Re: gdpawel

Think about it CANCER esp BREAST CANCER is BIG business.
There are at least 3 plausible cures one with a proven 75% cure rate BUT the company won't release it because they don't know how the drug works. You read correctly, they know it works but they don't know HOW! Well I say who the h*ll cares how as long as it works w/o lethal side effects. The drug is called Prime-1, the article came from called
New Cancer Tumor Treatment
(Stockholm, March 1,2002)
I have to agree to a certain extent this guy is right, lots of people/companies are profiting at our expense. I'm personally put out w/ the ACS right now because they keep 'racing for the cure'. We have the cure, what we need are more lobbyist demanding they 'release the cure'.
Think about girls, cancer is a multi-multi billion $ industry. IF they cured it even the ACS would be out of business!
Recent article
The Selling of Breast Cancer
Is corporate America's love affair with a disease that kills 40,000 women a year good marketing -- or bad medicine?
By Susan Orenstien, February 2003 Issue
Avon raised $250 million since 1992
Ford $50 million
Estee Lauder and Revlon $40 million each and the list goes on. Yes its 'raised' for research/ed...but what you may not know are the million dollar "perks" that go along with it. Even yoplait yogurt has gotten in on it.
When I started tracking the 'money trial' I looked at
Research Centers/hospitals/Pharmaceutical Co. in particular, even MD's profit from it, now I'm not insinuating they are actively involved in supressing a cure, but surely you can see they do profit. My bill alone runs $25-35,000 PER month, $20,000 of it goes to pay for the medication. The whole billion $ industry can't make near as much money off of us if they cure us! Look at the vaccine for cervical cancer, THEY HAVE IT, but it's going to be an estimated 10 years before they start using it, and then ONLY in teens who have never had sex!
Start looking at the net if you aren't already. Each 'promising cure' they come up with is still going to take the standard '5-10 more years of research' before its marketed.
They've been studying anti-angiogenic drugs since the '80's recent news release made it sound like a 'new' discovery. Of course it was followed w/ '5-10 more years of research' BS.
Anti-angiogenics shut down blood supply to rapidly dividing tumor cells, thereby causing the tumor to die.
There are vaccines out there, ways to alter genetic defects...and the list goes on.
Check out the news releases yourself, but you better get a copy of the release because the info gets squelched quick!
Who's behind it I don't know. Some greedy mongrels feeding off of innocent people like us. This IS the kicker, about 10 years ago, give or take, there was a coorporate doctor of a pharmaceutical co. He was diagnosed w/ some type of cancer, lymphoma I think, anyway bottom line his co.(coworkers) started working around the clock till they finally figured out how to 'cure' his cancer...apparently the 'cure' was custom made because I never saw the end result hit the market.
Check it out girls, so far from what I've read this gdpawel has nothing to sell.
Think about it. hummb
Hi hummer... you're not offending me at all, good discussion. I have been following those articles too. I believe there is a cure but nobody wants to give it to us, so this guy comes up with these "facts" OK, can't do nothing about it anyways. Sure we're the guinea pigs and take what they give us, something that'll work for a while. Better then nothing. His "facts" are not going to change anything. It is frustrating yes, but we can't do anything about it.
