Underarm skin flaps, surgery and lymphadema?

Snookums Member Posts: 148 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am coming back here after a long time away- Yes, it will get much better for those of you who are new to this site! My situation is that I am 2 1/2 years cancer free but I was left with those dog ear flaps after my bi lateral masectomy. I did develope lymphadema in my left upper arm and dog ear. I am contemplating having the flaps removed in 2006 and well, I was wondering if any of you wonderful folks had the flaps removed and had any complications caused by the lymphadema on that side? I am not interested in making a slight case of lymphadema worse. Any ideas or imformation you can offer? Thanks-


  • SweetSue
    SweetSue Member Posts: 217
    I am 2 years cancer-free. I had "clean-up" surgery shortly after my bilateral to remove the extra skin in various places. I had no lymphedema so I can't really help you , except to say I was so much happier without the extra lumps and what not.
    Good luck.
  • throbinson
    throbinson Member Posts: 14
    My doctor told me I could have my extra flesh removed too -- I sure did hate hearing that term "dog ear" for the first time! Sounds so yucky. I read in a book somewhere that one woman called hers a "wahdy dahdy doo" so now that's what mine is called!

    Call me a big surgery chicken, but unless this thing swells up to the size of a watermelon and turns purple with green stripes, there is no way I'm having more surgery that I don't have to have!

    Best to everyone,
    Tracey R.
  • Ronee33
    Ronee33 Member Posts: 25
    I had my bilateral mastectomy in Feb 2004. I had my dog ears (I called them wings) removed in Nov 2004. I did not develope lymphodema so I can't speak to that. I will tell you that I absolutely LOVE having them gone. My shirts fit better and I don't feel them flapping around. I was in mild discomfort for a few days but of all the surgeries I had (5 related to the breast cancer), it was by far the best for me in terms of getting what I wanted out of it.