I wish you all a safe and happy day with friends and family!!! Hugs to all, Brenda from Georgia
looking for a answer
Hi I'm Maggie, I am not new to this site, just been away for awhile. I am now 32 years old and will be a 2 year breast cancer survivor in Aug. I took chemo, radiation and currently taking tamoxifen. I have been in menopause since Aug. 99 due to the chemo, I just come out of it this week. Now they what to do a biospy of my…
Sorry I haven't been keeping in touch.
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been writing but things have been stressful around here. Money is very tight and I am Anxious about starting the next cycle of chemo. Came through the 4 rounds of TAXOL like a dream. Now on July 16 I will start 4 rounds of FAC. I have heard many horror stories about it. I know they give you…
Has anyone taken Leukine or Neupogen with chemo?
Because of a persistent infection that keeps coming back when my WBC's are down (in the site of the lumpectomy), my doctors are recommending that I take Leukine shots (similar to Neupogen) for 7 days after chemo to boost my immune system. Have any of you done this? Did you experience any side effects? Do you know how much…
hair loss
Is it gradual or does it just suddenly all fall out?
Scans Today!!
Feeling a bit jittery this morning. Checking in at 10:30 for my complete scans (follow-up after chemo). Although the scans were clear before chemo, can't help but be anxious today. Your prayers have helped me so much during the last 7 months...could you please say one more for me today?? Don't know where I would be without…
Does your Dr want you to take progestrone?
I was pre-menopausal when I underwent chemo for breast cancer and I stopped having periods. My Gyn. Dr. has me take Provera 4 times a year. He says if I have any build up of uterine tissue, this will cause me to have a period. He is worried that by not doing this I am at a greater risk for uterine cancer. I do take…
RE;Mom newly diagnosed
2 years ago I had a mastectomy and 4 rounds of A/C. I don't know if I was just lucky, but I did fine. My blood counts did get very low and instead of having a treatment every three weeks I had to go four weeks between. I was never sick (nausea med's really helped, and my biggest problem was being tired. The hair loss is…
Re: Hair loss
My hair started falling out about 2 weeks after my first treatment. The first days it was not great quantities but when my scalp started to ache and tingle, it came out in clumps. I had gotten it cut short in preparation, but even short it was a mess. I went ahead and shaved it. That was 2 years ago and now my hair is…
breast removal
Since I was diganoised in May I have gone thru so many emotions. Had the lump removed along with 8 lymph and they didn't get it all so 2 days ago had the whole breast removed. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. Scary about what is yet to come. Wanted to say thank you all for this site. Just reading all the others…
Has anyone one here refused chemo when it was advised.
Breast Cancer returned in the bones
My mother just started taxol for her third reoccurrence of breast cancer. This time in the bones. Her pain is somewhat bearable but she's sick from the taxol. Any suggestions?
Experience with leukine, an immune system booster
Has anyone heard anything about or had any experience using leukine, which is similar to nupogen in that boosts your WBC during chemo? Because of my low blood count and recurring infection in my breast which had the lumpectomy, my doctors want me on this drug for my 3rd an 4th A/C treatments. I am wondering how others felt…
Breast Cancer returned in the bones
My mother just started taxol for her third reoccurrence of breast cancer. This time in the bones. Her pain is somewhat bearable but she's sick from the taxol. Any suggestions?
Share your favorites
Lola's prayer should inspire each of us to share some inspirational words; poem; bible verse; quotes, etc. I would love to read more. I have saved each card that friends have sent and like to reread those that were most healing to my heart! I'll share one with a Helen Steiner Rice poem (she's good): "I Meet God in the…
regarding her2 and brain mets
Hi ladies, I hope this message finds you all doing well. In regards to the Her/2 gene mets to brain more often than not, I think someone is confused. Breast cancer usually travels to bones, brain, lungs and liver, before going anywhere else as these organs secrete a substance(cannot remember name) that the cancer cells are…
Thank you for the prayer - lolam
I am new to this site and happy to know that there are some out there really praying. I am a recurr, mets to the bone, currently on navelbine and hercept. I would like to hear from the tram flap people who are experiencing any problems, like with muscles tightening up or hernia?
