*****Bill**** This is for you*****B12
I know sometimes I don't go back to old posts and wanted to make sure you saw this. Bill, please don't look at it as "charity" in the negative sense. I know how that can play on your psychy... Look at in the sense of the words true meaning... love.. people care enough to donate to causes that help others who come into a…
Teena and Kim ** Good luck with Rads tomorrow!
Teena and Kim, good luck tomorrow with the start of your radiation treatments! My advice, use the cremes the radiation oncologist gives you and get lots of rest! You will do fine! Hugs, Jeanne
peach fuzz
My hair has started to come back in. It is coming in fast--looks like a mixture of white and dark brown. Started to come in after my 5th treatment of Taxol w/Herceptin. I think at this rate in about 2 months I'll be gelling it. It is so soft. My son, Jake thinks it is really cool. Just hoping the hair on the legs and arm…
More about pathology reports.
Girls, I went and found a site that explains how to read you pathology report. At the very first it talks about checking you name birthday and date of surgery. I have 2 different reports 1 shows a date of 7/22/2008 the other a date of 7/23/2008 of material being received my surgery wasn't until 7/24/2008.............should…
Chemo delayed beyond optimal 12 week time.
I am new here so please bear with me. I had to have bilat mast and complete hysterectomy March 13, 2009. Because they had to use staples instead of stitches my wounds opened a week later when staples were removed. My chemo has been delayed multiple times. I am at the end of the 90 day window to start chemo. I wasn't happy…
Tomorrow... T meets Dr. Onco
Well, tomorrow at 3:30 (that would be central time) it will be T meet Dr. Onco.. how do I feel about this? Aprehensive, pensive, anxious.... let's see.... no, ... no... and nope. What's wrong with me? For two days I couldn't quit crying, since May 20th I've been terrified, scared, sad, pis**d off, over whelmed, I was…
Relay Update
Hi Everyone: Sorry I haven't posted but have been extremely busy at work. I went back to work full time about 5 weeks ago and I feel overwhelmed. Thank God, my husband knows how to cook because he had to step up to the stove. LOL. Anyway, really was awe inspiring like always and you know for a fact that I had tears running…
Post Chemo Hair
Hi there, I haven't posted in awhile...now finding I need some advice. My last chemo was in December and my hair is growing in at a normal pace, but rather stangely. It's two different textures. On the back of my head the hair is curly and same texture as my pre-chemo hair, but the top and crown are frizzy and straight. I…
Post Menopausal - Start bleeding again?
Has anyone here been post menopausal, taken tamoxifen, and, then started their period again? I read where that has happened to some. Thanks!
Why do you call a lumpectomy a partial mastectomy?
My surgeon said I had a lumpectomy. I have a really small incision because I had a very small tumor. So, why do some of you call your lumpectomy's, partial mastectomy's? I don't understand that. Is there some reasoning to that? Thank you!
Should I stay or Should I go?
