Posted note to CSN Admin
I don't know about the rest of you, as I've been out of town, but I still have some complaints about this new web site. If interested you can see my note at the CSN Admin message board. I've asked them for a live chat Monday 10:00 AM, so we can discuss our ideas and not do this email back and forth. If everyone is happy…
Weekend Workshops for Women with Breast Cancer
When I was diagnosed with a third bout of breast cancer and knew I'd have to go through surgery, reconstruction and chemo (I already did radiation the first time around), I decided I had to turn this challenge into something useful for others. Since I am, by trade, a writer and motivational speaker/teacher, I am designing…
My story
Hello, my name is Billy Boylan I am in my softmore year in college and I wanted to let people know what can come out of losing both my Mother and Father to cancer. I was 10 when my mother died and that was hard on the family. My dad began to drink quite offten. My sisters moved away and i was left alone. Coming up in a…
Hot Flashes
This is an amazing website and I'm hoping some of you can offer me some more advice. I am 60, postmenopausal, and was on Tamoxifen from Feb 2002 until May of this year when I was switched to Femara. On Tamoxifen I had hot flashes occasionally and night sweats averaging once or twice a night,sometimes less, but never really…
TRAM reconstruction
Hi, my name is Sharon and this is my first time visiting the website. In the summer of 1997, at the age of 30yrs, I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in my right breast. I had a mastectomy followed by 6 treatments of chemotherapy. I'm writing because I'm thinking of having reconstruction, specifically the TRAM.…
Lapatinib GW57016
Was reading about Lapatinib recently (I'm her2+) and wondered if anyone is participating in any of it's clinical trials. Hopefully I'll never need it, but I'm always trying to stay on top of things that might affect me in the future. It sounds promising. Anyone know anything about it? Susan
The great nipple dilemna
Ok, so I had the nipple surgery done this past Friday, along with lower abdomenal scar revision. (bilater mast, tram flap immed on 2-4-04). I could not make up my mind, but, finally decided to do it. When my doctor drew where they would be placed, I told him that I thought that he was putting them too low. And, that causes…
worried and puzzled
Hi All, I had my lumpectomy and chemo last summer I was exhausted during chemo then felt like I built back up to normal or at least I saw a vast improvement in the tiredness. I saw my oncologist last week and he ordered blood work. Everything came back great except my liver (bilirubin count) was a little high so they are…
Hey There My Sisters!
I have been gravely ill due to some emotional issues & the return of the beast. The ugly C has come back after only a few months of remission. I will post what is happening before I go to the hospital on the 28th. I have been such a stranger to the one place that I belonged to first. Lets just say I am back & I will…
Reconstruction & Lymphedema
Has anyone had reconstruction surgery after being diagnosed with lymphedema? I have not been to see a plastic surgeon yet, thought I would start off with the experts around here first. Thanks, Sue
natural healing plant?