Years ago they said funding was needed, now they have funding, millions of dollars ,where does it all go?? Who's pockets are beeing filled? Makes you wonder. The truth hurts, but this is the way it is. Right? Well hummingb see ya later. Keep up the good work. God bless everyone....Emmi0 -
Hummb, You think I was too harsh on Mr. Pawel? Go back and read some of his ohter posts. He is a bitter man with a vendeta aganist the medical profession because he thinks his wife got treatments she did not need. I understand his pain but he is voicing it to the wrong group. We are women looking to our Oncologists to keep us alive. I for one will never see my Oncologist as a big crook. There is graft and over spending in every's the nature of some human beings. The drugs you mention may be available, but they have to be tested over long periods of time to prevent the possibility of horific side effects and as a protection from law suits. Remember the latest "cure" for weight control caused heart damage and now has a class action law suit pending. I respect your point of view and I know you have a good heart and your motives are good. I have heard these same arguments about every chronic disease. Any researchers who could find the magic cure for cancer would be out front with it and wanting the advertisement and recognition and possibly a Nobel prize. I just can't think that the medical professionals we have trusted our lives to, are doing our treatments only for big profits. Having said this, I am done with this and hope I have not offended you. Hugs, Nancy0
No offense takin Nancy, personnally I don't think it's the MD's. There may be some who are ruthless and money hungry, I've met a neurosurgeon for one, very DANGEROUS man! But no, for the mass majority, and I'm talking probably 95%, our MDs are VERY honest, trustworthy and filled w/ integrity. I think that's why they are in denial that such an atrocity could even occur.nancys said:Hummb, You think I was too harsh on Mr. Pawel? Go back and read some of his ohter posts. He is a bitter man with a vendeta aganist the medical profession because he thinks his wife got treatments she did not need. I understand his pain but he is voicing it to the wrong group. We are women looking to our Oncologists to keep us alive. I for one will never see my Oncologist as a big crook. There is graft and over spending in every's the nature of some human beings. The drugs you mention may be available, but they have to be tested over long periods of time to prevent the possibility of horific side effects and as a protection from law suits. Remember the latest "cure" for weight control caused heart damage and now has a class action law suit pending. I respect your point of view and I know you have a good heart and your motives are good. I have heard these same arguments about every chronic disease. Any researchers who could find the magic cure for cancer would be out front with it and wanting the advertisement and recognition and possibly a Nobel prize. I just can't think that the medical professionals we have trusted our lives to, are doing our treatments only for big profits. Having said this, I am done with this and hope I have not offended you. Hugs, Nancy
Maybe I am wrong, maybe there is no 'cure', maybe there will never be a cure, but I find that hard to believe.
I took AC/Taxol, 4 rounds of each, the second dose of adriamycin was too strong, wbc went down to .5 (not 5 but .5). I almost died, had to go to ER for 101* fever about a week after wbc test was done. MD told me if count was <1 I would be admitted. I told ex, if they admit me I'll never leave here alive. I prayed off and on for 4 hours waiting on test results, they stuck me 3 x's before they got IV in, it was a miserable night. Finally MD came back in and said wbc was 1.2 Thank God I could go home. Point being, chemo IS very toxic, it kills all cells without discrimination, but primarily picked up by cells that divide fast. Chemo drugs are hard on the body as you well know. They can cause heart failure, kidney failure, elevated liver enzymes..
Granted phen-fen (diet combo) caused heart problems. Question is IF they are so 'careful' (and I'm talking FDA here and Pharmaceutical Co.)
to study a new treatment for CANCER for 10 years in order to make sure it is a 'safe' drug, then why the h*ll didn't they study the effects of a combination of 2 appetite suppresants on the body before they (FDA/AMA) approved its use in weight lose? Each one of those drugs by itself can cause heart complications. I mean we're talking about WEIGHT LOSE here. I am sorry to be the messanger of bad news, I think the vast majority of you know what a positive attitude I have, we may not agree on the source of our inner strength, but hey to each his own. I've got no problem with who worships what EXCEPT when it comes to OUR wellbeing, and in this case the almighty $ rules.
I'm NOT saying don't take chemo, I took all 8 rounds of it myself, darn proud of it too! Thought I was going to be a TKO during 2nd round, but by the grace of GOD, (my opinion) I MADE IT!
What I am suggesting is that as a group, WOMEN CONQUERING BREAST CANCER, we should ban together, arm ourselves with information...clinical trials, studies, reports of promising treatments that just 'disappear' or take 5-10 years to "figure out HOW it works" and storm the capitol. Not as the ACS, but as a group, independant with our OWN AGENDA: to save lives mercifully, not by 'the doc with hemlock' the ones who 'medicate to nauseate', but with a drug that will actually work without almost killing us. AGAIN, I don't think the docs are ignoring a cure or doing this for strictly monetary gain. I think they are appalled by the idea that this could even be happening. But face it ladies, there are a LOT of pockets being lined by several different entities that DID NOT take an oath to 'first do no harm'.
