I wrote a couple weeks ago about calcifications in my breast. I've had a mastectomy on the right side. I had a stereotatic biopsy last week which was benign. Now I have to have a wire biopsy in January where there are clusters of calcifications. They said that where my lump was before (in the other breast) there were…
A prayer that makes me weep********
I feel the need to pass this on--I truly feel so Blessed ,I must share this Prayer..... Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Christ.Allow God to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer. Dear Lord I thank you for this day.Ithank you for my being able to see and to hear…
29 & counting.
Hey everyone, I just turned 29 & have been diagnosed with stage 2B Breast Cancer, I'm feeling very much alone and isolated! Are there any other young survivors facing this?
Tumor marker blood tests
I have been very concerned about about CA25-27 tumor marker blood tests and how accurate they are and when to get really histerical about results. It seems the accuracy is in question and there can be postives that turn out to be nothing after all. This is not good news for a newbie with a real strong inclination to worry.…
Sentinel Node Biopsy
My surgeon briefly stated, after my last visit; that after my lumpectomy on 1/5, I probably would need a sentinel node biopsy if the cancer was invasive as indicated by the surgical path report. I have researched this biopsy in great depth, and understand the benefits, and what a miracle this has been in many women's…
Note from Triggs family
Everyone who remembers Pam Triggs....Pam's husband, John, wrote to say hello from New Zealand and to wish everyone a safe and well New year. He said that he hoped this new year would be a new beginning. So thoughtful for him to remember us from the CSN and I thought I would share his message. Hugs, Nan
Bone Pain
I'm currently on tomoxifen and have been for two years. I am 57 years old. Had a mastectomy but did not have to have chemo. I had some back problems before surgery but lately it feels like my lower back is coming apart. Onc did a bone scan and x-rays and said I have osteoperosis and digenerative arthritis. I know a lot of…
Discovered Mother is Stage IV, seeking advice
This is my first time at CSN message boards. Its hard for me to think of where I should begin... My mother was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer Dec '01. She has been through numerous chemotherapy treatments, radiation, a mastectomy, removed a lymph node, and had surgery on her throat. Last week she lost 30 pounds and…
Period and Tamoxifen
Hi Everybody, I am wondering who of you that are on tamoxifen and got their periods back. I have been on it for 15 months and had not had a period since 7/03. I went for my six month check at my GYN and she was running a baseline pelvic ultrasound and it showed I had cysts. She watched and they did go away. She also ran…
Stage IV patients
My friend who doesn't have a computer wanted me to ask this question. I had told her I read that someone at this site has been at Stage IV for 5 years; a man was told he had 3 months, but has lived for 8 years. SHe has colon (Stage IV) and Non-Hodgkin's (Stage IV). She wants to know how people endure the 5-8 years of…
Bruising while on Tamoxifen/and rash under arm
Does anyone know if increased bruising is a concern on Tamoxifen; (I've been on it 4 months) I have 2 large bruises that showed up yesterday, one on my leg, and one on my arm, and I don't even remember bumping myself. Is this common, or is this something to report? Also, I have a rash under my arm along area that was…
gamma knife
my mom has recurrent bc - with mets to brain. has had some whole brain radiaiton and on chemo now for a few other spots n the body - abdomen- chest - anyway we heard of gamma knife success - goes to see onco n a few days for results of todays new scans and would like to talk to him about possilby doing gamma knife - any…
Hi Ladies: Hope everyone thoroughly enjoys the holidays. Stay warm, eat and drink till you feel ready to pop and may we all greet the New Year with hope amd determination, compassion in our hearts and gratefulness in our souls. As another calendar year comes to an end, I realize that '05 will see me 4 years out of…
finished chemo last year and still find that I still get tired real easy
Hello I haven't been on line in a while .I finihsed my chemo treatments last year and find out that I still get tired real easy is that normal. My Chemo doctor in Elpaso said to exersize but I find out that I still stay tired. Marilyn
A reason for surviving
I just wanted to share with all of you, especially if you are in the middle of treatment: I just helped and participated in my daughter's wedding this last weekend. What a wonderful, peaceful feeling I had in the middle of the celebration -- taking a moment within myself and looking around at family, friends and all of our…
premenopause and tamox
i would like to switch from tamox to arimidex but keep hearing that if you are premenopause (47) that i cant use this other drug. i thought that the chemo and lupron shots put me in menopause i havent had a period since my second round of chemo back in march 2003.im having a hard time justifying taking a drug that has so…
Got my x-mas present - A nipple!
