breast cancer
I am a grad student at Medill in Chicago doing a story on Breast Cancer awareness month. I have interviews set up with health officials and B-roll of the screening process. But I would like to interview someone currently battling the disease, or someone who has battled it in the past, so that I can drive home the…
So now we may NOT be ER-???
I just found this. It is from Cure magazine. Can it be that we could have been benefiting from Tamox all this time? Is My Tumor Truly Hormone Receptor-Negative? By Susan Peck, PhD The steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate the growth of normal breast tissue, as well as many tumors. This is because breast…
Finally found lymphedema bracelet!
Hi everyone- I finally found some really nice lymphedema alert bracelets and I wanted to share the webiste I found them at: kaisjewels.com The girl who makes them is a nurse and has had her own bout with breast cancer issues- take a look you might like these- I did. Good luck to everyone and god bless you.
breast/port necrosis
Good Morning, I would appreciate any info or help on this subject. Breast cancer, port insertion in Aug. Chemo overdose Aug. 11 and more surgery on the port Aug. 13th. Shortly after developed breast necrosis around the port area. Now, I am experiencing severe topical burning and skin blistering where the necrosis is…
Question for you...
Hi Ladies and Gents... Ok, here is my concern: I know a person that is running in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Team in Training marathon to raise money for research and development for new leukemia therapies, in memory of her father. As many of you know, I am a leukemia survivor and suffered (along with SO MANY…
Just starting my Chemo.
Hi everyone. I had a bilateral mastectomy. My Chemo has been put off 2 times due to an infection on my Right breast. They removed my implant and it's healing fine. I have an appt. on Tuesday(10-19-04)to have my 1st treatment. I have alot of mixed feelings about getting this started. I'm scared but want to get this started…
Back to work advice?
I've started back to work after 11 weeks out on leave. I had full left mastectomy and I'm still undergoing chemo, then will be having radiation. My prognosis is good, so I'm doing ok with my treatment plan, and I thought I had plenty of support, but I need your help with this. It's been harder going back to work than I…
Help for Recurrence problems for Friend
A friend who was first dx with 2-3 stage bc 5 pos nodes Invasive ductal carcinoma (her positive). Then had recurrence in August 2003 with 3 nodes in the supraclavical area - surgery was done but one node counld not be removed. She did 37 rad treatments accompanied by 27 chemo treatments. Oct 13 had 3rd ct scan. Will see dr…
Joined a support group and learned something already
hello I have joined a support group with real live (rather than virtual) people. I was listening to their stories and so many of them are sad. They are all dealing well with things as they are now (new reality) but as they told their stories I grew more and more upset and angry with the treatment they have received from…
Article in Newsweek
I picked up the Oct 4 copy of Newsweek to read about Bob Dylan, but, there was an article in there about breast cancer and it bothered me. It starts off talking about this being Pink Ribbon month, about the fact that 3M is constructing the World's Largest Pink Ribbon using post it notes that have a pink ribbon imprint. It…
Becker Implant removal
Hi everyone,I've recently came across this message board and find it to be a great place for information and insite for what is going on with me and what I can expect in the near future. A little about me: I am 6 weeks post-op my bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction at time of surgery.About 4 weeks of drains,my Right…
Pink Rib Jewely Websites
http://www.headcovers.com/item.php?cat=Breast+Cancer&next=0 http://www.pinkribbonjewelry.com/theline.html http://breastcancerawareness.theshoppe.com/ http://breastcancerawareness.theshoppe.com/pink_ribbon_enamel_lapel_pin_1.html
bad reaction to 4-month lupron shot
Dear Friends, Has anyone had experience with receiving a 4-month dose (via injection) of Lupron and having a bad reaction? I had a lumpectomy, chemo, radiation, went into menopause during chemo, came out months later, and now the oncologist wants to suppress my periods using Lupron. I had a couple of one month shots and…
Lump that doesn't show on an ultrasound
Hello all, just a note to let you all know that the biopsy came back on my lump, that I was sure I felt was something and the doc's didn't think it was anything to worry about, and it didn't show on an ultrsound and it didn't show on a mommogram either. It was called a benign lipoma. It is discribed as a bunch of fatty…
Pet Lovers With Breast Cancer
I am recently diagnosed and will be having surgery on Tues. Oct. 19. Are there any other pet lovers out there, and how did you take care of your pets while you were incapacitated? My husband and I are animal lovers, and have 4 dogs and two cats of our own. We also are a foster home for 3 dogs and 1 kitten. We are in Pilot…
Your Replies To My Muscle Pains
Thank you all for your responses. I don't feel like it's just me anymore. It's so difficult as I'm sure you all have experienced, to feel that little bit of energy after chemo is done. It seems like such a large amount of energy in comparison, and I end up doing more than I should because in my mind I still feel like I'm…
blood transfusion
Hi well i ended up having a blood transfusion today i was wondering why i have been so darn tired i felt like i was going backwards on my recovery instead of frowrads.doc did not give me good news on thursday when i was in for chemo he said with or with out chemo at this point i have about 6 months to live. Bunnie
Lupron injections to induce menopause
Has anyone had any experience with Lupron injections to induce menopause? With the new drugs, my oncologist needs me to be menopausal. I'm having all kinds of side effects, such as headaches, hot flashes, dizziness, fatigue.... Does anyone have any experience with these getting any better? Thanks!
