New Member
Good morning ladies...I just joined this am....I have been visiting this site for awhile, but just decided to join this am.....from what I have read, you are a very supportive group of mighty warriors...want to share a little about myself.....am 62(almost 63) I found a lump in left breast on 6/17/09 & saw gyn on…
Getting into chat
Hello everyone. I'm new here. I had surgery July 21 to remove a lump and some lymph nodes. Yesterday I had the followup appointment with the surgeon. She removed the drain and is pleased with my healing progress. I'll see the oncologist for the first time on the 13th of August, to discuss the chemotherapy treatment.…
Checking In
Hope everyone had a good weekend. I also hope for everyone that all unanswered questions have been answered; tough decisions have been made; appointments were positive; treatment is what you think is right for you; and first time treatments were scary but seen through. This is what I prayed for us all this weekend. Got my…
Birthday Suit!!
Just thought I would post a pic of my "Birthday Suit" since it's my Birthday!! "Celebrate Good times, com'on!!" "We're gonna have a party!" "celebrate Good times, com'on!!" Have I got that song in your head yet? :( -) Pammy
For Love Not Money
Isn't it funny that the greatest g i f t s on earth cost nothing. Money does not last. but love lives on forever. My daughter runs every weekend in Denver Colorado, she runs for me and us, she trains and works out hard, volunteers for every relay, marathon, runs, helps put signs on their backs, whatever she can do. She…
Soybeans, Tofu
I want to know what the Cancer Society's stand on tofu and soybeans. Are they bad for patients with breast cancer or are breast cancer survivors? I see conflicting articles on the internet. I appreciate your opinions
You know, I was just reading thru some of the posts here and suddenly I felt myself getting teary eyed. And, you want to know why? It is because I realized how much wisdom, how much kindness, how much comfort and support you all give anyone and everyone that posts on this board. It truly is amazing. We are all so blessed…
Tj, I just saw the tattoo design on your expression page. I love it! It is very, very beautiful. I love all of the different colored ribbons inside the big pink one! Very nice! Kristin Now, back to copying recipe's off of the recipe thread here. Those recipes are very good!
we will be gone for a few days
Jake and I will be gone for a few days Wednesday noonish til Saturday morning--going to 'You and Me' camp. Will be filled with fun. I didn't want my friends to worry if they didn't hear from me. On Monday I am in a breast cancer golf tournament 'Teeing it up for Ta Ta's'. Have a great week everyone and talk to you soon. I…
Amberen - For Hot Flashes
I am taking Tamoxifen and of course I have the Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, and weight gain to go along with it. Does anyone know if Amberen can be taken with the Tamoxifen? Because of being ER/PR2 - HER2 Positive the Tamoxifen is a Hormone Blocker - Does the Amberen conflict with the Tamoxifen? If it doesn't interfere with…
tomorrow is it :{
Ok guys. Im such a nervous wreck and crying and having panic attacks and everything else. Tomorrow is my day i start chemo. I am just so afraid. Why? I thought i would be stronger because up until now ive had a pretty positive attitude. And my post a week ago, you guys helped me feel better, so why is all the negative…
Prelim path reaults from Mondays surgery
Wanted to give an update my surgery Monday went well no real pain to speak of My surgeon called yesterday with prelim path results she was able to get all the DCIS with Very small margins (1mm) so she is taking case to a team of Drs to get other opinions om whether or Not to do another surgery. The good news Is that they…
Happy Birthday Dear Pammy
I am not one of the singers of the band but here it goes Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Pammy Happy Birthday to you Oh yea you live in a zoo hahaha now i have to be respectful till i catch up cause we are not the same age anymore happy smiles tjhay
Day 11 of Pammy's Rads
Whew! What a busy day! Went to radiation expecting same old, same old. Noooooo, not on MY Birthday! First, as I am walking to take my place under "Optimus Prime", I notice there is someone "shadowing" my regular tech. Gulp! Oh no, not a nubie playing with the buttons on my zapping!! Yikes. My tech politely tells me Happy…
Have I told you guys lately just how thankful I am for all of you?!For so many reasons!! When I feel like the rest of the world couldn't possibly understand what I'm going through-you do.I can't see your faces of course,but I 'm pretty sure you all wouldn't look at me clueless when I want to rant and rave and vent!I don't…
What is a hot flash like?