I mean h*ll I was even smart enough in practice to NOT prescribe phen-fen, and I had lots of women asking for it. They OK it w/o substantial studies, get real, we're talking WEIGHT LOSE not CANCER! Now what was the motive behind that? Patient care or making a buncha bucks? at the expense of our biggest vanities, our weight, thanks to 'Barbie' and all the other seductive advertisements.
If some of you are too sick to deal with this now I am sorry, I HAVE BEEN THERE, don't worry with this, take the best they've got and go w/ it. I'm a stage 4, 2 and 1/2 year survivor. As for me, I feel the need to rally together w/ WOMEN CONQUERING BREAST CANCER, and demand our cure.
THE ONLY problem is, "What illness will they replace it with?" It ain't physics that makes this world go round, it's MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.
Coming to you alive and well by surgery, chemo, rad and my faith in God. hummb0 -
Hi Ladies:
Hope this finds everyone doing well.
RE some of the recent posts here:
As far as I know, gdpawel has been periodically posting negative information here for at least two years. Perhpas he thinks he's helping to enlighten us. The fact is that most of us already know the inherrent risks of our chosen treatments.
It is not wanted or needed here that he, or anyone else, intrude, for the sole purpose of saying: "this is risky and terrible". We know that already. However, I did feel that some of the replies to his latest post could have been worded a bit more thoughtfully. He is obviously a man stuck in some sort of angry mode in his bereavement of his beloved wife. I have urged him not to post these kinds of messages here, explained why and also urged him to seek counseling, in order that it may help him to let go and find some peace in his life. He seems persistent, so probably the best thing to do is ignore him. I didn't read anything in his post that would indicate that he was "selling" or "pushing" anything. I don't know where that idea came from really.
The fact is that we need to get and remain positively focused, not only during treatment, but beyond, as well. This is a forum for helping one another to do that. Here we can find support when we feel emotionally or physically drained. We can help one another find resources, we can calm and soothe our overwhelmed emotional systems. Find an understanding ear. We all know how it feels. We've all been there. Sharing our experiences is the best we can do for one another. SUPPORT!
Talk of how bad the treatments can be, particularly from an outsider, is just not appropriate. We all know this already and we cope with that every day.
We choose our treatments based upon the best medical information we can find, together with what our doctors recommend, based upon our particular stage of cancer. It's as simple as that. We can only choose from what is currently available. Thoughts of "hidden away" cures do not help us either. Why? Because we've no proof that any such cure exists and is being withheld and if it did, what particular type of cancer would it cure and who's hiding it? Yes, hummb, money runs most of the world, but IF a cure was being withheld, it makes no economical sense to with hold it. Why? Because it would be worth billions and billions of dollars. Everyone would get a piece of that "cure" pie too. Scientists, physicians, drug companies, one would be excluded from the economical exploitation of any such cure. AND, we'd all benefit as well, so there would be an absolute demand for the drugs(s) and that demand would be guaranteed to last. Curing cancer is not in the same realm as preventing it.
ANY medical treatment is big business. Not just cancer. Patients are economically exploited in every major disease group you could name. There is nothing unique about cancer in this respect. As cancer survivors, we have NOT been singled out.
With your medical background, hummb, you must know and understand that many so called promising drugs never make it past the earliest phase animal trials. If something new does make it through to human trials, there are still no guarantees as our bodies can respond quite differently than animals' and so, they can still fail to work or begin to show a toxicity level not compatible with life. This accounts for the 5 to 10 year study protocols. Otherwise, every major drug company (who funds the trials) would be bankrupt in no time, due to lawsuits from people injured or killed by drugs which were released and approved by the FDA, before ALL the facts were known. Cancer research would come to a halt, with no further innovations or improvements.
