Depression & anxiety
My dear friend is undergoing chemo and is experiencing depression which required treatment in a mental hospital. How can I help her?
Difficult Recovery from Tram Flap
I am just wondering if any of you who have had an immediate tram flap reconstruction has had any problems? I had a double mastectomy on 2-4 with immed. tram flap and the left breast has softened and looks fairly good. However, the right breast that had the cancer and from which the nodes were taken, is still swollen, hard…
Hi, everyone I have 2 more chemo treatments to go and I am counting the days. I will probably start readiation sometime in June. I am still working full time and plan to do so through treatment. I am a little concerned about my energy level while taking radiation and working. Is the exhaustion such that I will have a hard…
Would like to chat
Hello All, If there is anyone out there with mets to lungs and liver I sure could benefit hearing from you. If your interested in chatting please email me. I just want to learn more about your treatment options, etc. thanks ljamn95@gra.midco.net Hope to hear from you Judie
Wow, thankyou to everyone for replying to my message about financial help. I called my mom first thing yesterday morning and she was able to go to the Cancer Society in Amherst and get a wig and a hat for free, same day! My mom is located near Buffalo, NY. I am in the Navy stationed in Maine, so it's been hard to feel like…
Immediate breast cancer reconstruction
help, I am looking for a surgeon who devotes a significant portion of his or her practice to immediate reconstruction practicing in Palm Beach County Florida. Thanks, MSL
bladder infections
Since August of last year I have had a UTI every month except one. Always different organism. I have had a cysto and all checked out. I finished treatment one yr ago. My white count has stayed low all this time but this is the only type of infection I have had. I even started taking vinegar tablets (that was the time I…
new cancer just found
Hi I'm new to the discussion area. Had lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy and 7 weeks radiation for a small invasive area with dcis in 2001. All clear until the 6 month mammo last month showed an "abnormal area".. Given the choice of wait and do more films in 3 months or go for stereotactic biopsy I opted for the latter.…
When do you consider yourself a survivor?
I would love to know when or how you found yourself with the identity of a "survivor" - instead of a victim. My mom never got a chance to move into that category, since her b.c. had already metasticised to her brain when she was diagnosed. To our family, she was a survivor until the day she died, but I don't think she saw…
Waiting, worried & confused
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago & it's taking so long for the results, but tuesday she was told it is an agressive cancer and it is all in her lymph nodes her 1 doctor told her she will have to start kemo then have surgery then end with radiation, but my question is is there any one out there that can…
I was treated for breast cancer last year and soon after my treatments I started having pain in my groin area and in my knee. I have had x-rays, bone scans and a MRI still no answer to the pain. It is not a bad pain and it does not happen everyday. I am determined to find out what is causing the pain. I will see my…
Immeasurable gratitude
Don't you hate how Thankyou seems so insufficient sometimes? I want to thank everyone of you who responded to my question about when one becomes a survivor. Even with the variety of your experiences, there seems to be a solid choice each one of you made to live. That makes a difference, obviously! To thank you all, I am…
Just Two Quick Questions
Has anyone heard of Chemo-Brain? My family started kidding me that I had Chemo-brain because after all my treatments I could not remember things like I used to. I then found this term somewhere in my cancer reading material with the same meaning. Of course I have always forgotten to ask one of my doctors, LOL. I'd also…
dumb question
I had a double mastectomy about 6 months ago. I never remember to ask my drs. when I am there. Is there some sort of x-ray/mammogram that I need to have done? I read that cancer can come back at the incision sight or on the chest wall. Since my cancer was found by a yearly mammogram I feel like I will be left out if I…
onchologist's exams
What should we expect from an onchologist when treatment is over and we go for our 6 month check-ups? Just to talk and have the onchologist order tests or are they supposed to examine the chest area? Last time I went, he looked but didn't touch...just ordered bloodwork and x-rays because it's been a year , since my…
Nerve damage from Radiation
Hello All, I am new to these boards and I have a question for anyone who had radiation for breast Cancer. I was diagnosed in Dec, 1999 and had a lumpectomy with Node removal, 4 rounds of A/C and 42 radiation treatments. All was well until about 6 months or so ago. I started having "cramp" like pains on my cancer breast.…
I just finished with my treatments of chemo and radiation. I was told that I could have my port removed now or wait for a period of time. I am curious as to what others have done - remove it right away or after a year or so...just in case.