My plastic surgeon wasn't sure he had an appt. before the end of the year to do my nipple but I got in yesterday! He also gave me the best news, he was forgiving the $4,000 balance left on my revisional surgery. Merry Christmas he said! Breast cancer patients and children with cleft palates are his passion. All his other…
bone pain and foot problems
i went through six mo. of chemo and then eight weeks of radiation and had three lupron shots four mo. apart now im on tamoxifen for over 12 mo. my hands and feet are tingling and numb and the bones in my feet hurt really bad. This all started right after these drugs. Anyone out there have this problem?
Tamoxifen and Rash
Has anyone experienced a skin rash while on Tamoxifen? I have only been on it for two months and yesterday broke out in a rash primarily on my legs...not blistered, but reminds me a bit of small, small poison ivy rash. Haven't done anything differently with my food, clothing, laundry soap, etc. Just curious if anyone else…
lupron yes or no?
It has been suggested that I take tamoxifin and lupron. I am 34 years old and would still like to have children. Lupron will not allow this... Anyone with experience on this issue? Kimberly/bonham
Hi this is bunnie pamelreene was telling me that they are doing some kind of treatmnent for your brain turmor but couldnt rember what it was would you mind emailing me and telling me about i so i can talk to my doc about it.email addresss is duckling@crestviewcable.com thanks Bunnie
Merry Christmas.
During this holiday season please don't forget to thank the Lord for all the blessings you have been given. I know some of you are thinking Blessings? but he never gives you more than you can handle and there is always someone worse off then you...Merry Christmas and God Bless Colleen
I had a single mastectomy on one side, then I had a TRAM but the vessels didn't work so they removed it in 4 days. A month later they were to try again using hip vessels and tissue but the vessels by the breast still looked iffy so they put in a implant under the breast muscle, planning another surgery in 3-6 months. This…
still cant decide about work
Hi all still cant decise if i want to returne too work right know the way i have been felling the answer is no but what if i for some reason turn back around then i have lost a good job and all i know they would hire me back but i would have to start at th bottom again wich would suck so not suer what i should do if anyone…
Return of my period
Hi, Just a question for those who may have some insight on what I should expect. I did not have my period for 11 months -- blood test indicated that I was post menopausal. Just last week, it came back. Now, personally, I was ok with it being gone. I figured it was one positive to this whole cancer/chemo thing. Has anyone…
used wrong arm
Hi everyone I was just reading the postings about how important it is Not to have blood drawn from the arm that had breast cancer, when I realized that I DID JUST THAT YESTERDAY!!! Now what? Can you believe it I FORGOT! Now I'm freaking out I had a lumpectomy but still i know you're not supposed to use that arm, now what…
A Final Message
My name is Holly Smith. I am the daughter of a 4&1/2 year breast cancer survivor-Jane Blackburn. On Monday, September 6, 2004, my mother lost her battle. Over the past few months she had been unable to post messages; but she did try to keep up with those whom she "spoke" with on-line earlier. I just wanted to let you all…
don't feel I can't take anymore
Hi all. I am now 2 weeks out from my bilateral mastectomy and up until Tues night I was doing good. I recieved a call from my General Surgeon telling me that my DCIS has made it's change to the spreadable type. And that one of the lymph nodes in my breast had this type of cancer. Now she is telling me that I have to see…
Sudden tears
Hi everyone, Well, I started my new job and I am finishing up the third week. What seemed to be terribly disorganized, as to training, is shaping up somewhat now, but, there are some issues that we are giving another week to sort themselves out. More about that maybe later. I just wanted to say that at the end of class…
doing good
Hi iam doing good went in this last week and the herbal remidies iam doing seem to be working on the lung cancer but not so sure on the brain. we just got home from my huabands christmas party kind of bjmbed though the one year we fimally so someplace that has a live bamd andi domt feel like partying oh well there is alway…