DIEP and/or GAP reconstruction
I am thinking about one of these reconstructions...anyone ever had this done? Also, it's not done very many places and was developed by 2 drs in New Orleans. Anyone had it done specifically by them? Thanks. CD
Health Insurance
Hello: I'm new to this, so excuse me, if I sound dumb. I'm a breast cancer survivor of 3 years. I haven't had a check-up in about a year, because I haven't been able to afford the insurance, or mammograms, etc., and I'm above the income level for State Aid. I live in SF and although I've tried to get health insurance they…
Waiting, worried & confused
I just want to thank everyone so much for making me breathe a little easier on my mom's condition. All your information you gave me did shed more light on things. She informed me that the test "Her 2 new" just showed positive. Can anyone help me with that. Thanks again, and my prayers and thoughts are with all of you. Etta
Joint Pain after Chemo is finished
Had a bilateral mastectomy in sept, 03., with reconstruction.(still have expanders :( I had my last round on chemo in Jan. I was given A/C plus taxol, together. Not fun but thank the Lord i'm now finished. However; i am still having pain in my joints, especially in my hip. i did have some joint pain during my treatment but…
The wig is gone.....
Today is the first day I've gone out without my wig. I used to have long hair but that was a different me. I remind myself that my "new" hair is the beginning of a new me. And like you all told me, it did come back very different. It's wavy and really fine. I want to thank you all for your help and support. You helped pull…
estrogen negative
My tumor was estrogen negative. Do I need to worry about anything? According to my doctors there is nothing for me to take. Thanks
breastfeeding with Paget's
Hi! I'm looking for someone in a similar situation. I am a young mom with 2 small children, one who is still nursing. I was diagnosed with Paget's Disease in Feb. and also had a mastectomy with reconstruction on the right side. I am having a hard time finding people in my situation. I don't know at this point what my…
preventive hysterectomy
I am in my 50's and just had my cancer recur. It is estrogen receptive. I'm taking a hormone suppressant drug and oral chemo. I've asked repeately if a hysterectomy would be helpful; however, since I've been in a chemo-induce menopause since 2000 I've been told no. Has anyone received advice to the contrary at this age?…
Breast Cancer to the lungs
Hi there, I am new to this and am looking for someone in a similar situation - BC that has metastatized to the lungs. I am on Taxol and Bevacizamub (Avastin) after being on Femara. Just want to link up with some people,compare stories, get some hope.
Just wondering how things are coming along in your world.... Stay in touch, yes? Marty
I just celebrated my new birthday, March 3. This year was 11 years, cancer free. I remember the wind being sucked out of my body the day I was told I had breast cancer. I had a 12 year old daughter still to raise and I worried if I would be around to see her graduate from high school. I worried that she would be forced to…
Hair Regrowth
I finished 5 cycles of chemo on 6/18, had a lumpectomy and axillary dissection on 7/17 and should begin radiation around labor day. I was a Stage III, and luckily had incredible results. No residual tumor found and all 14 lymph nodes sampled negative. While it seems a trivial concern at this point, I was wondering how long…
Tough decision
I was diagnosed in February 2004 with invasive lobular carcinoma. I've since had a lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy. The last surgery was 3 weeks ago. The tumor was Stage I, low grade, the margins were clear, and the lymph nodes are negative. The cancer is ER positive. I have seen 2 oncologists regarding treatment and…
Hair loss - what to wear?
My friend is struggling with the loss of her hair and finding hats has been awful. I shaved my head with her six weeks ago but I have already gotten enough growth back to be OK. Any suggestions what is the most comfortable, is style important? She really isn't in the mood to go looking herself.I wore a fleece cap when it…
finger nails & toenails
I am done with my treatments: chemo on Dec. 10th and radiation on Feb. 29th. How long does it take for your nails to go back to normal looking. Mine are three colors and thick. Very ugly!! ANy suggestions on how to take care of them??? Thanks
Clean up for silicone leak/rupture?
Has anyone had to have clean up done for a silicone implant leak/rupture? What was done -- any surgery? Was anything prescribed -- medicine or vitamins? Did you know you had a leak/rupture or was it found by a test or dr?
Symmetrical Breast Lift/Reduction
Good Day All - I'm due to go in this month to have my symmetrical (non-impacted) breast lifted and reduced to match the reconstructed breast. My plastic surgeon will have to reposition my nipple, so the resulting scar should resemble an anchor in shape. Would appreciate some feedback from any of you who have undergone this…
Well -- it has been 3 years since I accessed this board. Last week I found I have a local met in my chest wall. Fortunately, it was a blessing in that they found it at an extremely early stage -- it won't even show up on a scan yet. They plan on more radiation and combining it with an oral chemo call xeloda. Any one with…
Hard to work with
I have really had a rough week and need to get some things off my chest. I am 6 months post chemo (ACT) after a mastectomy. My cancer was ER and PR negative. I thought I was doing so well - hiding all my fears about the cancer reoccurring and dealing with my own mortality and going about living. Well, boy was I ever wrong!…
facial pain
Do any of you ladies have facial pain that you didn't have before chemo, now? *I had sinus pain and "brain freeze" pain while going through chemo and I thought it would lesson and it did but now I have jaw pain like the nerves are inflamed. I went to the dentist for X-rays and they couldn't see an abcess, but my jaw is…
Re: New to this site, Need a friend
Hi Venetia, Am so glad you found this site. I had mastectomy a year ago for stage II breast cancer. You are so wise in seeking support from others who have "been there, done that". Psychologists and the medical community know that there is no substitute for that kind of support. I hope you can come often to this discussion…
Family thinks I'm cured
Now that I'm finished with Chemo and Radiation, my family thinks I should be cured, and back to normal. But actually, I am more tired than before, I don't want to complain, but, I'm not back to normal, and they don't understand.
Return of Breast Cancer
After almost 5 years, cancer has returned. A cancerous node was found in my lower right neck under the clavical area on the opposite side of the original beast cancer. I do not know what the primary source is yet. I am in the middle of tests and waiting for my oncologist the let me know the results and where we go from…
methylglyoxal is a chemical that has potent anti cancer activities, but hasnt been researched in human trials in the US, although the below study done in india suggests it is effective http://www.iacs.res.in/cancer.html
Just had the bilateral mastectomy
On February 26th. There really wasn't as much pain as I thought there would be. If I move my arms the wrong way or too far, I do get a "ripping" sensation in the back of my arms. But its getting better. I guess my comment is that I wasn't prepared for the body I'm left with. My chest seems so concave. Does it really get…
What does K1-67 really mean?
I've gone through all the sugeries, chemo and all of the stuff that we all have had to endure to remain in this world. There is one "nagging" question that stays at the back of my mind. My onc. didn't give me a clear answer and I need to know. What exactly is "K1-67"? I know that it is graded as favorable, borderdline and…
One tumor worst; another better
Hello everyone, Just found out that I have two more bone mets on my spine. I had two spots show up on a bone scan (one on the back of my skull and the other on a vertabrae). The one on my skull (whatever it was) was not a tumor according to the CT. But the spot on my spine was actually two spots according to the MRI. But…
daily diet
I am trying to get a daily menu together and I find it hard to get 5 to 7 small meals together for each day. Any suggestions? Hungry boogirl!!
Hi. I've been reading about Her2, etc. etc. and thought I'd ask what it all means. My cancer was invasive ductal carcinoma, very small 9mm, with DCIS. I had a lumpectomy and a resection for cleaner margins with 6 weeks of radiation, no node involvement. Pathology was Grade III, ER+, HER2neu negative with chemocronidosis…