It may be helpful to know that drug companies spend many years and billions of dollars to develope new drugs, without any guarantee that the FDA will ultimately approve them. When they are approved, they patent the drug and set about recouping their investment, which includes a certain amount of profit as well. This is just how the system works, legally and economically. At least in the USA.
The fact remains that we only have what is currently available to work with. Yes, some of the drugs can be damaging but the majority of us recover from healthy tissue damage of chemo and radiation. At least we know that we availed ourselves of the best currently available treatments and did all that we could to live. Even in this, we have no guarantees. This is why it's called a "fight". We bite the bullet and for most of us, we're grateful that the bullet exists. It's the best we have. Warts and all.
We cannot allow our desperation, fears, worries and stresses, to lead us down the road of unhealthy thinking or unhealthy actions.
Gdpawels posts here are unhealthy because they serve no positive purpose for us and ultimately, no positive purpose for him. Does he expect that he may suddenly cause us to come to our senses
and say, ok, these cancer treatments are all going to damage us beyond repair or kill us and make everyone else wealthy, so we'll just stop all treatment and take our chances?!!! Not likely. We know what we're doing and we know why. We know all about early and late side effects. We also know that the drugs sometimes just don't work or don't work for very long. We know the fears and concerns we each have to face when we make our choices. Not pleasant but until they bust out with that sequestered cure, this is where we are and these are the issues which we struggle, everyday, to overcome.
Personally, I do not care too much about the economical driving forces of today's latest cancer treatments. Why? Well, if I experienced a recurrence or a met tomorrow, it would not occur to me to ask my doctor what's in it for him.
It would also not occur to me to contact the drug companies and ask them where they're hiding the cure. What I care about is getting informed about whatever is currently medically available to me and my sisters in bc and what will give us the best chance of living. Side effects are a given. A hundred years from now, that will have changed, I'm sure. My time to have cancer, is in the here and now and I must function within that here and now and all the ramifications that go with it.
Antiangiogenesis treatments are being utilized now. Like everything else, they are not 100% though. Cancer is born at the DNA level and genetic engineering has thus far proved deadly in some human trials, for cancer, liver disease and other maladies. Stem cell research has been limited due to moral and ethical objections. Yet, every day, some brilliant minds conceive of new modalities and new trials begin, for all manner of diseases. I don't think there will ever be ONE magic bullet, but rather, an as yet undiscovered combination of bullets, which will target not only cancer but many other debilitating and life threatening illnesses/diseases. It will, I believe, one day be treated much like diabetes. In the meantime, I understand and accept the socio-economic standards of medicine. My energy is better spent in a positive fashion of taking the best care of myself and sharing with my sisters, giving and drawing strength. Yes, its amazing to think about how much profit we generate, but that's just part of the deal. It certainly doesn't keep me up nights.
I suppose that we could gather and drag ourselves to capitol hill but what would we tell them? That we're sick and tired of the conspiracy which is with holding a cure? That we're sick and tired of side effects and want them stopped immediately. What will we produce when they ask for evidence? We could only produce ourselves, as living proof that the best which medicine currently offers, has left us alive and with hope. For me, that is enough. IF there was proof of a cure that's being withheld, then that's another matter to consider IF and when proof is shown. In the meantime, let's try to live our very best and be grateful that we have the chance to do so. We have more than enough upon our plates just to accomplish that goal.
I cannot apologize for my statements here. I believe that they reflect my opinions, together with a sprinkling of common sense. For all those who know me, you know that foremost, I care very much. For everyone else, this is just another opinion which may differ from your own. We all have to judge for ourselves what we believe and hopefully that judgment will always be found through factual information, from solid, reliable sources. We have to be careful not to read too much into off the wall publications which may leave a lot to the imagination. Information overload can be worse than no information at all.
That's my take on the discussion of hidden cures and gdpawel. I'm just like everyone one day at a time and want to give and get the very best there is from this thing called life.
