Hi just wanted to wish everyone a merry chrismas and a happy new year.hope everyone is doing good.Bunnie
Patients on zometa or aridia for bone mets need to know that any invasive dental procedures such as extractions or oral surgery can result in an adverse effect known as osteonecrosis of the jaw. This disorder causes the bone of the jaw to become necrotic (dead bone). As a result the area will not heal and becomes infected.…
Hot flashes!
I was dx w/ bc almost 2 years' ago, and have had a mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction, followed by 4 rounds of AC Chemotherapy. I was ER+, no node involvement, and have been on Tamoxifen for about 16 months. The chemo put me into early menopause (I'm now 45). The hot flashes have been intense from the beginning, and…
Tomoxifen and taste
I was diagnosed almost two years ago with DCIS, had a mastectomy and tran-flap reconstruction. I'v been on tomoxifen for 18 months and have never seen anything about this. About three months ago my taste kinda went crazy. I am having trouble eating different things. Red meat, pork and chicken are really nasty. I do best on…
Anyone with progressive liver mets...
I was diagnosed with liver mets in 2001 and have been on multiple chemo agents. In April of this year I went off all meds. I just needed a break. Recent tests revealed that I have progressive liver mets as well as progressive bone mets which I have had for many years. I need to hear from anyone with liver mets.. I guess I…
bunnie..anybody know?
Hi everybody, I was just wondering if anybody knows how bunnie is doing, I have not seen any posting from her and have been thinking about her....also jean..has anybody heard from her? Take care all...you are all in my thoughts! Kris
I need to hear from someone who has gone through this
I was just diagnosed yesterday, although I have known since Monday...but not really known. I'm just 31 with a husband and 1 1/2 year old daughter. I have no idea how I am going to get through this. My surgery is in five days. Please if you've gone through this, let me know. I need to hear it from a real person and not just…
Lymphatic fluid
I had a large swelling in area under my arm but on my side and half way across chest area. The doctor said it lymphatic fuild and drained 160cc out of it today. Said sometimes this happens afer surgery, mine was 2 months ago. He said eventually it will stop doing that and that there was nothing I could do to prevent it or…
Fired for showing 2 women employees surgery scars
Does anyone have any information (or personal stories) about the need breast cancer survivors have to show their surgery scars (mastectomy and reconstruction) to other women (as a part of the emotional healing)? I was on a retreat, staying in a hotel with 2 of my employees, and as I was changing in the bathroom I realized…
felling great
ok i feel great is that aloud i have been sick for 2 years and the holidays this year i feel great i want to CELEBRATE!!!!i decorated my house last year i could care less. i hope everyone has a great!!!!! x-mas oh by the i am getting my nipples tattoo next monday and my scan neg.....love you!!!!!
Help! Scalp issues!
My hair is growing back and my scalp is full of bumps. I don't know if this is just dryness needing moisturizing, or hair follicles beginning to produce some new growth. Anyone else have this? My hair is about 1/4" long now. Will it take several months for it to look decent enough without a wig??? Thanks for any advice!
Reconstruction decisions
I am a 59 year old female just biopsied for calcification clusters x2 in a breast that had breast cancer 3 years ago and was treated with lumpectomy, radiation and chemo. The surgeon says if this is hyperplasia or a recurrance I should consider bilateral mastectomies. I'm trying to decide if i want implants or a tram. Help!
Did anyone get a port for chemo?
Both onc I saw have suggested that I get port for chemo with AC. They say the choice is mine. I would rather not go through any more surgeries, let alone 2 more *minor* ones. Anyone have experience with this? ps. thanks to everyones responses to my never ending set of questions...this is just all so new and I appreciate…
What do silicone implants feel like?