A friend asked me to check out a fruit called graviola. Turns out to be anitcancerous, antitumorus etc. Don't know what to make of it. Is it a scheme to make money on us or does it reallly work? Like to know what others think about this. Here's the website: www.rain-tree.com/graviola.htm Hugs, Marie
my pet scan came back NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!2 years in oct. i will keep on praying. good luck to everyone
Sudden depression
I had my lump removed on March 30, 2004, I felt fine and I went back to work two days after the surgery and never looked back. Had radiation treatment for 6 1/2 weeks. At the end of June I had my first Lupon shot I figured well no period and some hot flashes not too bad a deal. The last few weeks I've been less focused and…
update on xeloda and suggestion of website
Hi Friends, Thanks for your kind messages concerning my situation. As of today, I am going to the Hospice assisted living section - 8 bed section - entering this afternoon to room I paid for last Wednesday or would have lost it by delaying entry. Had a look just now at www.plwc.org People Living with Cancer - website…
Becker implants
I have a Becker and am very thin. The thing is lumpy and has a pleat at the bottom where my PS removed some fluid so I would get a little "droop" before removing the port. I hate this thing - it feels like I have an orange on my chest 24/7. Does anyone else have Beckers and are they lumpy? How about swapping it for a…
'had blood in bowel movement only one time
Hello I went through cancer and a total of four chemotreatments last year and in June of this year I had blood in my bowel movment and urine and it only happend once .I did not think any thing of it should I have thought something was wrong .Why it only happend once does not make sence and I'm going to have a colonoscopy…
It's Been One Year - I Made It
Ladies, A year ago today (July 9), I had a double mastectomy and reconstruction. Both breast completely full of cancer (ductal, lobular, and invasive mass). Let me tell you everything leading up to that date told me I would not be able to make it. The crying, the uncertainty, the not knowing if the mastectomy was the right…
kinda good news
Well yesterday i went in and had chest xray the tumors in my chest are just about completly in remission there are a few tiny ones left but not like before so that is good the bad news is he said taht if i dont stay on some kind of treatment with the kind of cancer i have and as aggrasive as it is he can almost 100%…
silicone implants.
In Feb 2002 I was diagnoised with breast cancer and had silicone implants put in after treatment. About a year ago, I noticed that my own breast was not the same size it was a few months after surgery with the implants. My doctor feels that it might have a small leak and will be replacing in September. My problem is: about…
sick & homeless
My 3 children and I will be heading to a homeless shelter next week. Our landlord has evicted us. The past year has been so hard on my children and me. I cry everyday thinking about how being in a homeless shelter might make my children even more sad and angry. Breast cancer has turned our lives upside down. I pray…
Very Scared & Upset
Less than two weeks ago on a Wednesday, I went for my yearly mammeogram - a shadow was seen on the film so I had ultrasound as well. On Friday, I went to see a breast surgeon who was able to feel the lump by pressing hard on my breast, he suggested that it be removed immediately and so it was the following Monday. This…
thanks everyone
Just wanted to say thanks for everyones words of encourgemt.
Tour De Pink
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is politically correct, but this cause means so much to me. Especially since I am young and had Breast Cancer. I am copying a note I left for my family, friends, etc.. Ever since I was diagnosed two years ago, I have found support by leaving e-mails. I hope that many of you have heard of…
My boys picture..
Hey all.. I replied to all your messages in my other post. Please read them. I am so thrilled to have heard from you all. Anyway...I forgot to tell you that I posted a new updated pic of the boys on my "story page" ...not sure what it is called. But..I just put the new one up the other day. Take a look if you can. Bye for…
IBC and Pain Control -Duragesic
I am curious--does everyone with IBC have painful, but intermittant spasms? I am using the Duragesic Patch and it's a life saver.
xeloda as last resort
Question and comments to ALL the wondeful, helpful women here. Has anyone taken xeloda after being pretty debilitated from previous chemo etc. Remember, the herceptin gave me heart failure and I read that xeloda can also. My oncologist laid it on the line Thursday - BUT very gently that xeloda would be the next to try but…
Been a long time..Update!!
Hey all... It's been a long time since I have accessed this site. I started back to work last August (as a teacher) and just don't have the time I had anymore. Anyway..My little guy that I was pregnant with while dealing with breast cancer is now 2. His birthday was July 11th and he is great. There have been no problems…
My Doctor prescribed Prozac today for Hot Flashes.... I AM NOT DEPRESSED......... Will this really help for the hot flashes??????????????/
re : hot flashes
Hello my doctors can't put me on any thing because they are afraid it will bring my cancer back is there any thing out there that we can take that won't hurt us at all . Hot flashes are uncomfortable. Marilyn
The Weekend to End Breast Cancer
On August 20-22, 2004, I will be participating in a very special event called "The Weekend to End Breast Cancer". I will walk 60 kilometers over the course of one weekend with thousands of other women and men. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, education, and services at the B.C. Cancer Agency. I want to…