I had my expanders removed and silicone implants put in in April. I had bilateral mastectomy with BC and radiation on that right that ended in October. The results are not as good as I had hoped as there is considerable rippling on both sides. My surgeon validated what I was feeling and is looking to redo them with a…
New Caregiver to Mother In Law with Breast Cancer
Hello, I have read quite a few posts and find it hopeful and encouraging. I am caring for my mother-in-law who has metastatic breast cancer. She was told that she had cancer in the beginning but told after her left mastectomy that they got all the cancer. They told her that the treatments (radiation and chemotherapy) was…
I know I might me jumping the gun I have two more ac treatments left and then start taxol which my dr. told me is usally easier to tolerate and that sometimes you can have some hair regrowth star t while still on it. Anyone have any of these ?
Drain Information Help
Hi everyone, Just wondering what experience others have had with these stupid drains after surgery? I had my modified radical masect last Tuesday, 6/23. Came home with 2 drains. Went for a followup with surgeon this past Monday and they only removed 1 of the drains. Said the other one had to drain 20-25cc within a 24 hour…
Has anyone else out there, besides me, had a problem finding a bra to fit after reconstruction? I was a 34B before and now I'm not real sure what size I am. They tried to make me the same size but all I know is my bras do no fit the same. Not to mention that one boob is bigger than the other. The left breast had two…
Will the hurting stop?
Hi all.... I finished my last chemo treatment May 29th...a day etched in my brain forever more....and like others that i have read about here, somehow had in my brain that YIPPEE! all better now! HA!!! My joints still hurt like a 100 year old woman, and the fatigue....worse than during the actual treatments, lasted about 3…
Some Good News
Hi Everyone...Had my breast checkup and all is well. The mammo was okay and showed no evidence of anything. We are still going with the Tamoxiphen for now. Now next month we move on to the lower region, and I am hopeful there will be nothing there either. I hope all of you are having some good days. I read the posts and…
Done with Taxol, YES!!!...I have questions??
I am FINALLY done, never thought this day would come. I was really excited prior to thr treatment, but when I got home I lost every bit of enegy I had. I feel EXHAUSTED!! Is that normal?? After the other treatments I did not feel this tired. Do my oncologist suppose to run any test. After my appointment with her they only…
How Rude!
This morning I nipped out to the beer store ( Yes I Did) and I was stood in the queue to pay and there was a group of old guys in front of me laughing and joking.........BUT, One of them turned round and GAWPED at my boobs..Totally Blatant, I was Very Very uncomfortable, thinking I might have slipped my padding and become…
Sign in doctor's office
I just got home from radiation #6 ... and my day to see the radiation oncologist. While I was sitting in the room waiting for him I was looking at the walls and saw a sign which I thought y'all might appreciate: "Doctors make mistakes too! Mine just asked me to take my clothes off!" Well ... at least I thought it was funny…
Where is everyone going this summer on vacation, or, are you staying home?
"Step One"
The year like any other year the annual mammogram. I went on Wednesday after work. Yesterday the phone call. We saw "something", "patchy", "asymmetry". "You need to come back for further testing, an ultrasound". A curve ball in my already busy world. Holiday weekend, I admit I was surprised at the call, and don't remember…
Back Pain
I recently had a double mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time. It was a 10 hour surgery and everything went very well. My worst problem has been severe back pain. My surgery was eight weeks ago and not a day has gone by that my back has not hurt. I'm not talking about minor back pain - this is where it hurts to…
Kristin and everyone--blonde joke
A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day.. The Russian said, 'We were the first in space!' The American said, 'We were the first on the moon!' The Blonde said, 'So what? We're going to be the first on the sun!' The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads. 'You can't land on the…
Bras and Insurance!
