Eat right and exercise
My mom is dying of metastatic breast cancer. I have a medical book at home and do all of you out there want to know what the number one cause of cancer is? DIET. And can you believe that in the entire chapter of cancer, not one word was written on the subject, other than the pie chart that showed the stats. My mother never…
Tamoxifen and Depression
I've been on tamoxifen for about a month and am starting to feel depressed. I don't know if it's from the cancer, the chemo, the change in my looks, tamoxifen, or all of the above, but I'd sure like to feel better. Do antidepressants help and how long do you need to take them?
Anyone had Latissimus Flap Reconstruction?
Hi, my name is Sharon and I'm scheduled to have latissimus flap reconstruction on Wednesday, August 15. I was wondering if anyone out there has had this procedure and would like to share their experience with me. This procedure uses the muscle and fat from the back. I really would like to talk to someone about…
My doctors are suggesting that I take decadron the night before and the morning before my chemotherapy with Taxol. Are there any side effects. Have others had to take decadron?
feeling down
I finished chemo 3 weeks ago. Will start radiation in one week. Am anxious and I don't know why. Has anyone else experienced this feeling? Also have started arimidex.
It's been awhile
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I have posted a message here. I am doing well, but now my 3 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, cancer of the muscle. She is doing remarkably well. I just wanted to touch base with all of you again. I am now 20 months breast cancer free!!!!!! God Bless all of…
I never heard of this. Should I assume mine was negative because nobody ever mentioned it? I had a 0.6cm, ductal tumor with negative nodes. I had a mastectomy anyway because I was afraid not to. My tumor was estr and prog reactive but no one ever mentioned Her2/neu. My diagnosis was in November 2002?????????
I am in my late 40's (I can say that for a few more months, I'll be 50 this summer) and have been single for over 23 years. While raising my children I wasn't sexually active and had just started dating when I was diagnosed. Now I have this fear that I will never be intimate again and it saddens me. Any one out there…
shoulder pain
does anyone else have shoulder pain and armpit discomfort on the side where the breast and lymphnodes were removed?
I have a question-Has anyone ever had a very bad radiation burn and had their radiation delayed for 3 weeks? I've already had 28 treatments-8 more to go. Does this lessen the effectivenes alot? Thanks for any info.
IN Feb. of 2002, I had a lumpectomy followed by chemo and rads. After the original surgery, I had a nasty staph infection followed by the start of lymphadema. I've had therapy, have a sleeve, etc. and have been doing well despite a lot of edema from rads, but I now have cellulitis next to my lymph node incision - same…
Does anyone on Tamoxifen have a weight gain problem. I'm trying to determine what is causing the gain - ie fluid retention or blocked metabolism - so I can deal with my gain. Thanks for your help!
i feel like i cant talk
help i've gotten such bad mouth sores and it looks as if my tongues is a bluish purple at some spots right after my 3rd chemo, has anyone experienced that or have any comforting suggestions ? Love and hugs to all Mariat.
Under 30 with BC ....
I was wondering if there is anyone out there under the age of 30 at the time of diagnosis? I was 29, barely. I have made friends with some women who were considerably older than me, but it's not easy to find someone to talk to that is as young as me.
Support Group
Thank all of you for your advise. I am passing it all to my daughter. We have been in contact with the ACS and have found many support groups. But from what I can gather they can not keep the younger groups going. It seems the younger people either are too busy or do not need the long term support. Thanks again
tamoxifen and your period :)
Hello I started tamoxifen about a month ago. so far so good. i have not had any side effects. I also am 38 years old and my period stopped during chemo - I have not had one since October - which was just fine with me. UNTIL Monday, I started spotting and having cramps - the usual menstrual kind. Then the past 2 days have…
Tissue Expansion after Radiation
I'm trying to find anyone out there who has had a tissue expander placed in a breast that has been radiated. I had a right mastectomy in 1998, with chemo and radiation following. I am now (5/03) going ahead with reconstruction. I had a prophylactic (sp?) mastectomy on the left and had tissue expanders placed in both…
Support group
Looking for a support group for 30 year old daughter with breast cancer
Not everything is cancer!
Hello everybody...just dropping in to update you on my health...I am great!! 16 months now since initial diagnosis of lobular breast cancer with lymph node involvement. Hae survived two surgeries, chemo and radiation, and have been fighting fit again since about September 2001. A pap test showed some abnormal cells but…
One down, seven to go
Well, I survived my first chemo session. The week was pretty bad with fatigue (and that's not a strong enough word) and nausea. I have almost completely lost my apetite but try to make myself eat something just to keep from dry heaves. Hoping my second session will be better, if not, I will do it anyway. It is worth the…
how long until hair grows back
Hi just wondering if anyone could tell me once iam done with Chemo how long before my hair starts growing back.And also someone said that taking pre Natal vitamines help it grow back faster has any one else expreiced this?any help would be appreciated.
remission ? If we are in remission does this mean that we are still cancerous?
I have been told that I am in remission, but my daughter says that I am still terminal, with breast cancer that moved to the bone. Yet if I am in remission does that mean that my cancer is asleep and not causing problems?
hot spots
My surgeon's nurses keep telling me it's nothing, but I read my post -op reports. I read, "hot spots with low counts in the underarm area." I keep worrying about it, but feel a little bit like a hypochondriac. I had a double mastectomy and going through 4 doses of A/C. Any opinions or advice??Thanks.
genetic testing- especially moms!
My mother has metastatic breast cancer- she has been fighting the recurrence now for almost a year and a half. I had genetic testing done because I wanted my breasts "cut off", so they made me see a counselor. My mom's mom also had breast cancer but she's 87 and fine. My mom was first tested for the gene mutation and she…
Why Refrain
3 months after my last radiation treatment my dear mother died of recurrent breast cancer. Since then even though I was given an excellent prognosis, I over eat and over drink thinking why deprive myself , this thing could come back any time. My mother had been cancer free for 12 yrs. and all of a sudden hers came back.…
considering chemo please help!
Hi, I need help, I feel so alone in this decition making. I'm 32 , 20 days ago I had mastectomy, DCIS, .6 cm. tumor, no Lymph node, estrogen and progesteron negative. Doctor said that chemo is given for tumor 1 cm or <, but that I should consider chemo. To be honest I'm terrified I don't know anyone with a similar…
coming off tamoxifen
can anybody tell me if they have recently been taken off taxoxifen and if they experienced any side effects. I was on tamoxifen for 5 years and have just come off it. Since coming off the drug I have experienced a consistent very bloated stomach (which his brick hard!) and have put on 8 lbs in weight. My diet has not…
Help with Decisions Diagnosed
I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer - invasive ductal - size 1.5 cm with clean tissue margins and with negative node involvement. My estrogen and progesterone receptors are both postive and my HER2/NEU is positive (3+). I have an appointment next week with an onocolgist to discuss treatment options. Several people…
Life after breast cancer...
I just found this site through a friend who lost his wife to breast cancer. I am a breast cancer survivor. But, not having had others to talk to during my treatments who have experienced this, I wonder how others recovered from the chemo part of their treatment. My last treatment was late August and I'm JUST NOW feeling…
Post Op Pain & Bras
Hi ladies, I had bi-lateral mastectomy on April 16th and had tissue expanders put in at that time. Can anyone who went through this comment on how long it takes for the pain to get better. My plastic surgeon doesn't want me to take any more pain medicine so I have been using just Extra Strength Tylenol and Vicodin only at…