What does K1-67 really mean?

AngelBaby Member Posts: 47
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've gone through all the sugeries, chemo and all of the stuff that we all have had to endure to remain in this world. There is one "nagging" question that stays at the back of my mind. My onc. didn't give me a clear answer and I need to know. What exactly is "K1-67"? I know that it is graded as favorable, borderdline and unfavorable. Mine is 30% which is unfavorable..but unfavorable for what? Just what does that mean? Please help me answer this question. Karen


  • spring04
    spring04 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Karen,
    I hope someone can answer your question, I have never even heard of K1-67. Is this stated in your pathology? I am curious now what this means and should I look into it on my pathology??
    I hope someone can answer your question.
  • AngelBaby
    AngelBaby Member Posts: 47
    spring04 said:

    Hi Karen,
    I hope someone can answer your question, I have never even heard of K1-67. Is this stated in your pathology? I am curious now what this means and should I look into it on my pathology??
    I hope someone can answer your question.

    Yes it was listed on my pathology report...
  • tlmac
    tlmac Member Posts: 272 Member
    I'm no doctor, but if I understand it correctly, KI-67 is an antibody (the body's natural defense against disease) and there seems to be a correlation between the presence of high and low levels of KI-67 and the potential to develop cancer. It's called a proliferation marker, much like Her2Neu, BRCA1 and BRCA2. Researchers are always looking for indicators that they can use to predict our chances of developing cancer or of developing a reoccurance. This helps them customize the most appropriate course of treatment.
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
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