Mastectomy Prep
I was diagnosed in January with BC. I have had 6 months of chemo-4 rounds A/C, 4 rounds Taxol to get better margins before the surgery. I am scheduled for a bi-lateral mastectomy on Friday. Any suggestions that might make recovery go a little smoother would be appreciated.
Praise God!
Went to the doc today and he removed all stitches, tubes and drains! I couldn't believe it since surgery was less than a week ago! Anyway, said that the healing process is excellent and wants to see me in 8 weeks to schedule the nipple-areola reconstruction. For those who read my earlier post, I was concerned about the…
Request for Prayers
I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and have an appointment on Friday with the radiation oncologist and on Monday with the Chemotherapy Oncologist and I ask for prayers and support to ask the right questions and the courage to go through the process.
I cant stand the pain that my daughter is going through. When I shared the stuff my onc said about the chemo, she was so scared. I know she's thinking about not going back to college in Florida (I'm in California). She needs to keep living her life. I'm not giving up and I plan to be here for a long time, but she's afraid.…
Pleural Thickening
I had Stage I, grade 3, node neg. Lump-Chemo-Rad last June. The CT scan showed pleural thickening on the chest wall. This CT scan was before treatment. I went for another CT scan yestday (Wed July 25) and won't find out anything until Monday. Can anyone tell me if you had pleural thickening and what causes it. Theresa
Pain in my side?
I have a faint ache in the rib area of the breast I had cancer in. I had a lumpectomy last November ... 6 months chemo... and just finished radiation on June 26. I feel a little tugging around the incision and the doctor felt that was normal ... but the ache in the ribs just started a couple days ago. Has anyone had this…
Chemo decision
I saw my oncologist today. She said I am a borderline candidate for chemo since my tumor was 1.5 cm. She would support it because of my age, emotional status, and tumor size. She said I would have 4 treatments of Adriamycin and Cytoxan. She went over all the possible side effects, including the heart damage and leukemia…
chain prayer
Heh everybody this is cheryl from tcbangels. I'm sending a little note to you for something i'm trying to do on internet.There is a lot od people on this internet thats suffering from some kind of disease ,i mean a lot i surf the webs at night & see all these diseases not just cancer ,everything, so i came up with this…
Request: Writing a story on the importance of this Web site
Hello-- I am a journalist writing a story about this incredible Web site. If any of its members are willing to talk to me off-list about the significance of this online community to them, please email me at soverby@cxo.com. Thank you.
Due to tiny veins I've been told I have to have a port put in before starting chemo. My surgery for the port insertion is Monday July 30. I'd really welcome any comments on pple who have had this done. Thanks
State of Mind
I finished chemo and radiation in March--I had bilateral implants and am starting to feel better, but this awful overwhelming sadness hits me every once in a while--do you all get this.? I am taking paxil so medication is not the answer. Mostly i am happy and enjouing every day, but sometimes--wow Robin K
My first day of vacation ! Love to you all !
Hi there everyone ! Today is my first day of vacation, and I wanted to share my happiness with all of you. The weather is beautiful here in Switzerland. I went to a jazz parade yesterday night in Fribourg. Our little town was alive with excitement and music , it was incredible ! Fribourg is a quaint town, built partly on a…
Tamoxifen-to Take it or Not to take it?