Other Companies donating
Hi, While shopping for groceries last night, I did buy the Northern bathroom tissue as they are donating to the Komen Foundation as has been reported. You cut off and send in the proofs of purchase to the addy on the package and they donate .50 to Komen. Also, Yoplait Yogurt is doing the same thing. The yogurts with the…
Reoccurence after Herceptin?
With my last infusion of Herceptin (number 52)scheduled for Monday, I can't help but wonder if anyone knows of someone who has had a reoccurence despite such an aggressive protocol? I was diagnosed with StageIII b/c in April 2003 (8 cm and cancer in all 31 nodes). I had a mastectomy of my right breast with chemo prior to…
Can not read E-mail
My start page shows I have a unread E-mail, but when I try to go to it, internet explorer shuts down. Anyone else have this problem or is it just my computer? And to whoever sent me the message, I am not ignoring you, I just read it! Betty
Just to say Hello
I haven't been around much since the last year has been turned upside down with the loss of an Uncle I adored and my mother inlaw just a couple of months later two days before Christmas. It seems so long ago now that I came to this site looking for those like myself, after a long battle with my stage 3 bc and the side…
lump that doesn't show on mammogram
Hi all, I wrote earlier about my lump that didn't show on an ultrasound or a mamm. After all 3 docters said, it was nothing to worry about, but we'll take it out if you want, I had it removed today. I was awake at the time and it was wierd, but painless. He showed it to me and it looked like a glob of yellow fat with some…
Aromasin (exemestane)
Hello, Is anyone out there on Aromasin? I started it 6 days ago & wondering if it's contributing to fatigue?
Melissa Etheridge has BC
LOS ANGELES - Singer Melissa Etheridge (news) has been diagnosed with breast cancer and has canceled upcoming tour dates to undergo treatment, according to her publicist. Etheridge, 43, will undergo surgery and her doctor expects a "speedy and complete recovery," publicist Marcel Pariseau said in a statement. The cancer…
Race for the Cure
This year again I have to write how proud I am of the people of Denver. Over 63,000 walked/ran in the Race For The Cure yesterday (this is my 2nd race since being diagnosed almost 2 yrs ago). It's an amazing thing to see all those people, and every one there is supporting someone. I so encourage all of us to do this. You…
my reply to m&m & Northern
I have to agree, the some have gotten off the subject of the M&M's & Northern donations. I didn't mean to offend anyone who doesn't eat sugar. So much food out there has sugar in it that we don't know about, all we know is the candy. All fresh fruits and vegetables have sugar. Do we not eat those? Plus I have even been…
Today I went for doppler echocardiography, during which 3 electrodes similar to the ones used during EKGs are connected: one to the right arm, one to the chest and one to the left arm. The test does not involve the use of the arms at all. The doctor runs a thing that feels a lot like a roll-on deoderant ball on the chest…
M&M's & Northern
I went to Kroger's the other day to buy toilet paper and seen Quilted Northern is donating $.50 of your purchase to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. I thought that was great. Then I go up front to check out and seen the new pink and white M&M's also. I purchased both. I wish the companies good do better, but I know they are…
Saks 5th Ave. Key to the Cure
I received an e-mail this morning from Saks Fifth Avenue directing me to their Key to the Cure t-shirt promotion. The shirt was designed by Marc Jacobs and Charlize Theron is their ambassador. http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/Entry.jsp?sssdmh=dm12.77736&site_refer=EML301B As a breast cancer survivor I frequently wear pink…