Any runners on this site

mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just read Claudias post about her 10K and I am curious if there are any other joggers or runners on this site and if so are you still able to go? I really miss it. I was used to running about3 to 4 times per week 3 to 5miles each time. I ve been out once since my surgery in May and couldnt to 1/2 block without being exhausted. I had double mastectomy in May with complications and the removal of the expander on the right side in June. I have had 2 rounds of ac every 2 wks with 2 more to go then 4 sessions of taxol and herceptin with 52 wks of herceptin after. I am back to work about 20 to 24 hours per week and I bike when I can about 8 to 10 miles at a time. But my real love is running. Ive been afraid to try because Im afraid I wont be able to do it. Isnt that dumb?

Will I ever be able to run again?

Thanks all

Linda t


  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Yes, Linda, you will
    Linda, I am not a runner (couldn't make it to the end of my driveway!), but my husband is. I watch how frustrated he was when he had a stroke and his world turned upside down. He was 45 years old. He was one tough dude though. Lost his eyesight from the stroke. He followed the Doc's orders to a tee. Amazingly within one month, his optic nerves re-routed and he regained his sight and was back to work. He attributed it to running (something about circulation?). He could only "fast walk" at first, then slow jog, then eventually back to his usual. I remember him being frustrated because it was slow going each day.
    you may have to take a break from it if it wears you out too much, but it is not gone forever. Just maybe on hold. Besides, you are working and biking!! Your body needs a little TLC right now and rest is so very important. Maybe trade biking one week for a short run instead. I hope you are able to find your comfort zone.
    As for me.....I'll just stay resting in a hammock looking at the clear blue skies!!! :) Pammy
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Any runners out there?
    I have been a runner, jogger, walker for many years--training for a fall half marathon until diagnosis in July 2009. It has been crushing not to be able to compete. Have not been able to run/walk since surgery; undergoing radiation now. But I am still working out with floor exercises & light weights. A few years ago I did Pilates after a (noncancer) surgery. It really helped. I am setting small goals. Maybe a 5 K in December-Jingle Bell for Arthritis is big in my area. I usually do a spring half-marathon, but I am thinking of shorter races now. This cancer might just be an opportunity to refocus/reinvent.

    Many things that I have learned from running have helped me in my treatment for cancer.
    One thing is to have patience; another thing is to take each mile one at a time; you never can tell what will happen in a race. You might start out feeling great and halfway through you crash, or vice versa.

    Good luck-wish you the best!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Tux said:

    Any runners out there?
    I have been a runner, jogger, walker for many years--training for a fall half marathon until diagnosis in July 2009. It has been crushing not to be able to compete. Have not been able to run/walk since surgery; undergoing radiation now. But I am still working out with floor exercises & light weights. A few years ago I did Pilates after a (noncancer) surgery. It really helped. I am setting small goals. Maybe a 5 K in December-Jingle Bell for Arthritis is big in my area. I usually do a spring half-marathon, but I am thinking of shorter races now. This cancer might just be an opportunity to refocus/reinvent.

    Many things that I have learned from running have helped me in my treatment for cancer.
    One thing is to have patience; another thing is to take each mile one at a time; you never can tell what will happen in a race. You might start out feeling great and halfway through you crash, or vice versa.

    Good luck-wish you the best!

    Welcome, Tux
    Glad you found us. Though regret the reason.

    Seems like you're doing pretty well, good for you. Yes, we often state - here on the board - that the journey can only be travelled one step at a time. Your runner's analogy of one mile at a time surely means the same.

    Best wishes to you. Visit often, whenever you may need or would like to. We're all here to support and encourage each other.