I saw the post about what type of bra to wear after a lumpectomy. I just wanted to let everyone know that my insurance paid almost everything for a couple of bras for me to wear after my lumpectomy. I think the bras were around $40 - $50 apiece and I only paid about $7 out of my pocket for both of them. I can't remember…
Update on OncotypeDX score
Spoke with Surgeons office today. They said when they first saw my results, they thought there had been a mistake. So they looked at all the data and realized that someone had to be a first! They had never seen this before in their office and so now I am somewhat of a "special" patient. Turned out that my score was barely…
Totally non BC question
After a decade of abuse ( trust me used the thing everyday). My 10 year old washer has finally met its demise. Does anyone own a High Efficiency washer and dryer?( I they are the tall type that come in really cool colors).Do you like them would you purchase then again? This is a really significant investment for me and I'm…
Hello, I've been reading the board for a few months and just registered. I was diagnosed the end of March and had surgery the middle of May. I am stage IIB - tumor was 4 x 4 x 2.5 centimeters and one lymph node was positive. I had my first chemo last week. My treatment plan is to have six doses of chemo followed by 6 1/2…
What is your least favorite cleaning chore?
What is the least favorite chore you dislike to do? I hate to peel potatoes and shuck corn!! I don't cook so my husband is always trying to get me involved. Potatoes require the use of one of those peelers that I believe you had to go to cooking school to learn to master. Shucking corn gets all those hairy things all over…
Hey tash, or anyone who may be familiar....have you ever been to Niagara On The Lake? My daughter and a friend of hers from work are talking about going & she asked me if I have ever been there. I have not, even though we aren't very far from there. I told her that I had heard that there are a lot of little shops, but…
Tick Warning
If someone comes to your door and asks you to take off all your clothes and dance around with your arms in the air because they are checking for Ticks, due to the warm weather. DONT DO IT! It's a scam...They just want to see you naked! I wish I had known about this yesterday...I feel so stupid. Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Update on Carter
I thought you all would like to know whats next for Carter. Monday, Mom and Carter are headed back to St Jude. They are going to give Carter a triple dose of rads for 3 weeks to try and give him more time. He has a new tumor on his spine and thats what they are going to try and deal with. With this treatment, they are…
Pain With Mastectomy?
Hi All! I am having my right breast removed on July 9th (I have a 5cm lump in it) and the little book that the surgeon gave me said that there won't be much pain associated with the surgery. I think the little book is not telling the truth. Am I right? And my brother said I won't be able to use my right hand for a while…
In the Meanwhile
I am still waiting to heal more before I go to see an Oncologist. I got my drain tube out last Friday. I mentally feel like I can do more than I can. I having to accept my temporary limitations. I ordered me a book to help with an exercise plan during the healing process. I have accepted the fact that I probably won't be…
Mane and Tail Shampoo
The PA for my radiation oncologist recommended Mane and Tail shampoo for hair growth. I just wanted to pass this along--with the caveat that she said it worked for her son after he shaved his head for some reason or other. Not sure a man's shaven head presents the same challenge as a chemo-challenged one! Anyway, you can…
Recently diagnosed, surgery pending, scared to death!
I have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and am scheduled for surgery in early July. I am more than a bit worried about this whole process. I have cancer in one breast and an "area of suspicion" in the other so I opted to do a double mastectomy with reconstruction so I only have to dance with the devil one time. I…
lumpetomy -another step over
well had the lumpetomy today. The doc told husband small and he got clear margins so hope he did after report. I see him on Tuesday to hear about pathology report. What kinds of things does that tell Me? I couldn't call it a no mishap day. Got there at 8 and after Iv put in I sat till 12. Then the doc came to perform…
As The Tomato Ripens...............UPDATE
Some of you may remember my posting of my husbands excitement at growing his own tomato plant! .......He betted me $10 that his tomato plant would bear fruit before my English stuff "That would NOT grow here in Canada" I omitted to tell him that his tomato plants were actually CATMINT! Well, wonder of wonders, I have…
not cancer but what is it????
I got my biopsy results today and the good news is it's not cancer. That's all I heard from the surgeon. I really wasn't worried about anything else until I got home and now I'm wondering what in the world does it mean?? Word for word this is what is written on the report... Cystic change with occasional ductal basophilic…
Can reconstruction be done, even years down the road? Is there a time limit, after which it is too late?? CR