Financial Help
I know this is going to sound crazy, but I figured this is a place to start. My mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has had 4 surgeries in 10 wks and will start chemo soon followed by radiation. She is already on 50% disability and will recieve that for a couple more months. I'm just wondering if anyone knows…
problems with expanders/beginning of reconstruction
I had to have my expanders removed due to infection. The plastic surgeon didn't know if my body was rejecting them or if a bacterial infection occurred. I only had them in for about 3 weeks. I was in so much pain. Antibiotics didn't help. Now I am uncertain whether to attempt reconstruction again or not. It is really a…
Just saying hello
I just wanted to reach out to the community as I am recovering from a double mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction on 2-4. I have such dark desperate hours and I really do not know how to handle them. My spouse works 2nd shift so I am alone some nights, my daughters do take turns hanging out with me in the evenings.…
Decisions, decisions...
Recently I had a lumpectomy showing positive margines, but my 'nodes are clean. The team of doctors has left the decision to me as to whether to have another lumpectomy, and MAYBE get the rest of the cancer ("50/50 chance of getting it all"), followed by radiation, or to have a mastectomy. I am curious as to what other…
Breast cancer book
My wife, Lizzie, and I have battled through the terrors of a terminal breast cancer diagnosis. That was nine years ago. In Lizzie's case, her chemo treatments (adriamycin) also led to end-stage heart failure - another death sentence - just nine months after her chemo protocols started. But my dear Lizzie (and I) were very…
Best Forum for IBC Patients
One of the first messages on this list is about the website www.ibcresearch.org This is the site of the IBC Research Foundation. ibcRF is devoted to finding the cause of IBC and spreading the word about IBC so that it is quickly and properly diagnosed. All ibc patients and caregivers are invited to join the discussion list…
Great News from Maryland
Governor Robert Ehrlich and the Dept. of Individuals with Disabilities, in conjunction with the MD State Dept. of Education, is enabling me to keep my teacher certification by offering me some options after eight years of tutoring! I wrote LOTS of letters over the past two years about this issue, and his office has…
waiting for test results
trying to wait without trying to guess what results will be is very difficult. I know I have some spread to lymph node, ct scan showed no spread to organs, still waiting for results of bone scan. I am trying to take it a day at a time and manage pretty well through the day but find myself awake during the night trying to…
getting ready to start reconstructive sugrery
Hi iam getting ready to start reconsturction in may i i forgot to ask the doc or if he said i dont rember from beging to end how long does it take for this.iam doing the saline implants.If anyone could help me out i would appreciate it.Bunnie
one year
It's hard to believe but I finished treatment one yr ago this week. Spring is here and so today I decided to go buy a pear tree to celebrate. I never had a fruit tree so I figured it was high time. I was told it takes several years to bare fruit but when it does I plan to still be here to see it and enjoy it. My friends…
CA indicators
What is herp positive? My friend was told her bc was that, but I don't know what it means. She is stage 2 and just newly diagnosed. (I am a survivor of 3 years...) I didn't have the herp thing..only the positive estrogen receptors. Thanks Hugs, Jayne
Aromasin (exemestane)
hello all, has anyone heard about this new treatment medicine. it has been available in canada since Aug. 2000. It is supposed to be an alternative to taxmoxifen
Special bra's?
I had breast cancer ten years ago. I lost half a breast and a large portion of my underarm. I had chemo and radiation. I was left with residual pain in my arm, breast and rib cage. Having younger children at the time I refused the pain meds because I was afraid of something happening and me not being able to be in control.…