Crazy bunch of coconuts

jojo elizapest
jojo elizapest Member Posts: 122
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I went to the doctor short of breath on the 9th of Feb. and received a difinitive diagnosis on the 17th. Breast cancer..stage four...two lumps in the right breats, right lympth nodes, and several plaquest on the lining of the right lung causing pleural effusion. I've had my chest tapped twice, both times resulting in yeilds of about 1.5 lt. Chemo started on the 27th...haven't heard much about surgery or radiation yet. Two spots on my brain being evaluated to rule out the need for whole brain radiation or having a date with a circular saw. So what does that have to do with coconuts... Six years ago my Dad died of pancreatic cancer, 14 years before that my mom of multiple myeloma. I have a sister that has survived several types of cancer throughout her life. Including her, I have 7 other sisters and a brother, two adult children and many many nieces and nephews and the most beautiful grandaughter in the whole world. Last chistmas over 100 immediate family members sat down to eat along with an accordian playing santa claus...we go on bike rides that invovle over we are getting together for turkey, probably a small group 60 or so....we are going to be screen printing "does this shirt make me look bald tee shirts" since most of the brother in laws are almost there! From another sister family statistics were circulated that my mother had 8 sisters...5 had breast cancer 3 did not. The 3 who did not are dead. The 5 who did are alive. Her point, and as a doctor her advice, to live long as a female in this family get breast cancer! Sister Julie responded she tried for a diagnosis in oct. but came up with nothing...we are praying for her. I am not making light and hoping not to offend...

My dad called us his crazy bunch of coconuts...I (unlike gilligan) don't need a coconut to fall from a tree for me to understand that it is this love and luancy that is going to see me through. But what this group can't give me is the been there...seen that kind of support I have been lapping up on these boards. Thanks to everyone who is so caring and sharing.

Anyway....what kind of coconuts are in your family trees....

PS: I now have a sign on both doors...ENTER POSITIVE OR BE EATEN. On the refrigerator (since I am/was a world class ketchup freak....NEGATIVE PEOPLE GO WELL WITH KETCHUP.


  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Jojo, you are hilarious! You really had me smiling there for the first time in days. You do not want to know about the coconuts in my family.....(My ex-husband likened them to the Munsters). I LOVE your signs too, I have one of the front gate that says: "Welcome to our House----NOW LEAVE!" and another on the front door which is even more direct...LOL

    Nice to meet you. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxx
  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187
    As the old saying (song?)goes---"what a loverly bunch of coconuts". Would you adopt me? My sense of humor would fit right in,& since I've had BC, I can live a long and happy life---with a smile on my face.

    Love all the signs. I need to copy some of those for the people who give me the hang dog look and the "oh you poor thing" speech---I want to tell them to go eat tad polls! (when I'm keeping it printable).

    I can't claim to have the same kind of coconuts, but hopefully, we'll never be "functional family of the year".

    Thanks for the uplifting chuckles!
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Jojo, Your post really
    Jojo, Your post really inspired me. You have a great, positive attitude and a wonderful sense of humor. I absolutely believe in the mind-body connection and the power of the brain to heal the body. You are going to be fine! The cancer road is rough, as I'm sure any of your Aunts can tell you, but it is doable and you seem like a strong person and most importantly you have a large, loving, close-knit support system in your family. That, combined with good doctors and good treatment will get you through this journey and get you back to life as usual before you know it! God bless, Eil
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hi JOJO and welcome! Your post was uplifting and humorous, I have a feeling you will divide and conquer where cancer is concerned. I have 3 sisters and a brother, two of us gals have had breast cancer along with my mom and several aunts. Lost my mom to ovarian cancer in 2000 and my eldest sister to pancreatic cancer in 2007. I myself have fought the cancer battle three times and come out the winner! :-D I am currently in the midst of reconstruction, whoohoo!

    I love your signs, we have a pool in our back yard and proudly hang a sign that reads "WE DON'T SKINNY DIP WE CHUNKY DUNK!"

    Have a great day, come back often and know that we are here for you!!!


    P.S. I love your smile!
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Welcome Jojo to the club. I
    Welcome Jojo to the club. I think that with your attitude and the multitude of family you have you will get through this without a problem. Attitude is very important in the fight with the beast to be able to conquer the battle and win the war. I think you will be all right. It's not an easy battle but it is doable. You will also have all of our support here on the site. So post often and keep us abreast of what is happening with you. Hugs, Lili
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Date with a circular saw???
    Girl, you crack me up!!! God it sure sounds like you have your hands full, with cancer and relatives but they sure sound like a fun family. Mine are so far away I sure do miss them.