Hello. I would like to hear from women who have had reconstruction with silicone implants. When you live, day to day, what do your new breast(s) feel like? How much do you feel the implant(s)? What is the sensory experience of having silicone implants? I know this may be a difficult question to answer, but if you could…
Being tolerated
I've been reading the discussion threads on depression . . . because that's my immediate concern. I've had the lumpectomy, chemo, and am finishing up radiation pretty soon. What haunts me is this worthlessness, aimlessness, teary thing. I'm so fragile, and I think people around me are just putting up with me. Now when I…
Stage 4 Looking for Hope
My mom has stage 4 breast cancer with mets to lungs. Was on Aramason fro 4 months. Now she is taking a shot once a month. I think it is called Phisodex? If any one can help my father and I, We would really appreciate it. Thank You, Amy
Hello. I have read a little on this drug. Has anyone been on it or is on it now? How is it working for you? including the side effects? It seems that side effects are what usually 'bites us in the butt.' It appears to be a fairly new drug for post menopausal women who are estrogen positive. Interested in other's story and…
Hi all, I haven't been on in about a month. My first chemo was Nov. 1st, then the 2nd was the 22nd. The first time was awful. Took all the medication and still threw up. The second time wasn't so bad, but still threw up once a day for 3 days. Then just Mon. I was throwing up all day, hoping it was a flu bug and not chemo…
Breast re construction!
Hi All Today I went to see my PSabout my options. He gave me two ops to consider. 1) To have reduction on one and use the tissue to rebuild the other. 2) To go for full recon by using the muscle from my back. My hubby and I have talked about them both.The first one is a lesser op and less time to heal . The second he said…
SeekPeace re: your Trams
Just read your response to Rusty on the 27th when you mentioned that your Trams were too big for your liking... did you ask for a revision? It may not be too late. My situation was different in that I had a unilateral and had to have revision as the Tram came out quite a lot larger than my remaining breast... perhaps you…
Quiet Time!
Cancer is a time of emotions. Good, bad and indifferent! Before my first treatment I was bold and selfish. I learned patience and selflessness. It was the quiet time. A time to think and settle all the questions going through your head. When someone is battling a life threatening disease people change. Your family, friends…
One year down and . . .
Hello to all!! I am a one year survivor. I finished my chemotherapy a year ago. Since that time I have retired and am looking forward to beginning a new chapter in my life. I got a very good report from the dr. at my last visit and that was a great relief. My energy level is coming back to normal and I have my priorities…
Thanks from Meems
You all echoed what I down deep know, and have been practicing successfully most of the time, but I do have what I call "black moods" about this damn disease. I have spent my life being negative and afraid to think positive but it is amazing how I have learned to turn that around. I will not listen to negative, have…
How to prepare for a mammo...
Hi Ladies: Even though some of you may have seen this before, hope you'll enjoy this bit of mammo humor: SUBJECT: How to prepare for a mammogram: Many women are afraid of their first mammogram and even if they've had one before, there's still some anxiety. But there's no need to worry really. By taking a few minutes each…
Breast cancer w/ mets to spinal fluid
In July of 2003, I felt a lump in my right breast. I went immediately to my primary doc who sent me immediately to the breast diagnositic center. Everyone felt the lump, my husband, my primary doc, & the doc at the breast center. The mammogram showed NOTHING, so next she did an ultrasound since we all felt the lump. She…
Blessed Thanksgiving
Sending out love, hope and strength to all. Wishing everyone a blessed thanksgiving day. Marysun
How to pick a chemo regimen
Hi there...still muddling through this. My surgery went well and the drain was finally removed (yippee!!) but now comes the more complicated stuff. I've already had one appoint. with an onc; have another tomorrow. Unfortunately patholody still hasn't gotten all the resutlts (I'm 31, stage II, grade III, 1.4 cm, 1 node+, no…
Bone Scan/Happy Thanksgiving
Hi everyone!! The list has been sorta quiet lately. I miss you guys. I am scheduled for a bone scan on Tuesday and I am a little nervous. My oncologist asked me what would help me and the fear and I told her that would be a good start. Ever since the misdiagnosis of the cancer, I am not totally trusting anyone. When I went…
rash from lymphedema
I am being treated with massage and compresion bandaging but my arm is so very itchy. We have tried all kinds of lotion, pwd,etc but still have terrible itching so that I have to removed the bandage 10 hrs after it is put on. Does anyone have any ideas---we live in Fl and it is very hot and I try to always be in air…