Hi, I saw my oncologist today and he said the lump on the inside of my foot was nothing but a ganglion! I was so relieved. I feared it was cancer again. It's been just a year since my B/C diagnosis. I have to say the first six months of surgery and chemo were a breeze compared to the last six months wondering if it's ever…
As anyone had a double masectomy, then been tested for the BRCA1 and 2, with a positive result, then elected to keep their ovaries and just monitored them very closely???
I'm on Tamoxifen but started my period, What's Up??
I've been on Tamoxifen since the end of March. I finished with chemo in January/2004, finished with radiation March/2004. I have not had a period since last September. Since my tumor was estrogen positive, I was in hopes that my period would never come back. I'm 43 years old and was not menopausal before chemo. Doc said…
MRI Information
Hi All, Since we have been discussing MRI vs Mammos, I thought that you guys would like to see this article that I found online. It is very informative.. MRI Breast Cancer Screening for High-Risk Women A study in the July 29, 2004 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine compared the effectiveness of magnetic resonance…
faux mink
Okay, color me stupid, but I could not resist the faux pink mink breast cancer awareness scarf at fabulousfurs.com item #4179. $10 is contributed for each scarf to breast cancer research. Just type 4179 into the search box to view it at the website.
Survivor Guilt?
I am wondering if any of you guys ever feel guilty that your cancer is not as bad as someone else? Like, when I go to the oncologist and I see ppl in horrific pain from their treatments or they are so sick, having lost their hair and so forth. Then I start to cry and I feel so guilty for feeling bad for having cancer. It…
1 Yr. Ago Today...
One year ago today, I got the official diagnosis of BC. I remember the kind radiologist calling me to confirm what he'd suspected all along, the very one who had insisted that the biopsy be performed within 24 hours, "even if I have to come in at 6 am tomorrow to get it done." When he called, he never even used the word…
Who has gone to MD Anderson?
Hi, I'm planning to seek treatment at MD Anderson for recurring mets, regional for the fourth time! Has anyone been there, treated there, who were your docs and what is your opinion? Thanks for your help. Ck
Feel Your Boobies!!
I'm 34 and just completed my breast cancer treatment for Stage 1 cancer. My mission is to raise awareness among other young women about the the importance of self-breast exams and the result has been the 'feel your boobies' campaign. i've sold 600 tshirts in less than a month and have several fund raisers planned. check…
lactose intolerance?
I think I have developed a lactose intolerance from the AC chemo I have taken. Anyone else out there experience this? If so, did it go away once the chemo was out of your system? Thanks for any info. you can provide! Peg
Pretty In Pink Ribbons
Hello!!! My name is Aimeé Yeager. I am a 21 year old student in Pittsburgh PA. I am currently partaking in a breast cancer research program. What we are doing is collecting the pink lids from yoplait yogurt. We send them into the yoplait company and they donate 10 cents to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. I am asking that if…
Chemo and vision issues?
