Anyone have radiation twice? On both breasts?

Jeanne D
Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had radiation on my left breast, 25 treatments, years ago when I was young, after a lumpectomy. 23 years later, I got breast cancer in my right breast. I had a lumpectomy and am currently in radiation. I was just wondering if anyone had ever gone thru radiation twice, treatment on each breast. In 1985, the machine was so much different and it did do damage to my lungs and heart. But, now, in 2009, the machines are so different and so much better that I am hoping to not have permanent damage. ( just a permanent tan line ) lol


  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I have not had your past
    I have not had your past experience, but my experience with radiation in 2008 was very simple. I did have symptoms like a severe sunburn (blisters, peeling, soreness, but I used Aquaphor, took Tylenol, drank water, and it all healed up. The tan line has almost faded to match my other skin now. I think damage to internal tissues is rare with modern technology and training of the technicians. Definitely talk to your Dr. about any worries.

    best wishes, seof
  • jakeca
    jakeca Member Posts: 92
    I have no experience with your question. However, there is a post by Creampuff on the subject "Has anyone stopped radiation before completion" (or something like that) that refers to a friend who was having radiation on both breasts. Maybe she can help you.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    seof said:

    I have not had your past
    I have not had your past experience, but my experience with radiation in 2008 was very simple. I did have symptoms like a severe sunburn (blisters, peeling, soreness, but I used Aquaphor, took Tylenol, drank water, and it all healed up. The tan line has almost faded to match my other skin now. I think damage to internal tissues is rare with modern technology and training of the technicians. Definitely talk to your Dr. about any worries.

    best wishes, seof

    Thanks ladies!
    It is hard to find someone who has had radiation on both breasts at different times. I didn't realize it was so rare. Thanks for your replies!