should I insist upon biopsy?
My mother, grandmother & 3 aunts all had breast cancer. during my anual exam the doc had discovered a lump in my left breast. I had noticed it about a month before but wasn't too concerned because I have fibercyctic disease..plus I knew I was going to doc soon anyway. so the doc said I should have a diagnostic mamogram..&…
coming to the end of chemo!
Hi all im new to the site but i was diagnosed with IDC in August 03, i am 31 years old and underwent a mastectomy due to multi focal disease, i have done 4 x FEC and im coming up to my last Taxotere treatment, its been a hard long haul journey and i still have 3 weeks of rads to go as i had a couple of positive nodes, i…
chemo before surgery
I was diagnosed on Friday with stage2 maybe stage3 (wont know till surgery) and onocologist wants to do two rounds of chemo before mastectomy. Has anyone else heard of this or done it? All replies would be appreciated.
Re: Femara
I have been taking Femara for about 3 months and have been experiencing terrible back and bone pain.Is anyone on this drug, and what side effects have you experienced. Marti
Anyone on Aredia?
I'm a 24 year survivor. But I did have a reoccurance of my breast cancer to the bone about 5 years ago; and at that point I started taking "Aredia" once a month to prevent the bone destruction caused by cancer. My very first dose gave me flue-like symtoms, and bone pain, but after that I was fine. I've been on it for over…
metastic breast cancer
Recently dxed with metastic spread to bone & lungs. Would like to chat with someone with same involvement.
my mother also is diabetic and on insulin will the chemo/radiation cause any problems with the diabetes?
Recently Diagnosed with Shingles
Good Morning Group: I have a question - I finished my chemo treaments in July of last year followed by radiation. Just last week I started to notice a little burning and tingling on my left side - a few days later I saw a few little bumps. I had a check-up oncologist appointment and had him to look at it - He said I had…
Anybody On Xeloda?
Sorry to repeat myself, but I'm still wondering if anyone has been on xeloda? I thought my ? may have gotten lost in the shuffle, so decided to ask again. Hoping for info, God bless. hummb
Anyone using Xeloda for treatment? Rash too!
I am also batteling IBC. I was diagnosed in June 2001. I'm 54. I began four rounds of chemotherapy June 13,01; Two drugs administered. Adriamycin (aka: Doxorubicin Red) and Cytoxan (clear) Every 21 days.I had a modified radical mastectomy on the right side. I began a second round of chemotherapy the drug Taxol was…
Chemotherapy itching
Good day! Can someone please share their remedy or provide some insight with me for elevating that uncontrollable itching that occurs in my hands and feet as a result of the chemotherapy? Have a wonderful day!
Grad student/breast cancer survivor needing suggestions
Hi all. I'm 50 years old and a graduate student in Medical Psychology. A second career after nearly 20 years of teaching 5th graders in Michigan. Breast cancer has changed my life in a lot of ways. I was diagnosed nearly 14 years ago...July of 1990...just before my 37th birthday. I was sure that I was going to die before I…
I'm numb,on my way to see surgeon
I just finished my last chemo treatment January 9th,last Friday I found a pea size lump under my arm, the same side my mastectomy was on.I went to see my onocologist this morning for my check up in hopes she would tell me it was nothing.Instead she wants me to go back to my surgeon for him to see. I'm feeling kind of numb…
trying to get into chat room
I have been trying all eveing to get into chat room and it wont let me.can anyone help?
Please talk to me.
The reason I am here is because I went to the Metastic cancer page, which is hardly existent and followed "Tiger" here. My grandmother, a fighter, had thyroid cancer when she was 25 and was told she would live 6 months. 30 years later she had primary breast cancer AND a primary lung cancer at the same time in 1987. Nothing…
I'm Scared and desparate for answers. My Mom has Breast Cancer.