Has anyone had issues with their vision while on chemo? I have 1 more A/C treatment to go. It seems like I'm having issues with focusing my eyes, especially if there's not much light. I used to be nearsighted (had laser surgery) so I'm wondering if this is something temporary, or if my vision is changing. Has anyone else…
Ellison thinking about you
Hi Ellison, I just wanted to wish you good luck. I think you get your results tomorrow from all your tests don't you? If you do you must be a little extra nervous today. I am praying all goes well. Good luck! Love, Angela
expander experience
It has been 5 1/2 weeks since my bilateral mastectomy. My expanders were supposed to get filled some about 2 weeks ago, but the Doc. said the skin was still to tight. Well I go back on Thurs. but the skin is still to tight. Anyone else have this problem? The Dr. said the expanders will be completely filled within 6 months,…
MRI Capabilities
This is in follow-up to my original message path about hyperplasia and tamoxifen. I had a question about the capabilities of an MRI. I just heard that although an MRI can detect tumors in dense breast tissue, it cannot detect tiny specks of calcium or microcalcifications. Do you know if this is true? I was hoping to have…
follow up
I had a lumpectomy this past May,stage 1 with negative lymph nodes and margins. Had chemo and just finished my radiation, starting tamoxifen. When should I get my next mammogram - doc's didn't say yet. My lump didn't even show up on the mam,so should I just rely on breast exams? I don't have an appt. with my oncologist…
Still having hot flashes
Hello I'm alright then the next minute I'll be having hot flashes and I start sweating .I'm on Effexor and take black cohosh but the black cohosh doesn't seem to work and my doctors cant put me on any thing that has estrogen because it brings cancer back and the hot flashes are causing headaches has any one had problems…
See life in a new Light
Ever since I had my breast cancer two years ago. I see life differently. I put myself first more often. I buy something if I want it and I do things for me. My husband does not understand this. I live for today and not worry about tomorrow all the time. Does anyone else feel this way? I just think my priorities are…
breast cancer/Tamoxifen/weight gain
Hi, I have been on tamoxifen for three years. I have slowly gained 50 lbs since my treatments surgery, chemo, radiation, and tamoxifen. When I was diagnoised, I was under weight and my oncologist said he gave me steriods when I had my chemo. I am now three years into the tamoxifen and I told him last month that I wanted…
Just to share...
Hi Ladies: Just wanted to share the following. One of my favorite poems of all time by Jenny Joseph. I have always found it to be inspiring and it forever makes me smile. Hope some of you may enjoy it too! WARNING by: Jenny Jospeh When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit…
Atypical Hyperplasia & Tamoxifen
Hi! I am new to this site, so accept my apologies if I screw up on posting my message! I am a 48 yr. old female with a history of family breast cancer (maternal grandmother, maternal great-grandmother, maternal aunt), all diagnosed in their early 50's. Following my annual mammogram three weeks ago, a cluster of…
Thank you
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all your support. I had a much better day today because of it. I will keep you posted. In the mean time big hugs to you all....
Has anyone had a problem with chemotherapy affecting their diabetes? I have begun the navelbine/herceptin regimen and only side effect has been rising blood sugars. I have been well controlled with oral meds for many years and now fear I will have to go to insulin. Anyone with anything similar? I really hate this disease,…
thx to all tram/pregnancy responses
Ladies, I have never felt so supported in my whole life. I don't know what drew me to this site a few days ago, but I am relieved that I found it. I feel so betrayed right now! I cannot believe that out of all of the things my docs neglected to tell me...that they would fail to mention pregnancy and it's difficulty after…
Feeling scared
Hi everyone, I am feeling a little scared today. I will know the results of my tests next wed. Little things keep creeping into my mind, you know the what if's. I had a bone morrow and blood test last week. Yesterday I had a CT Scan of the chest, abdomon and pelvic. They are looking for bone cancer. My mind is wondering…
Although I am in my first year of survivorship I am still having difficulty helping my sister to understand what I'm going thru or how I feel. Does anyone know of any books that could help me? Sometimes I feel that many people who have never gone thru a cancer experience think that once the treatments are done the…
Hi all iam a little depressed this weekend iam so tired of being sick.my cough just seems to be getting worse i cant seem to make a intellgent desicion on my owen.and iam just ready for it all to end.I am still trying to decide rather or not to return to work.I dont think i will unless something major changes i cant even…
I am a breast cancer survivor, what foods should I avoid? I hear that sugar is bad but everything seems to come with sugar. What other foods should I avoid?
reply from chemo and rads
I seen the Oncologist and I got some good news. I will only need Chemo. I start Nov. 1st. for 12 weeks. He explained to me that I won't need radiation because the mastectomy removed all the possible tissue for cancer. One out of four lymph nodes in the breast came back positive, so he only recommended chemo. I also found…
why both chemo and rad.?
I seen my general surgeon the other day and she said she was going to suggest to my Oncologist that I should have radiation and chemo. for an extra reassurance. Now I thought chemo was the strongest thing against cancer. Why do both? I don't feel I should do both. They don't even know if the cancer got past the lymph node…