Thanks for all your help and insight
I'd just like to thank everyone that responded to my question about who is considered a survivor. You're help and wisdom has done so much to help me feel, not only like a true survivor, but a part of a remarkable and caring community. I tend to get a little lengthy in my writings and apologize for that, but I really am…
I am obsessing about chemo. Things I've read on the internet are so scary. Like Ralph Moss said that even doctors wouldn't take chemo because it's so toxic. Does anyone know of someone who has died from chemo. How do you face things from day to day. Losing hair, etc. Can you go anywhere or are you too tired. I'm just so…
Thanks for all your prayers
I would like to thank all of you for all the prayers that you are said for my brother.Well here's the latest on him.The doctor said they don't believe its in lymph nodes, his lymph nodes are swollen but don't believe cancer.He had to go back today to doctor,he starts his radiation tomorrow he will hgave 7wks of it.He will…
Thanks for all your prayers
I would like to thank all of you for all the prayers that you are said for my brother.Well here's the latest on him.The doctor said they don't believe its in lymph nodes, his lymph nodes are swollen but don't believe cancer.He had to go back today to doctor,he starts his radiation tomorrow he will hgave 7wks of it.He will…
I'm back!
Hello all of you oldtimers and you newbies. I know, I have been away a long time. But it took that long for me to get better. My depression is well under control, my thyroid is finally at normal levels, my strength is returning and I feel great. There is only one hitch. I found a mass on Sunday last on the chest wall,…
question;Medicare 'care'
Hi to all: Are any of you covered only by Medicare with no supplement insurance? If so, have you ever felt that scans were delayed longer for you than what you read or hear about others on fuller coverage? Why I am asking, is because my aunt who is 77 was diagnosed with bone mets last week. This is her third recurrence so…
Infection during chemo
During the time when my WBC was lowest after my first A/C treatment, I developed an infection and abcess in the breast where I had a lumpectomy. They treated it with an anti-biotic but it didn't go away so they had to incise it, drain it and clean it out (day surgery). It caused my 2nd round of chemo to be postponed a…
Can I consider myself a survivor?
I've never been involved in a discussion group and am not really sure how to do it. My question may seem a little off, but here goes. When a mammogram showed abnormalities and I had a surgical biopsy of both breasts, the report that came back said, "bordering on ductal carcinoma". After a visit with an oncologist, I was…
would you all please describe your chemo experiences. I am 50 it that too old to get chemo and do well while on it. I'm not in real good shape don't exercise or eat right and am kind of frail. Just weight 89 lbs. Could I still do okay on chemo.I don't want to loose more weight, can you eat while on chemo.
Vaginal itching driving me crazy!!! Anyone else?
I just had my second dose of AC and have terrible vaginal itching. Had it a little after the first, but now it is awful. Kept me up most of the night. Anyone else had this? Can anyone offer some ideas for relief. I hate to call the doctor on the weekend for this, but may have to. Got to have some sleep! Thanks
Help with interview!
I need your help please - ASAP. A friend of mine edits for a community news magazine and is wanting to interview me for an upcoming article on the value of the internet for research by the average person. Problem: I can't think of all the ways I have found that are so helpful (chemo brain at work). Please give me your…
Hello Nancy, I'm so sorry to have alarmed you or anyone concerning Her2 and brain cancer. I only asked this question because of reading this from someone else's statement of it. I've seen 3 cases of it in the chemo room in the past year and after reading this from another person on-line I became frightened and wondered if…
chemo (or not)
After unilateral mastecomy and reconstruction I decided to take only Tamoxifen and forego chemo. Anyone else? I had one positve node.