Why do we come here...?
Why do we come here?? This question came to my mind today... I come here because people who have walked this journey before me, understand where I was, where I am at, and where I am trying to get to..They give me hope, strength, comfort, and courage... I come here, because there are those who walk this journey with me,…
1 more treatment next Wednesday!!!!!!
I have been looking forward to that last treament day!!!!! Its been a long bumpy road to that day. I have learned so much about myself that I didn't know I had in me. This site has helped A LOT. I might not said much but I surely did read the posts. I thank each and everyone here. HUGS Darlene
Thank You, O Poetess Laureate!
The Moopinator and I really loved your latest ode! Well, I could gripe a little bit about the "Aortus in tow" part, since I have been doing all the driving. But on the other hand, the Moopinator (God, I love that name) really is the leader on our journey to defeat the Beast. Today the Moopinator has unleashed her awesome…
Roll Call: Weekend plans!
The weeks seem to go by so quickly.... Well, I am hoping to have a somewhat quiet weekend this time. The hubby has been away on business all week and he's coming home tonight. So, we'll probably have dinner somewhere and just relax. Tomorrow I'll have my personal training appointment (haven't been to the gym all week.…
"What's New?"
Did anyone notice the new addition to CSN here? It is on the CSN home page, the What's New? It says it is an online patient navigator for cancer patients. Sounds like a very good thing. I am sure it will help a lot of people. So, thanks CSN!
AIs/depression/what would YOU do
I know this has to be my decision, but what would you do this in this situation: I have been severely depressed, and wake up with this terrible feeling. Granted, a lot of bad things have happened to me over the past year, but my depression does not seem to be about SOMETHING. I just wake up depressed. I asked my onc, and…
Just Thinking........
How do the religious think? They don't blame God for their affliction, yet they have Faith in Him to get them through it. Please help me with this.........AND Don't tell me you are praying for me.........I don't need that. Jxxxxxxx
Feeling ****...is it the aftermath of chemo., radiation or taking tamoxifen?
Help! Anyone who has been through breast cancer, chemo and radiation and taking tamoxifen...when am I going to start feeling better? My chest feels tight and my throat like I need to clear it all the time. I am wondering if this is from radiation? Maybe taking the tamoxifen or maybe just my anxiety and fears? Anyone out…
We still know how to have fun!!
I just wanted to say,I think it's great that we can show that cancer never took away our sense of humors and we can still crack up and have a good time! This discussion board is definately not "gloom and doom". And I know "newbies" on here see that and probably get hope because of it! I know I've definately felt all…
In need of a circle of prayer please
I have a friend who is very sick. His Name is Carter Kettner and he is 5 years old. Carter spent a lot of time at St Jude Childrens Hospital. Carter has a massive inoperable malignant brain tumor. Carter calls the tumor a bad cookie in his head. All this began in Feb of 09. We were just told yesterday, that the treatment…
Breast Cancer Protection Act
The Bipartisan Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act Needs Your Support! Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-Connecticut) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) and Senators Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) recently re-introduced the bipartisan Breast Cancer Patient Protect act to congress... Hi all, Please take a…
New Here - Excisional Biopsy Friday
Hi- I am new to this board. I was dx at age 35 in 4/02 with Stage III and went through 12 weeks Herceptin/Navelbine, followed by mastectomy, then 4 AC, 3 Taxol, 34 Radiation treatments, 40 weeks of Herceptin taking Aromasin (I was on Tamoxifen for a few years). I was also dx with osteoporosis last week even though I have…
what kind of support
after surgery what kind of bra do I wear? sports bra or good support bra? Thanks
Numb Toes
Has anyone had numb toes from chemo?
Prescription for Quality
I'm new to this forum, have only posted a couple times. Recently I was told my cancer was on the move, (breast originally diagnosed in 1995, reoccurred last year, mets to the bone) ,I had radiation, then chemo with Taxol and Herceptin. 3 Months into the chemo, they repeated the PET which showed the cancer on the run, yeah,…
Tired of it all so soon!!
Hi everyone. Well, here I am sitting here just thinking (probably my first mistake!) and I realized how tired I am already of going through this. But I realize it's only been 6-7 weeks and I haven't even started treatments yet. Well, surgery is out of the way and so are alot of steps and procedures. I think I've just…
My 16 year old Annie's coming home
Tonight's the night; Annie's plane is due to arrive at 11:24 pm. She has been studying in Germany since August 3. Please pray for travel mercies for her. You finger crossers, squeeze tight. Annie's mom, Lynn
Update on little Shark Fin
First let me give each and everyone of you my heartfelt thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts. She was able to come home late yesterday and will see the doctor tomorrow to have her blood counts rechecked. If it rises it will be back to the hospital for her, however it remains the same or lowers she will just…
Just a short "Kenny" the dog story......
I had to take Kenny to the vet's this morning for some routine bloodwork. No problem. However, since the minute I was dx'd until now, he has not wanted to leave my side. He has slept by my bed, laid by my chair and just been glued to me. Tell me dogs don't know when something's up! Before my dx, he was a "normal" dog...not…
Posted a new Pic
Hello everyone, I posted a new picture of Ava Lynn and her youngest brother Landon in the expressions section of CSN. You can see in the photo how good her coloring is, she is getting better fast! Hugs to all, RE
Treatment? Done! The Wait Begins
Hi All Well yesterday was a big day for me, I had my last radiation treatment. I take tamoxifen twice a day as prescribed and my hair is growing like crazy. Now it is a matter of waiting for my next scan on July 30th. There primary worry is a spot on my lung which is something they have been watching from the start of my…
need to hear from survivors
i would like to here from someone who has survived invasive lobular carcinoma with two positive lymph nodes.
How does your hair grow?
I loved all the beautiful pics you all sent for my post on "How does your garden grow" I know we would have to post pics on the expession page now. bummer! but I am interested now in how your hair grew/is growing back. Mine is sticking straight up like a porkepine..and is clear like a fishing line (stold that from 12/25)…
Farrah Fawcett affecting me
First of all, to all who wrote about my depression, thank you. I woke up today feeling better for the first time, so I hope it lasts. This Sunday I will be going to my first meditation class. But that's not why I'm writing: did anyone else feel affected by the death of Farrah Fawcett? Her death hit me hard, because it…
Taking a vacation from AIs?
I've been taking Arimidex (and Femara before that) with lower back aches and leg stiffness. Side effects are relieved by over-the-counter drugs, especially Aleve, if taken on a daily basis. My Oncologist said I could take a "vacation" from taking Arimidex - 2 days off Rx each month. He said there is a residual effect from…
time frame for radiation after lumpectomy
How soon after surgery can the 6/7 week radiation schedule begin?
parp inhibtors
has anyone heard of the new parp inhibitors and breast cancer treatment?
CONFUSED re: reconstruction after mastectomy - tissue expander vs DIEP or TRAM
Need to have a mastectomy after reoccurance -I just met with plastic surgeon and am leaning toward DIEP - he said that I am a candidate for this, but due to my "just enough" tummy tissue there is a chance that he will have to take a tiny portion of stomach muscle... anyone out there have any experiences to share? I have to…
Diagnosed 3 years ago chemo/herceptin to treat - every menstrual cycle get swollen lymph node under right arm (b/c side) have had 2 biopsied and all was ok, but now I have a painful swelling and small jabs of pain - any one else every experience this????
Pain after reconstruction 3 years later
I had reconstruction of both breast 3 years ago June 30. I am still having a lot of pain around my breast and around my back. I have been to several Drs here and no one has had a patient with the same symptoms.They have no answers so I have to take pills to help with the pain.I don't want to take pills forever. Has anyone…