanwhile, i'm not sure if i like the way i'm feeling otherwise. i just feel sort of dull in the brain. and even though there are some really intense feelings right now, both bad and good,…
Effexor for hot flashes
Yes, I have been taking Effexor for about a year now and I am down to a few mild hot flashes a day. I started out at 12.5 mg twice a day for one week; then 25 twice a day for some months. When I told my oncologist that the Effexor was helping but did not completely stop the flashes, he increased the dose to 75 a day, and…
Radiation fatigue, am I alone?
Hi. I'm new to this group and have read some of the nicest messages today. I have had a lumpectomy and 29 of 33 radiation treatments. I am so tired all the time and am wondering how long this will last after the treatments are over. Anyone have any experience or advice? Thanks