Considering stopping Tamoxifen
Hello - I had a mastectomy at 27, chemo, and have now been on Tamoxifen for 3 years. I don't mean to whine because I am so grateful to be alive - but I'm debating whether or not to keep taking it. I have a call in to my oncologist. I just feel so out of it all the time - my memory is shot, I have mood swings and fatigue,…
I have been having trouble with lymphedema since I finished radiation treatments around Thanksgiving. My oncologist says that the swelling should resolve itself as I heal from the radiation treatments. This doesn't seem consistent with anything that I have read about lymphedema and my arm and hand are getting bigger with…
I switched to Femara from Tamoxifen about 8 months ago. I have had many migraine headaches and have to believe the Femara may be the culprit. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!
New here/but not new to bc
I'm new here, but certainly not new to bc. I had original dx in 99. {lump/rads/CMF 6 mo] I then had a recur in 11/2002. MRM/chemo. I Completed treatment 6/6/03. I had 4 rounds of AC and four rounds of Taxotere. I've recently learned how to use our pc [not a web genuis, but getting by for now. lol!] I hope to get support…
Arimidex vs Femara
I have been taking Arimidex for about 10 months. Because of the side effects my oncologist suggested I try Femara. Before I do that I'd like to hear from anyone who has switched. I know we all react differently but I'd like to know if anyone has had less discomfort with Femara or if it's just more of the same (but…
TRAM Reconstruction
My name is Holly. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and am scheduled to have bilateral mastectomies in February. I am thinking about doing a bilateral TRAM at the time of mastectomies. I would like to hear about other's experiences with this procedure both in the short run and the long term. Is it worth it? How…
Stage I: Invasive ductal carcinoma
I had a limited nodal dissection on 1/25/05, and the results were negative. I am so very fortunate. I feel like a miracle has happened, and will forever more give thanks. So, I am now officially stage I with Histology Grade 2 (E/P positive, but Her-2/neu negative). I anticipated at each step of the diagnostic process, that…
discontinuing Tamoxifen
In Nov. I will discontinue taking Tamoxifen, after five years. A friend who completed the five year course of Tamoxifen last year, had a recurrence, in the other breast. This has concerned me, as my five year stop date approaches. Has anyone else had this experience? I wonder if I shoud go on Arimidex, after the Tamoxifen,…
web page update
Just thought I'd put a pic of Helena up, if anyone is interested. *smiles* Many of you may not recognize me as I am from the 2002 "crop"... but I do try to stay in touch now and then and I think of you all, often! Be well all! ~marty (just celebrated 2 yr anniversary post chemo!)…
Ending Tamoxifen Side Effects
I recently ended my 5 year usage of Tamoxifen and have been having some strange feelings in my lower pelvic area that I believe are withdrawal symptoms from ending Tamoxifen. Has anyone had symptoms after they stopped Tamoxifen. I'm intersted to hear your stories.
my mom feels tired since she was diagnosed for breast cancer back in 1999
I have a mother who had breast cancer. Iam her daughter Debbie. My mother name is Isabel and Isabel age is 62. Isabel was diagnosed for breast cancer 5 years ago. The cancer did not spread to her limpnodes. She had chemo theraphy. I want to know if anybody has experinced tiredness after this cause my mom is dealing with…
new here and have lots of ?'sabout medical cost helpandother?'s
hi all! i'm new here my name is kelli aka 1rockinhippy. i'm also new to b.c. well i'm not new to it ,it's my mom she got b.c. in spring '04 has had a lumpactomey ( i think?) had surgery to remove the cancer and had 2 lymph nodes removed,chemo and now needs rad., the only problem is her or my dad don't have insc. and are…
Tamoxifen and stomach discomfort?
Hello -- I've been on Tamoxifen for a relatively short period of time. I had two normal, on-time periods, then no period the third month. I've also noticed a fair amount of stomach/abdominal discomfort in the last few weeks, and I'm wondering if others on Tamoxifen have experienced this. I feel somewhat bloated and crampy,…
new here and have lots of ?'sabout medical cost help
i'm looking for help in locating an agency,group,anything in help with medical cost.my mother has no insurance and neither does my dad as they are both disabled and indigent.any help would be helpful!