Love, light and laughter,
Ink0 -
RE: Development and high costs of medicationsinkblot said:Hi Ladies:
Hope this finds everyone doing well.
RE some of the recent posts here:
As far as I know, gdpawel has been periodically posting negative information here for at least two years. Perhpas he thinks he's helping to enlighten us. The fact is that most of us already know the inherrent risks of our chosen treatments.
It is not wanted or needed here that he, or anyone else, intrude, for the sole purpose of saying: "this is risky and terrible". We know that already. However, I did feel that some of the replies to his latest post could have been worded a bit more thoughtfully. He is obviously a man stuck in some sort of angry mode in his bereavement of his beloved wife. I have urged him not to post these kinds of messages here, explained why and also urged him to seek counseling, in order that it may help him to let go and find some peace in his life. He seems persistent, so probably the best thing to do is ignore him. I didn't read anything in his post that would indicate that he was "selling" or "pushing" anything. I don't know where that idea came from really.
The fact is that we need to get and remain positively focused, not only during treatment, but beyond, as well. This is a forum for helping one another to do that. Here we can find support when we feel emotionally or physically drained. We can help one another find resources, we can calm and soothe our overwhelmed emotional systems. Find an understanding ear. We all know how it feels. We've all been there. Sharing our experiences is the best we can do for one another. SUPPORT!
Talk of how bad the treatments can be, particularly from an outsider, is just not appropriate. We all know this already and we cope with that every day.
We choose our treatments based upon the best medical information we can find, together with what our doctors recommend, based upon our particular stage of cancer. It's as simple as that. We can only choose from what is currently available. Thoughts of "hidden away" cures do not help us either. Why? Because we've no proof that any such cure exists and is being withheld and if it did, what particular type of cancer would it cure and who's hiding it? Yes, hummb, money runs most of the world, but IF a cure was being withheld, it makes no economical sense to with hold it. Why? Because it would be worth billions and billions of dollars. Everyone would get a piece of that "cure" pie too. Scientists, physicians, drug companies, one would be excluded from the economical exploitation of any such cure. AND, we'd all benefit as well, so there would be an absolute demand for the drugs(s) and that demand would be guaranteed to last. Curing cancer is not in the same realm as preventing it.
ANY medical treatment is big business. Not just cancer. Patients are economically exploited in every major disease group you could name. There is nothing unique about cancer in this respect. As cancer survivors, we have NOT been singled out.
With your medical background, hummb, you must know and understand that many so called promising drugs never make it past the earliest phase animal trials. If something new does make it through to human trials, there are still no guarantees as our bodies can respond quite differently than animals' and so, they can still fail to work or begin to show a toxicity level not compatible with life. This accounts for the 5 to 10 year study protocols. Otherwise, every major drug company (who funds the trials) would be bankrupt in no time, due to lawsuits from people injured or killed by drugs which were released and approved by the FDA, before ALL the facts were known. Cancer research would come to a halt, with no further innovations or improvements.
It may be helpful to know that drug companies spend many years and billions of dollars to develope new drugs, without any guarantee that the FDA will ultimately approve them. When they are approved, they patent the drug and set about recouping their investment, which includes a certain amount of profit as well. This is just how the system works, legally and economically. At least in the USA.
The fact remains that we only have what is currently available to work with. Yes, some of the drugs can be damaging but the majority of us recover from healthy tissue damage of chemo and radiation. At least we know that we availed ourselves of the best currently available treatments and did all that we could to live. Even in this, we have no guarantees. This is why it's called a "fight". We bite the bullet and for most of us, we're grateful that the bullet exists. It's the best we have. Warts and all.
We cannot allow our desperation, fears, worries and stresses, to lead us down the road of unhealthy thinking or unhealthy actions.
