plastic surgeon from hell/what to do
I will describe this situation and ask the group: would you report this guy? I have had many, many problems with my plastic surgeon which I won't even go into. Although technically he is brilliant (he did a great reconstruction job) this last thing is too much: he cancelled my nipple tattooing job three times! I think the…
Teena had 1st rad
First of all ... thank you all for the good wishes earlier ... for me ... and Kim ... on our first day of radiation. I got tears in my eyes reading the posts ... and knowing that so many of you care. It was a warm-fuzzy feeling I guess I needed. Long distance hugs! The treatment went just fine. I think I was side-tracked…
New here with questions about Radiation
Hi, I was diagnosed with DCIS, High Nuclear Grade, non-comedo; had a lumpectomy last Friday, now I'm waiting for the final pathology and maybe radiation. There is an extensive family history of breast cancer, although no one is positive for BRCA 1 or 2, and the biopsy path reported the DCIS, atypical hyperplasia,…
Another new member...
Hi All, I've enjoyed reading the posts and is reassuring to know there are people out there going through the same thing. I asked my Dr. to look at a lump on May 29th and since that moment my life has been crazy. I have dense breast tissue so nothing showed up on my regular mammogram last November nor at my annual exam in…
Newly diagnosed
I went in for my yearly mamm and after it was over I thought well I've done my duty for another year only to get a letter a few days later stating that I had an abnormal mamm and it would require more testing. Had a biopsy and was diagnosed with DCIS on May 15, my daughter's birthday. Since then my life has been a blur.…
I wonder: can you go from er positive to er negative DURING treatment?
I am just wondering: If you are postmenopausal, previously treated with tamoxifen, and then get a recurrence that is er positive, will it STAY er positive throughout the treatment? (Femara?) If you continue on the aromatose inhibitors after the main treatment, is it possible for the aromatose inhibitors to stop working,…
Joke for the day
A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, 'Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?' 'HELLLOOOOOOO......,' answered the blonde. 'They're watch dogs'!…
Hey to all my old friends from Sassy Sally.
I have tried to chat with old and new, but no one is ever in chat. What is up with that?? When I first logged into chat, no matter what time it was there was always 10-20 people in the room. Now there is no one at any hour it seems. I hope you are all well. Wanted to say " Hey" to all. I miss you all. write me soon, or…
talked to doc feeling much better :)
thanks all for responding to my "curious" post. I talked with mr doc at length today and she said there are new trials that show when a tumor is responding well like mine is radiation may resolve the problem. Her words were that i would be on "tomixfin for many many many years to come with close monitoring by her". If my…
my update wiped out again!
This is the fourth time i have tied to post you all and let you know how much i missed you. My computer at home is not working until i fix it and my message keeps dissapearing. It is so frustrating. I have my daughter Jamie here and we are having so much fun. taking her little dog Burkley for walks, going to movies and…
I beat this !
My name is Loni and I beat this ! I just yesterday got the news from my last Petscan and there is no more cancer to be found ! It all started Jan. 1st 2008. Breast cancer again for the third time. Four tumors in the right lung, and cancer cells in the fluid around that same lung. They called it Plural infussion. Over a…
gettin out of bed
Does anybody have a suggestion how to get out of bed from laying down? I had a bilateral mast 6 days ago and it hurts so bad to get out of bed. I roll over to my side but when I try to use my chest or arm muscles to get up, the pain is unbearable. Any ideas for me? Thanks
Thank you all so very much! I WAS stressed, I'm not here to stir things up and think I can provide some input from a different perspective.I know YOU certainly have been an inspiration to me. One of the posts in response also made some sense. She thought maybe CSN did it and now that I think about it, it have triggered an…
So, 'It can't happen to me', right?
I missed the whole discussion about tanning, etc, since I was travelling. Even here in Holland, the tanning capitol of the WORLD, the ads are on TV about using sunscreen to prevent....yes....wait for it....skin cancer.... I am a living, breathing example of you CAN get cancer. And then get cancer AGAIN! I also had a talk…
Fighting! How?
I told my sister that I did not feel like I was fighting. She told me when I go to the doctors and fallow through I am fighting. Tell me how to fight!!