Lance Armstrong on Oprah
If anyone is interested, Lance will be on the Oprah show sometime soon. I was in the audience for the taping a week ago last Tuesday. They said it would air in the next couple of weeks. That would mean sometime next week. You can check on Oprah.com in the what's coming up section. Just in case you need some more…
Hair loss
Ihave been through with chemo for five years and continue to take tomoxifin. My hair has never returned to any thing like it was. Any info?
Prayers, once again, Please
Hi everyone, I haven't been on for awhile. I'm back for more prayers. They diagnosed the return of my breast cancer(which had spread into the Plurel Cavity) 18 months ago. I have had a lot of back pain. The family doctor said that I have severe osteoporosis and put me on meds for that, plus she ran a bunch of tests. She…
Hysterectomy after Breast Cancer?
I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in February '04. I Had surgeries, chemo and radiation therapy throughout most of the year last year. Chemo stopped my periods around June and put me in a "temporary" menopause. But, as luck would have it, wouldn't you know, last month, my period resumed. Now - my common sense…
new here and have lots of ?'sabout medical cost help
hi all! i'm new here my name is kelli aka 1rockinhippy. i'm also new to b.c. well i'm not new to it ,it's my mom she got b.c. in spring '04 has had a lumpactomey ( i think?) had surgery to remove the cancer and had 2 lymph nodes removed,chemo and now needs rad., the only problem is her or my dad don't have insc. and are…
hi all i am new to the website
here is my story: i have had breast cancer for 14 yrs, first started 14 yrs ago then left, then came back 5 yrs ago, then stopped but came back again last august. i am doing okay i was in the hospital in august 26 for five weeks i was filling fluid around my lung they had to put tube down my throat for about two weeks even…
Time to Uncover?
Any personal stories about when you decided to stop wearing wig or hat after hair started growing back after chemo? I probably have about an inch in most places and would love to be brave and uncover.
Her-2/neu 2+ Borderline
Rec'd my path report yesterday. Its not complete yet, as I still need a SNB on 1/25, and.......here is my question: As the Her-2/neu is 2+, another lab test called a FISH will be done. I am hoping that the positive Her-2/neu was an error, and this will be discovered when they do the FISH. I am also Estrogen/Progesterone…
Hair Thickness?
I finished chemo Jan of 2004 and my hair has grown back. It's even longer than before chemo! I lost all of my hair and was completely bald. But one thing I've noticed is that my hair has grown in much thinner than it was previously. My biggest complaint is that its so thin I can see my scalp. Has anyone else noticed this?…
No change in the ca tumors, but alot of bone and joint pain. How is everyone dealing with it, and what is the prognosis?
Sorrow and Financial Ruin
I had a bilateral mastec. with tram flap reconstruct on 2-4 and I had to close my business. I am a stock broker for 15 years and I cannot do that work any longer. I need stability in my life, a salary, not commssion. I am so ashamed to see the financial ruin and feel so helpless. I have had to draw from all our financial…
Thinning hair on Femera
I have been on Femera for 6 months after 4 years of Tamoxifin. I am experiencing joint pain and now thinning hair. Does anyone know if hair returns to normal once the Femera protocol is finished. Thanks you so much, Luckyj
new here and may need info
hi guys, i am new here and may need some information for my aunt. two weeks ago she had a baseline mammogram in which a small lump (nodule was discovered). off to ultrasound she went. the ultrasound report says that there is 1 cm nodule in the right axillary tail, that doesn't look clear cut suspicious but has some…
breast cancer
to know about treatment after mastactomy surjury
Are these really side effects???
I am currently in the adjustment phase, 4 months after finishing a 15 month treatment plan. I had AC, taxol and herceptin. Some symptoms that I've had are a few little sores on my face which pop up suddenly and then resolve quickly, an involuntary chin tremor I'm not even aware of when it's happening and the last thing…