Gdpawels posts here are unhealthy because they serve no positive purpose for us and ultimately, no positive purpose for him. Does he expect that he may suddenly cause us to come to our senses
and say, ok, these cancer treatments are all going to damage us beyond repair or kill us and make everyone else wealthy, so we'll just stop all treatment and take our chances?!!! Not likely. We know what we're doing and we know why. We know all about early and late side effects. We also know that the drugs sometimes just don't work or don't work for very long. We know the fears and concerns we each have to face when we make our choices. Not pleasant but until they bust out with that sequestered cure, this is where we are and these are the issues which we struggle, everyday, to overcome.
Personally, I do not care too much about the economical driving forces of today's latest cancer treatments. Why? Well, if I experienced a recurrence or a met tomorrow, it would not occur to me to ask my doctor what's in it for him.
It would also not occur to me to contact the drug companies and ask them where they're hiding the cure. What I care about is getting informed about whatever is currently medically available to me and my sisters in bc and what will give us the best chance of living. Side effects are a given. A hundred years from now, that will have changed, I'm sure. My time to have cancer, is in the here and now and I must function within that here and now and all the ramifications that go with it.
Antiangiogenesis treatments are being utilized now. Like everything else, they are not 100% though. Cancer is born at the DNA level and genetic engineering has thus far proved deadly in some human trials, for cancer, liver disease and other maladies. Stem cell research has been limited due to moral and ethical objections. Yet, every day, some brilliant minds conceive of new modalities and new trials begin, for all manner of diseases. I don't think there will ever be ONE magic bullet, but rather, an as yet undiscovered combination of bullets, which will target not only cancer but many other debilitating and life threatening illnesses/diseases. It will, I believe, one day be treated much like diabetes. In the meantime, I understand and accept the socio-economic standards of medicine. My energy is better spent in a positive fashion of taking the best care of myself and sharing with my sisters, giving and drawing strength. Yes, its amazing to think about how much profit we generate, but that's just part of the deal. It certainly doesn't keep me up nights.
I suppose that we could gather and drag ourselves to capitol hill but what would we tell them? That we're sick and tired of the conspiracy which is with holding a cure? That we're sick and tired of side effects and want them stopped immediately. What will we produce when they ask for evidence? We could only produce ourselves, as living proof that the best which medicine currently offers, has left us alive and with hope. For me, that is enough. IF there was proof of a cure that's being withheld, then that's another matter to consider IF and when proof is shown. In the meantime, let's try to live our very best and be grateful that we have the chance to do so. We have more than enough upon our plates just to accomplish that goal.
I cannot apologize for my statements here. I believe that they reflect my opinions, together with a sprinkling of common sense. For all those who know me, you know that foremost, I care very much. For everyone else, this is just another opinion which may differ from your own. We all have to judge for ourselves what we believe and hopefully that judgment will always be found through factual information, from solid, reliable sources. We have to be careful not to read too much into off the wall publications which may leave a lot to the imagination. Information overload can be worse than no information at all.
That's my take on the discussion of hidden cures and gdpawel. I'm just like everyone one day at a time and want to give and get the very best there is from this thing called life.
Love, light and laughter,
Last nite before going to bed, I read an article about the high costs of medications which helped me understand about the developement and high costs of meds. This quote is out of Sunday's, 2/2/03, 'Parade' magazine in the 'Ask Marilyn' section:
"Here are a few of the reasons medications may be expensive: On average, it takes more than a dozen years to develop a new medicine. Of every 500 that are researched, only five make it to clinical trials, and only one is approved for use. With all of this considered, the average costs of bringing that one new medicine to market is $802 million, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufactureres of America (PhRMA). It's a wonder that drug companies can accomplish this feat at all."
This knowledge still doesn't pay for my meds, but it makes me feel a tad bit less bitter about the costs!
'gdpawel' may have ruffled some of our tailfeathers, but we sure know how to turn something negative into a positive (discussion), huh?!?
