Hormone Therapy: Megace
Hi, I am in a dilemma about my next step in treatment and hope you can share some advice. I just completed 5 rounds of Taxol & Carboplatin. I am in remission. My oncologist recommended a maintenance dose of either Taxol or Carboplatin alone for 3 treatments based on the ovarian cancer study showing it prolonged remission.…
PICC line or vein for chemo?
Hello. I'm asking for my 58yo mother who relies heavily on my advice and I'm not sure what to say. She was diagnosed with Stage 2 BC -- about 1.6cm tumor and .2mm in one lymph node and her invasive ductal cancer was considered extremely aggressive. She had a lumpectomy and is scheduled to finish her fourth and last round…
post-chemo arthritis
I finished my chemo in May of last year and my radiation in July. I started Tamoxifen right after. I have bone & joint pain that seems to coincide with my menstrual cycle. Well, actually its a phantom cycle because I haven't had a period in over a year but I get all the physical symptoms every 30 days! But the joint pain…
Dealing with Taxotere
I am having severe reactions to taxotere and my doctor gave me the choice of taking or not taking it. What can I use for the pain? I do not want codeine. debko8
navelbine and hair
So what about the UNCOMMON side effect of a little hair loss - MAYBE more - this is after my 5th treatment - and hair is falling at the rate of AC. If you think I'm happy this a.m., think again. All my stoicism is gone this morning - the straw that broke the camel's back - sniff!sniff! Anyone else is this atypical category…
more on expanders/breast reconstruction
The expander was placed under the muscle and that muscle really pushed out to acommodate the expander. I was quite sore for a week but after that I could have gone to work (I'm retired). Iwent to the plastic surgetion every 3 weeks to have saline injected in order to stretch the skin. She did not overfill..so it was never…
liver & bone mets
I have breast cancer with mets to liver & bone. Mets diagnosed in Aug. Had radio ablation, and am on Lupron, sodium phenyl buterate and xeloda. Am 41 and looking for anyone else who has done well:) Have had breast cancer for 5 years, and am starting to have a lot of pain from mets.
Tamoxifen or Evista
Has anyone chosen to stop Tamoxifen and take Evista? I have decided after much research and talking to my GP to go this route. I need to rebuild my bones and am afraid of endometrial cancer. Evista has in studies proven very effective in preventing breast cancer. I have taken Tamoxifen for thirteen months following…
tamoxifin querrie
Hi there I have just had my last chemo today. horay!!! The onc has said that if the chemo has not put me through early meno then I may have to consider having my overies out to stop the eostrogen levels ?? or go an injection 1 a month for the next 2 years as well as tamox. Then she said she would have to do a bone density…
This is my first time here and I hope I can find out some information. Yesterday I went to the doctor and they told me that they found lumps under my bra line and one in my stomach. The lady said not to worry yet and to come back in 2 weeks for a further check-up. I am 32 years old and I have three children. I am kinda…
pain during chemo
I have finished my fifth out of six chemo treatments, and I have experienced terrible back pain the entire time. After two trips to the emergency room, my oncologist finally referred me to a pain clinic, and I have been taking pain medication (Vicuprofen) daily for the past six weeks or so. I'm not worried about the…
Breast MRI
I recently had an experience with a breast MRI that I thought I'd share in the hopes of helping someone else avoid the same problem. I was having an MRI rather than a mammogram on my affected side because last years mammogram set off problems with cellulitis and vasculitis because of the rad damage. Anyway, I went for the…
In ten years...