Port is in
Ouch !! Hurts a bit. Did not feel anything when it was going in. I was in and out through the procedure. Everyone was super nice, glad another step is over. I guess they did not want the Left side girl to feel left out of everything. Thank you all for all the support, and getting me through another step in this journey.
confusion tamoxifen/ radiation
I am having lumpectomy in july for stage 0 dcis. I am concerned with the side effects of taking tamoxifen. If radiation will kill all cancer cells in breast wouldn't just getting 6 months mammo be enough to keep an eye on it coming in other breast instead of taking aromatose inhibitor or tamoxifen.I am trying to get…
wigs (itchy, comfy or sweaty what helps)
I tried on wigs today for the future bald head courtesy of cancer chemo. I found one but I think it will be a long summer of discomfort. Will it be itchy, comfy, sweaty? what will help?
A bit of a chuckle
Okay, by now you all know I am a grandma again to little Ava. Now take a look at her photo and notice the little bit of spiked hair which happens to occur naturally. Her brohter's say she has a "Rocker hair do" and her Papa has given her her first nickname.....SHARK FIN due to the bit of spiked hair. So our adorable little…
uploaded a pic of the picc in my expressions page in case anyone was interested. I would have preferred the port, so much better for daily living, but since mine was a dud, this was my only other option. =^..^=
metastatic breast cancer and SURVIVING AN ABUSIVE EX-HUSHAND
Dear CSN community,I need your help! A bit of background: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2005. Had a radical mastectomy, breast reconstruction, was on tamoxifen for years, and then in Feb of 2008 I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. I had chemo (taxol and avastin) for 10 months (3 weeks on, one…
Obtain A Second Consultation
Just wanted to tell my story, in regards to the first doctor who diagnosed my cancer. Was like playing a "guessing game." He said he tried to call me with the results, which I did not receive a message. When I went to his office, he "read off" the pathology report. Told me to see the oncologist and "get back with him."…
Congrats on Finishing RADS - crazylady55
I read where you just finished rads on Friday, and, I wanted to say Congrats! That must be great! I can't wait until I am done! Hugs, Kylez
Just diagnosed with stage ll breast cancer
Since i was diagnosed 2 weeks age I feel like everything is put of my control. Tests ane more tests with friendly and not so friendly people. There are so many loose ends I don't know what to think. I know I need a double mastectomy and chemo. I just don't know when. The waiting is driving me crazy!! My first reaction was…
Tamoxifen - Long term - Not good results?
I read a post where someone stated that tamoxifen studies for long term were not good. Does anyone know why or where they read that? I always wondered as they only want you on it for 5 years. I always thought, why just 5? Why not your lifetime? Thanks!
48 Hours But Whose Counting......
Well, surgery is 48 hours away and I'm still shaking at the knees. Guess I would be considered a "sissy", but I've heard some horror stories about the pain when waking up. Am having a modified radical masectomy on the right side for ILC. Maryann
The Pets of Daft Sods Club (P.O.D.S.)
Our Esteemed Leader of The Daft Sod Club, J (a/k/a Tasha) has formally decreed the instantaneous formation of a new club: THE PETS OF DAFT SODS (or, PODS) And as the newly promoted from Unofficial to Official Secretary of The Daft Sod Club (am quite proud of that - thank you, dear J!), I'm starting this thread so that all…
Worshipping the Sun.......
Just how long are we meant to live 'In the Shade' after rads? I was sprawled out on the deck yesterday doing my 'Starfish' impression. I got a nice bit of a tan and no burn. I am a year out of treatments now and don't want to carry on looking like Caspar! Jamie and I went shopping this morning and I bought 2 pairs of…
Not advocating stoppping AI's but...
I wanted to share my experience with my "sisters" who are taking aromatase inhibitors and experiencing side effects including insomnia, constipation, depression, nervousness, muscle and joint pains. For the past two weeks, my oncologist had me take a "vacation" from my Aromasin, so we could switch back to Arimidex. These…
Have any of you heard of
Ganoderma? A friend just gave me info about it....i know people try to be helpful, and can become overwelming with good advice, but wondered if any of you had heard of this one. Thanks! Jeanne