Take care,
Geral0 -
My hats off to you again geral. What an excellent summation to what was just a discussion, and a good one at that, or so I thought.geral said:RE: Development and high costs of medications
Last nite before going to bed, I read an article about the high costs of medications which helped me understand about the developement and high costs of meds. This quote is out of Sunday's, 2/2/03, 'Parade' magazine in the 'Ask Marilyn' section:
"Here are a few of the reasons medications may be expensive: On average, it takes more than a dozen years to develop a new medicine. Of every 500 that are researched, only five make it to clinical trials, and only one is approved for use. With all of this considered, the average costs of bringing that one new medicine to market is $802 million, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufactureres of America (PhRMA). It's a wonder that drug companies can accomplish this feat at all."
This knowledge still doesn't pay for my meds, but it makes me feel a tad bit less bitter about the costs!
'gdpawel' may have ruffled some of our tailfeathers, but we sure know how to turn something negative into a positive (discussion), huh?!?
Take care,
Personally, I feel sorry for the man, to lose his wife whom he obviously adored. Then have to carry around so much bitterness. I'd like to see him change his anger into something positive. Time will tell.
By the by, I noticed you told tony about the pop-ups, good for you. Good to keep lines of communication open. Just for the record, my site is not free. I pay a server, I pay the board NOT to have Pop-ups, which I hate, and I pay for the chat room for same reason. Like I said just wanted you to know. God bless. hummb0 -
I would like to know how many times you are going to post this kind of info. I have been here 2 years now and this is a common one for you.
It is easy to see things differently, after the loss of your wife. My question to you is what are young women, old women alike to do? We have families who need us as my son did and few options out there that truly prolong our lives. I believe there is no CURE! I believe that if we look at this all realistically we can see that we have been given another chance to live lives we wouldn't have had without treatments. I am tired of seeing these kinds of posts. Most of us know well what we are doing and all that comes with it but still decide to LIVE rather than DIE. My son needed his mother, the only parent he has ever been able to rely on, therefore my choice was an easy one and one I would do again even with all I know and all the side affects I have had to suffer with. Without treatments it was clear I would loose my life to my aggressive cancer.
Part of the problem here that you fail to talk about is that we are all different and our bodies act completely different to the affects of surgery, chemo and radiation. Some of us suffer long after the cancer is gone but still the alternative is not one that I like to think about.
I am sorry you are bitter but you might want to find a support group for yourself and find away to deal with all you feel rather than spewing your garbage here. It just isn't helpful.
I am sorry for being so strong but living in our shoes is something you might want to think about.
I'm BACK!0 -
I realize that a few people on some boards have their own agenda which is to criticize, no matter what. I understand that. Some people on this board have boasted about the always beneficial benefits of chemotherapy, although they, themselves haven't had it. Because of these few, it tends to hold back the comments of many others on this board, for fear of reprisals of those few. That is a shame, for many others would comment on this site but don't. I don't hold it against them.nancys said:Hummb, You think I was too harsh on Mr. Pawel? Go back and read some of his ohter posts. He is a bitter man with a vendeta aganist the medical profession because he thinks his wife got treatments she did not need. I understand his pain but he is voicing it to the wrong group. We are women looking to our Oncologists to keep us alive. I for one will never see my Oncologist as a big crook. There is graft and over spending in every's the nature of some human beings. The drugs you mention may be available, but they have to be tested over long periods of time to prevent the possibility of horific side effects and as a protection from law suits. Remember the latest "cure" for weight control caused heart damage and now has a class action law suit pending. I respect your point of view and I know you have a good heart and your motives are good. I have heard these same arguments about every chronic disease. Any researchers who could find the magic cure for cancer would be out front with it and wanting the advertisement and recognition and possibly a Nobel prize. I just can't think that the medical professionals we have trusted our lives to, are doing our treatments only for big profits. Having said this, I am done with this and hope I have not offended you. Hugs, Nancy
I seems the medical profession doesn't want to hear about the side effects of treatment for gynological cancer and keeps referring to the lives of women loss this way as "rare". If it was their lives, they might not call it "rare". Some people would have you believe that because their bodies didn't give out after receiving chemotherapy or radiation that these treatments are "o.k.". Sometimes it is good for the soul to hear what others in similar circumstances have to say.