I don't know what to do, who to talk to, or what to expect. We found out on New Year's Eve day that my Mom has breast cancer. They removed two tumors that showed up on the mammogram and while in there they found another that didn't show up. The results came back that the 3rd tumor is also cancer. She went back to the…
Great way to take jello!!!
I looked up gummie bear recipe on the net. Wow this would be an easy way to get the package a day jello. It called for one "sugar free" flavored jello and 6 plain geletin mixed with 1/2 cup cold water. This glob is then heated and poured into molds to be put in the freezer for 10 minutes. I thought this was a great idea…
Any News on Congressional Bill?
Hummingbyrd, Have you heard any news about the progress of the new bill on alternative treatment studies? I hope you are okay and your brother is doing fine, too! Maggs
just started chemo this week - how do you get through it
I feel so sick I don't even want to get out of bed. I have talked to people who say they did chemo for a full year. I only have 4 months and don't know how i will be able to continue. Can't eat anything. Every smell makes me sick - even soap. Somach is cramping - constipation - diareahea - nauseau. The pain from surgery…
getting my results
tomorrow morning i have an appoitment with my oncologist , that is when i will be getting the results for the bobne scan and the cat scan i had done on the 16 of february if everthing is ok than she will order for my port to come off. I am so scared that the results wont be good (mind racing??) please pray for me that all…
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Do you think it's ok to have a glass of wine once in awhile if your tumor was Estrogen Receptive positive?
Had a left mastectomy & reconstructive surgery(free tram flap) on 10/7/03. No lymph nodes involved. 0.3 millileters in size(area removed)ER and PR negative with Her-2 overexpression of 3+. 11/7/03 I started chemotherapy. 6 treatments of Adriamycin, Cytoxan, Taxotere. Had so much tighness and pain at surgery sites that I…
Any opinions?
Hi. I'm a 1.5 yr survivor. I had a CT w/contrast done the other day because of some problems I've been having with pains and aches. The area where the pains and aches occur looked ok but they did find a 2.9 cm cyst on my left ovary. I had a partial hysterectomy 12 yrs ago and only have the tubes and ovaries now. The doc…
more info
My oncologist did not recommend tomoxiphen because my cancer was er & pr negative. I was wondering if anyone was taking any meds after chemo. AAt this time nothing else has been recommended. I had negative nodes.
First Week
Hello again, my daughter completed her first chemo last Friday. Sunday was horrible, Monday not much better, Tuesday she was given an IV and nausea medication was changed. Every time I spoke with her she would say she was OK. I knew in my heart she was not ok. This was confirmed by phone calls from her friends. By…
Thank you everyone
Can't thank everyone enough for your thoughts and insight. Having been there you people know or seem to have the Best answers. By Saturday, my daughter was feeling much better. I even made a call to her Dr and spoke to one of her nurses. They were not aware of how poorly my daughter was feeling. I told you she keeps…
DNA Treatment Research?
My best friend has been examined,biopsied,and diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer all in the space of just 4 days. Two days from now she will meet with her doctor about beginning both chemo AND radiation therapy IMMEDIATELY. They said she must undergo treatment even before surgery is…
Experiencing chemo induced menopausal symptoms and heavy bleeding.
I'm 36 y.o., was diagnosed in Oct '99 and finished treatments in July of 2000 (had lumpectomy, chemo and radiation). Over the last several years, have had somewhat irregular periods and in the last 8 months have had many 3 week periods along with heavy bleeding. Recently had a uterine biopsy which came back negative for…
post breast cancer
I finished the chemo and radiation 4 months ago. I am now facing terrible depression and some anxiety. Can anyone relate to this? Why do you think this is happenning and how did you cope?
1 Year Ago Today!
1 Year Ago today I heard the words, It's Cancer. I was scarred to death, all I wanted to know is if I had to do Chemo or not. I never thought I was the kind of person who would be able to go through with Chemotherapy. but guess what ? Not only did I get through the Chemo and Radiation, but I never even needed to take a day…