I have never had a hot flash and hopefully won't for many years. But, they sound horrible. Can someone describe them? Thanks, Lex
It's Going To Be Long, Fret-Filled Weekend...keep me in your thoughts please!
It is really hard to be 50' tall sometimes, and this is one of those times~my knees are buckling, making it difficult to stand. After almost 7 years post dx, and all good labs, mammos, MRI's etc etc...my "affected" breast is hot, a bit swollen, achy and sensitive to the touch , for lack of a better word, I am "aware" of…
Conference Call
To all you early risers (it was 6 a.m. where I am) I deeply enjoyed being able to hear you voices and actually converse with you in real time. Hugs to each of you! RE
All my smokeless winners
Ok Girls it is Monday and everyone should on the bandwagon as of today. So its roll call time. tjhay is and going well the rest of you?
Pregancy after Breast Cencer for a 31 year old
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 at age 28. My cancer was estrogen postive. I underwent a lumpectomy, chemo & Radiation. I am now goin on caner free for three years. My oncologist said he didn't see a reason why I couldn't conceive, but I still went to see a Reproductive Specialist. The specalist mentioned that…
Doctor Just called..... Good and Bad News....
Got the call tonight from my doctor with my path report, She said,"I have good news, and bad news".. Margins are clean, lymph nodes positive..On top one minute, and at the bottom another... It does suck...Anyway, back to surgery next Tuesday for a complete lymph node dissection. I think my attitude is getting the cancer...…
Blood clot in leg - anyone have one?
I work as a legal asst. and sit for most of the day. On Weds. a.m. I noticed that my ankles adn feet were puffy. I often have this during hot summer days, when I had my period years ago, after standing for a long time, etc. By the time I got home from work my left ankle and foot had swollen even more than the right - never…
slow healing, blood thinners, blood clots and a lumpectomy
How many days did they take you off your blood thinner before a lumpectomy? Did you have inject yourself before surgery with blood thinners? For how long? And how many days after the surgery did they put you back on the blood thinner? How soon did you see your doctor after the surgery for a follow-up visit? Did a doctor…
Time to Celebrate
I'm new to this site and I wish I knew about it when I started going thru treatment. I found my lump in the left breast and was diagnosed in Sept 08. I had chemo first then a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction followed by a lot of physical therapy then finally radiation treatments. I just recently finished…
To perhaps relieve some ambivalence...
Last Wednesday, July 29th, marked SIX YEARS since my original diagnosis. I will always remember this past year as the one during which I found this site, joined this amazing group, and gained so many new friends. All for which I'm very grateful. Thanks for allowing me share this with all of you. Kind regards, Susan
Day 10 of Pammy's Rads
Yikes! Almost forgot to post about Rads today. Sorry, had unexpected company stop in from out of town and they just left. Well, seems like they just get quicker & quicker. The reason I may be thinking this is because the big rubber band that they put around my feet was on before my head hit the table. Good thing I have…
So scared, alone and need to RELAX....HELP
Hello everyone. I need help as I am feeling scared and alone. I have supportive family and friends but why do I feel so isolated? Why can everyone else move about their day with smiles and I am sitting here full of anxiety anticipating the first chemo and herceptin treatment on 08/12/09. I NEED TO RELAX BUT CAN'T FIND THE…
Punker Doo results
Well, decided I needed cleaned up a bit. Asked for a Punker look. Yikes!! Not too sure this is me!! At least the gray is gone. Rock on RAD B's, rock on!! (:-) Pammy
It's that time again: Roll call, weekend update!! Feeling a bit ambivilent about it....
Well, ladies, I couldn't leave work without asking about everyone's weekend. I wasn't sure if I should post this today since there seems to be so much anxiety, new members who are scared, new diagnosis, etc. out there lately. Honestly, sometimes when I open the site and see the subject lines, I become so dismayed. I just…
Grrrrrr, if you recall last week I went to my onco appt. and as it turned out it was the wrong date (they had written the wrong date on my appt. card). Okay no problem, I came back a week later which was today. I get weight, my pulse and blood pressure are taken and then the young gal say's Ed will be with you in a few…