Patients should know what the demonstrated benefits are AND the risks, because the treatments can be debilitating and even life-threatening. It takes time for doctors to sit down with patients and truly explain the benefits AND the risks of treatment. They cannot tell which cancers are dangerous and which are not. In an ideal world, patients would consider the benefits AND the risks of each treatment and make an informed decision with the guidance of a wise doctor. But, hurried doctors seldom spend much time discussing the benefits AND the risks and few patients ever question whether treatment may do more harm than good.
Don't be so bitter yourself nancys, I've learned to take our terrible experience and turn it around for good. Perhaps you could too? Information is a valuable tool, whether it is good or bad.0 -
Neil Love, M.D. reports in a survey of breast cancer oncologists based in academic medical centers and community based, private practice oncologists. The academic center-based oncologists do not derive personal profit from the administration of infusion chemotherapy, the community-based oncologists do derive personal profit from infusion chemotherapy, while deriving no profit from prescribing oral-dosed chemotherapy.24242 said:I would like to know how many times you are going to post this kind of info. I have been here 2 years now and this is a common one for you.
It is easy to see things differently, after the loss of your wife. My question to you is what are young women, old women alike to do? We have families who need us as my son did and few options out there that truly prolong our lives. I believe there is no CURE! I believe that if we look at this all realistically we can see that we have been given another chance to live lives we wouldn't have had without treatments. I am tired of seeing these kinds of posts. Most of us know well what we are doing and all that comes with it but still decide to LIVE rather than DIE. My son needed his mother, the only parent he has ever been able to rely on, therefore my choice was an easy one and one I would do again even with all I know and all the side affects I have had to suffer with. Without treatments it was clear I would loose my life to my aggressive cancer.
Part of the problem here that you fail to talk about is that we are all different and our bodies act completely different to the affects of surgery, chemo and radiation. Some of us suffer long after the cancer is gone but still the alternative is not one that I like to think about.
I am sorry you are bitter but you might want to find a support group for yourself and find away to deal with all you feel rather than spewing your garbage here. It just isn't helpful.
I am sorry for being so strong but living in our shoes is something you might want to think about.
The results of the survey show that for first line chemotherapy of metastatic breast cancer, 84-88% of the academic center-based oncologists prescribed an oral dose drug (capecitabine), while only 13% perscribed infusion drugs, and none of them prescribed the expensive, highly remunerative drug docetaxel.
In contrast, among the community-based oncologists, only 18% prescribed the oral dose drug (capecitabine), while 75% prescribed infusion drugs, and 29% prescribed the expensive, highly remunerative drug docetaxel. The existence of this profit motive in drug selection has been one of the major factors working against the individualization of cancer chemotherapy based on testing the cancer biology.
This is not to imply that the academic center-based oncologists are without their fair share of collective guilt. They were misguided in not recognizing that they were trying to mate notoriously heterogeneous diseases into one-size-fits-all treatments. They devoted 100% of their clinical trials resources into trying to identify the best treatment for the average patient, in the face of evidence that this approach was non-productive. However, such unsuccessful experiments will never be viewed as such by the thousands of people whose careers are supported by these experiments.
Henderson, et al, entered 3,100 breast cancer patients in a prospective, randomized study to compare cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin alone versus cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin plus Taxol (in the adjuvant, pre-metastatic setting). The results were microscopically positive, at best, and cannot begin to justify the enormous financial and human resources expended (while making no effort at all to test and improve methods to individualize treatment).
But these results changed the face of the adjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer. Cyclophosphamide+Doxorubicin+Taxol became standard of care. Taxol recently went off patent. Now the thrust is to identify on-patent therapy which is microscopically better in clinical trials of one-size-fits-all treatment. Already, the community-based oncologists are migrating to Cyclophosphamide+Doxorubicin+Docetaxel (expensive/remunerative) so what was the purpose of doing that 3,100 patient prospective, randomized Henderson study?
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