I had a lumpectomy in May. Small lump-less than 1/2" and the cancer had not spread to the any lymph nodes. I am now down to the last 12 of 33 radiation treatments. My surgeon, the radiation oncologist and medical oncologist have all recommended that I take Tamoxifen after the radiation is over. HOWEVER, I have some serious…
Made it through FAC treatment 1
Well I am finally out of bed and moving again. This experience was horrible! I had the 5-FU and Cytoxin on Monday July 16. Then I had to wear the pump with Adriamyacin until last Thursday. The nausea was bad and the vomiting started After 2 days. I just finished some more steroids to help with it all. I was so weak I could…
24 with breast cancer
I was just diagnosed with breast cancer on April 16,2001 with breast cancer. I'm only 24 years old and would love to talk to someone my age going through the same thing. As of tomorrow, I will finish my Adrimyacin and Cytoxan and then will start weekly taxol and herceptin treatments. I would also love to talk with someone…
Request for Prayer
I am going to see my oncologist on Thursday for information regarding chemotherapy. I would like prayer that I ask the questions I need to and get clear answers so that I can make a decision regarding this. I have appreciated so very much the information that you all have provided. What a true blessing this group has been,…
After care
On june 11 I finished 6 mos of chemo and 5 1/2 weeks of radiation. I am wondering what now. My onc says he doesn't do routine CAT scans to watch for any reoccurence. I was wondering what you all have been told about your followup care. I did have cancer in 17/23 lymphnodes. Anxious to hear from any of you. Thanks SANDY03073
Harmone Therapy with Femara instead of Tamoxifen
Is anyone taking Femara? Its a newly developed drug that replaces Taxmoxifen. I have had embolism before and was put of Femara. Only side effect that occurred was muscle pain after my surgery for permanent implants. Does anyone know more about this drug?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March. Since then I had a masectomy with reconstruction surgery immediately. I made it through chemotherapy now I am dealing with the radiation treatments. I was told after sergery that I had 7 lymphnodes of 9 positive. Most of the woman I talk to that are doing fine did not have any…
Any OK experiences with taxol?
After 2 difficult experiences with A/C (my white blood count went very low and I developed an infection) my doctor is switching me to taxol which she says isn't quite as hard on the blood count. But after reading all the messages here about the side effects of taxol, I'm now dreading this treatment coming up this Fri. Has…
hot flashes
has anyone found any remedies for hot flashes?
port-a-cath pain
I tried once before to send this message but I don't see it in the discussion area. If it's a repeat, I apologize. After six days, I am still having so much pain with my port-a-cath that I want to have it removed? Has anyone else had trouble with it? Has anyone had better luck with a Groshon or some other alternative?…
Breast cancer my own story
Hello out there I'm new to computers but not to breast cancer.I would like to share my story with all of you who wants to read this letter on my cancer.I got cancer 6yrs ago, I had a boil on my right breast that just wouldn't go away ,it just stayed there it would flare up than go back down.I was at work & I felt my Mom…
and the skies are not cloudy all day...
Good news! My MRI and cat scans came out clear! I had worked myself into a frenzy, certain that it had spread to the spine or brain. As it stands the only thing that showed up were the same micronodules (at the exact same size, too) that were on the lungs from my last chest ct scan. Will have another bone scan to make sure…
Breast Cancer
Has any one been the chemo AC for breast cancer
A/C and Hair Loss
Thanks to everyone who replied to my message, "Mom Newly Diagnosed." My mom has pretty much decided on the A/C over the CMF, because she just wants to get the chemo over with, but like many others who have written in, she is very worried about hair loss - I have read many messages about hair loss already, but am wondering…
Recent change to Taxol
For all of you who shared with me your experience with Taxol, I wanted you to know I had my first experience with it last Fri., July 13. I had 2 previous treatments with Adriamycin/Cytoxan and wasn't doing well with it (it was tearing up my GI tract, bringing my blood counts perilously low and making me feel generally…
Went to the gyno for my ultrasound yesterday and absolutely NOTHING showed in my pelvic area that is abnormal. Whatever this "egg sized" thing was that they saw in Jan. and in July is non-existent. They said the uterus is small ( as are the ovaries) and everything looked excellent! He wants to do another in 6 weeks just to…
tightness in arm
I had a modified radical mastectomy with axillary sampling 3 weeks ago. I'm having some trouble with the cord in my arm becoming tighter each day. The surgeon told me to keep it active but the only excersice he gave me was to stand against the wall and keep moving my hand higher. I do Taebo and work to keep using the arm…
child care
I work with women undergoing cancer treatment. I have noticed that lack of child care resources are a real problem. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and what was helpful? What would have been ideal to lessen the stress of caring for young children and going through chemo? Thanks for your input