    There is nothing big on my side of the family, I like to say I'm the pioneer. (first one to get cancer) Unless you call alcoholism and a few blood clots here and there. My mother does have a bad attitude, we figure no disease would want her :) Isn't that the funniest thing about your mother's sisters. Sometimes I wonder if I should just take a fatalist approach and say if it's going to come back then it will and there is little I can do about it.

    Sorry you have to join us but glad I read your post, you sure put a smile on this face.

    All the best to you in your upcoming tx.
  • CHERYL25671
    CHERYL25671 Member Posts: 20

    Date with a circular saw???
    Girl, you crack me up!!! God it sure sounds like you have your hands full, with cancer and relatives but they sure sound like a fun family. Mine are so far away I sure do miss them.

    There is nothing big on my side of the family, I like to say I'm the pioneer. (first one to get cancer) Unless you call alcoholism and a few blood clots here and there. My mother does have a bad attitude, we figure no disease would want her :) Isn't that the funniest thing about your mother's sisters. Sometimes I wonder if I should just take a fatalist approach and say if it's going to come back then it will and there is little I can do about it.

    Sorry you have to join us but glad I read your post, you sure put a smile on this face.

    All the best to you in your upcoming tx.

    awesome God
    he has the say so we dont just keep that million dollar smile on keep the faith were all winners
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Jojo, you also made me smile! I keep saying that you MUST have a sense of humor to survive the beast!

    I am the one and only to get breast cancer in my family. None of my 4 sisters has had it... and I am the youngest. My father did have lung cancer though.
    My wise cracking sister refers to me as the "trend setter" in the family, and cites my breast cancer as just one more example of!

    Wishing you all the best! Oh! And the sign on my door reads...FRIENDS WELCOME. RELATIVES BY APPOINTMENT!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Thanks for the uplift! Your family sounds a lot like mine. When we are together we are a little crazy but we sure know how to have fun, and laugh. I have 3 sisters all younger and no bc in my family..except mom did have 2 other forms of ca.

    It is so funny, and coincidental, that i had a post on this board a few months back. Maybe you can find it "What do you do when they cry" I had many replies and received the good advice of making signs for the door enter only with a positive attitude or you will be eaten ! and the like. just shows great minds think alike. I sure do hate those pity looks also or worse statements of doom and gloom. We do not need that negativity, what we do need is sweet women like you, with all of your optimism! I thank you for the cheery post. My day will be better because of it. You keep up that attitude dear one, and i'm sure You will conquer!! My prayers going out to you.. Keep the faith.
    luv and hugs
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Welcome, Jojo
    Any doctor will tell you that support is a huge factor is getting the best of this disease. It is well known that people who have friends and family around get better faster. You probably already know this, though. Keep that wondeful family close. We can be the coconuts that have "been there done that" for you.

  • jojo elizapest
    jojo elizapest Member Posts: 122
    rjjj said:

    Thanks for the uplift! Your family sounds a lot like mine. When we are together we are a little crazy but we sure know how to have fun, and laugh. I have 3 sisters all younger and no bc in my family..except mom did have 2 other forms of ca.

    It is so funny, and coincidental, that i had a post on this board a few months back. Maybe you can find it "What do you do when they cry" I had many replies and received the good advice of making signs for the door enter only with a positive attitude or you will be eaten ! and the like. just shows great minds think alike. I sure do hate those pity looks also or worse statements of doom and gloom. We do not need that negativity, what we do need is sweet women like you, with all of your optimism! I thank you for the cheery post. My day will be better because of it. You keep up that attitude dear one, and i'm sure You will conquer!! My prayers going out to you.. Keep the faith.
    luv and hugs

    Yes...I read through many many posts and threads when I found this site and was tickled by the sign suggested in response to your helped me feel comfortable enough to join in the discussions! So I made some signs...bought a supply of ketchup....and got online....

    thanks for responding! Jojo
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Dang girl, you made me smile
    Dang girl, you made me smile and feel powerful. I figure with the odds at one in eight for breast cancer, my seven close friends were secretly celebrating having dodged the bullet when I was the one diagnosed.
    At the pink ribbon march I got a "special" t-shirt for survivors only. Sometimes I felt like they should have been passing out "Not...Yet" t shirts too.
    But, I am with you for being positive. I read a lot about it (Dr. Bernie Siegel) and it helps me live.
    love and thanks, Joyce