Maybe Hummingbyrd is right. But I saw the piece on the news about two weeks ago. The medical chief of (I believe I remember this correctly) NCI was interviewed. He has had more than one kind of cancer himself. He said that in ten years, humans might still get cancer, but that they would not suffer and die of it. This was…
hi everyone i have a question( a stupid one?) since my hair have started growing (past couple months) i have red blotches/hives/pimples around my forehead down to the side of my face and around my nose me being olive skinned it looks awful and not even makeup can hide it also they are very itchy and if i scratch them they…
fund raising-for cancer patient
I am a breast cancer patient and in desperate need of funds. I am afraid I may lose my house and car. When the cancer came back for the second time four months ago I was a student and was not working. Please, if anyone has any sugestions on fund raising...Thanks.
chemo pills
My dentist's niece has brain cancer , and she is getting chemo in pill form. It would be nice if all chemo was in pill form...can we expect all chemo can be given in pill-form in the immediate future? Sue
starting tamoxifen-what should I expect
Hello All, I will be starting tamoxifen tomorrow. I'm 46 and currently in the "peri-menopausal" stage. However, after talking to my oncol. this morning, he said he would like to give me "injections" maybe every 3 months or so, which will make me "post menopausal". I have done a lot of reading on tamoxifen and it's…
DIEP Reconstuction
Hi, Any recomendations on who does this kind of reconstruction here in Texas or LA
Metastasis to liver
What are the symptoms of liver metastasis? I have had an intermittent pain under my rib cage on my right for about a month. Its the kind of pain that if you hadn't had cancer, you'd ignore. I keep feeling like a hypochonriac. 6 weeks ago the doctor said my tumor marker was somewhat high. It hasn't gotten higher, so she's…
Please, can any one help!
This is my first time on this site and I am hoping someone out there can help me. I have been fighting metastasized breast cancer for 1 1/2 years. I had a lumpectomy, 4 rounds of AC, then radiation. One year later they found two new lumps in my breast, two under my arm, and four in my lung. Since that time I have had 15…
i have breast cancer that has metastasized into my liver, and just wanted to know if there is anyone else out there with the same thing. i was not "supposed" to survive even 3 months into my treatments, and am now in my 7th month, and am 75% in remission.
say some prayers,please
I just found out this week that a friend of mine has had a recurrence of her breast cancer. She was diagnosed about 2 yrs before me and is really the first person I knew personally to be diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a very informed lady and in addition to standard therapy also did some alternative treatments. She…
Custom Breast Prosthesis
I have been informed that there is a company (Radiant Impressions) that makes custom breast prosthesis. They are quite expensive. I was wondering if anyone has one and can say if they are worth the money. Thanks !
Trying to help a friend with cancer
My book club is interested in doing something for women undergoing radiation and chemo in our community. When I told them I was making a gift for my best friend Christine, who is being treated for ovarian cancer, they decided we would bring gifts for all the women that day or week so they knew there were others, even…
one breast gone
I am having trouble finding a breast prostethis to fit in my bra that matches my real breast. I am almost 50 and overweight my breast is saggy...all the prostethis or foam inserts make my fake breast look perky and up three inches higher then the other. Have any of you made one before? I know new boobs used water balloons…
distant recurrence
Wife's bone scan indicated cancer has returned. Because of a heart condition treatment is limited. Diagnosed as inoperable and noncurable. Has anyone traveled to Anderson clinic in Houston for consultation and possible treatment
Reoccurence fear/freeze
I am over due now for my mammogram and visit w/Oncologist. Am a 6 year (YEAH) surivor. Just went through prostate cancer with my 42 year old husband and am dealing w/his concerns and fears. Seems to have brought back some bad memories. As a result, I seem to be literally frozen with fear and am not acting to call my…
Take Action...Protect Choice
Hi Ladies: Here's a link for those interested, where you may take positive action in helping to defeat SB722 (Senate Bill), proposed legislation which, if passed, will greatly reduce our choices in and access to, supplements. This Bill threatens to place severe restricitons upon the supplement industry, across the board,…
What exercise do you do?
According to everything I am reading, I guess it is a good idea to keep up with some exercise routine. Since I have diabetes and high cholesterol as well as breast cancer, there are a lot of reasons for me to keep exercising. I dropped out of my step aerobics class after diagnosis because it was too high impact. Now I am…
I cannot have reconstruction unless I do the cutting of my back muscle. I am trying to find other options to avoid this and still have the reconstruction. Is this at all possible. THe surgeon says I do not have enough fat on my body?????