This time I HAVE offended at least ONE person. I am am SORRY I offended that someone. I wish I knew just what I did that was offensive, unles it WAS that somebody doesn't believe how messed up my life has been since Oct. I have trying to decide if it was just one or the group and I guess the best way is for you to decide.…
First Relay of Life tomorrow
I will be participating in my first Relay of Life tomorrow (6/19). Jake and my mother will be there to walk with me in the first lap. I will be so proud to be a part of this. I know others on this board have participated in their local areas and have written what an experience it was for them. I hope my experience is as…
TexasTwister50 and maryannrogers
Shout out to the two of you! TexasTwister starting chemo and maryannrogers going into surgery. Want to wish the best for both of you and please let us know as soon as you are able how it went! Love and prayers, good wishes, vibes etc. Take care! =^..^=
Strange question.. (probably save it for the oncologist)
When they decide what size the mass is, do they base it off of the MRI or Ultra Sound report, or the pathology report from the biopsy (if it's removed) or the lumpectomy? Does anyone know... Thanks ~T
diagnoses secondary lymphedema
Good afternoon my warrior sisters aand brothers... just returned from Occ therpahy and it was confirmed diagnoses of secondary lymphedema. The theraphist was real nice and said we will do excercises and see if swelling goes down. Not sure if I want to give you a pressure stocking or not. So had therphy for an hour and she…
Our dear Marie is in the hospital in her last days or possibly hours. She has a bowel obstruction that can not be fixed. She can no longer open her eyes or speak, but her son tells me they are keeping her comfortable. He gave me permission to let her csn friends know. She is an ovarian survivor so I will be posting this…
back pain
I got up this morning feeling fine and then not. It started as indigestion and now my back hurts. I took my nexium and I walked alot to ease the indigestion, so I don't know if that caused the back pain. I'm not running any fever, but when my WBC was checked on Friday, I was at .02, so I am worried about infection. I am on…
To the Esteemed President and Secretary of the Daft Sod Club
Dear Madam Tasha and Madam Susan, I decided to write a formal letter, with earnest sincerity, to the Powers-to-Be of the Daft Sod Club. Though I do not expect to be accepted on the basis of pity, I feek compelled to inform you that I have never been a member of a club before. This has been an issue, since childhood, that…
Another Good Book!
How to Fight Cancer & Win by William L. Fischer is a good book too! It is for the successful treatment and prevention of cancer and other related health problems. Some of the ideas are great. The main one I can't use is the Linseed oil. That isn't for ER PR +! Hugs, Lex
On friday I am having my port put in and on the following tuesday I have my first chemo treatment. My children do not understand why I am so scared. Is it normal to be as scared as I am. I read on aarp.org website of a womens experience with her first treatment and she went into all the details of what was happening to her…
another newly diagnosed
Recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I had my right breast removed. The next step is probably chemo first because of expander and then radiation. What an emotional rollercoaster to this point in my life. One thing I would like to say is I am one of the rare cases where a mri of the breast discovered more cancer. Cancer…
Leaving on a Jet Plane......
I am leaving on vacation this morning, and will be gone for a week! You may recall I will be vacationing with a fellow BC survivor who I "met" in CSN chat in 2003. I am letting you know, because I am NOT taking my laptop with me! And don't ask for pictures ( you all know me better than that!!! LOL) I'm not taking a camera…
I was wondering if everyone who gets radiation gets the same amount and gets daily treatment for the same time frame?
A Good Book
I know a book was mentioned several posts back, but I couldn't find it. Maybe I had the author or title wrong (Something about "hope" written, in think, by Gerard??) Pls re-submit when you get the title/author. Thx. In the meantinme, I found another book, "The Middle Place," (I would underline if I knew how), by Kelly…
I have returned!
Hello everyone, I am back from my week camping in the mountains....it was wonderful. While we were gone my first grand daughter decided to be born (little stinker). I attempted to change my picture to one of her so you can see her. If it did not work I have also posted a photo of her in the expressions gallery. Her…
shoulder pain
I had a bilateral mastectomy in October with immediate reconstruction, followed by tissue expanders, then the replacement surgery in January. I completed six weeks of physical therapy for cording on my left arm (ulnar nerve) in May. I still have intense and constant shoulder pain, but the cording is gone. It is worse in…
Update on doctors appt
What the heck was I thinking !! that I was going to see the onc and rads man and they were going to tell me the cancer went away. I knew this was coming, I new it. I started talking so fast my husband asked me if I was on some kind of drug like speed. This was when the doctor left the room for a minute. My girlfriend was…
Hello all you fine ladies and gents, just thought I'd tell you that I posted a few photo's of our vacation in the expressions gallery. RE
Stress reduction.. Hope I don't regret this...
Okay.. so in order to do a little stress reduction, I decided to drop one of my classes over the summer semister, and two of five that start in August. With knowing what's around the corner for me, and not knowing just how my body will deal with it, and the anxiety of the unknown.. I just decided that it was for the best…
skin grafts?
Has anyone had skin grafts to cover the area after a mastecomy or removal of a reconstructed area? How long does it take to heal? Any problems when it came to radiation treatments?