Feel a lost

yvette56 Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had two type of cancer and my breast remove I had a reconstuced an a reduction it was in the being stage.my recovery has been good but i feel a lost and also feel bad because I feel this way and other are so sick. Is this a normal way to feel or should just be happy and not say anything. I also lost my job 10 day after I return to work.


  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Welcome Yvette
    I am glad you joined us, you will find a lot of caring support here. I'm glad you found your cancer at a early stage. Did you have to do chemo? It is very natural to feel sad over the loss of your breast. But please do not feel survivors guilt...You are in recovery and feeling good so rejoice and feel joy, you do have a right to be happy. And I am happy for you...except for the loss of your job. I hope you can find another that you really like soon.
    Hugs, Jackie
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Feel a lost
    I am so sorry about your job. I will be praying that another one, better comes along for you.

    I made the decision to have a double mac'tmy today, and find myself somewhat depressed. God only knows what I will be going thru once I've had my surgery.

    Continue on this site, and send out words of encourgement.

  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    VickiSam said:

    Feel a lost
    I am so sorry about your job. I will be praying that another one, better comes along for you.

    I made the decision to have a double mac'tmy today, and find myself somewhat depressed. God only knows what I will be going thru once I've had my surgery.

    Continue on this site, and send out words of encourgement.


    I lost both breasts...
    in separate surgeries, less than two years apart. That all began 23 years ago, but I remember so well the grieving that went along with it. It is perfectly normal, and even healthy. Pretending to be happy and saying nothing is a dangerous journey. The pain (physical and emotional) has to be dealt with or it consumes us.
    But I wanted to tell you that it does get better and there is life after cancer and it is GOOD. Do everything in your power to deal with this and then move on. But please don't try to do it on your own. Seek help and support from every avenue open to you. Coming here was a great step in the right direction. We are all about support here.
    God bless.
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Yvette, I am sorry to have to meet you this way. But this is the best place to be when you are in this situation. You will be welcomed with open arms and gentle hugs. I have also experienced some survivor guilt. I look around and see so many others still struggling and suffering and I wonder why I am still here and what the reason is for all that has happened to me. But I feel that maybe , just maybe, all that I have gone through will encourage another person to fight and hold on. We are all survivors no matter what stage of cancer we had or have, the minute we start fighting after the diagnosis we become survivors. I need to remind myself that this honor does belong to me also. And that is not always easy to do. There will be so many stories of awe and inspiration here on this board. Much of it will comfort you. Much will make you sad. But we are all still alive and living as best we can no matter what stage of cancer we are in. And we have really learned how to live. I think that is the best thing to come sout of having a cancer diagnosis...we survivors really know how to live and what is the most important thing in life. That we look out for each other and love each other. You will find much of that here. Hugs, Cindy
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Hi Yvette. I am sorry that
    Hi Yvette. I am sorry that you feel this way. I had a lumpectomy, so, I don't know what it feels like to lose a breast, thank goodness. But, I am sure that with time, you will feel better. There are a lot of women that had a mastectomy that will offer you support and encouragement on the site. And, so very sorry about your job.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Hi Yvette. Glad your
    Hi Yvette. Glad your recovery has been good since the surgery. Sorry that you feel a loss. I am sure that anyone who has had a mastectomy feels this way. Sorry that you lost your job. I will put you in my prayers!

  • yvette56
    yvette56 Member Posts: 4
    rjjj said:

    Welcome Yvette
    I am glad you joined us, you will find a lot of caring support here. I'm glad you found your cancer at a early stage. Did you have to do chemo? It is very natural to feel sad over the loss of your breast. But please do not feel survivors guilt...You are in recovery and feeling good so rejoice and feel joy, you do have a right to be happy. And I am happy for you...except for the loss of your job. I hope you can find another that you really like soon.
    Hugs, Jackie

    No I did not have chemo. I will be taking arimdex for the next 5 years
    Thank You for your kind words . GOD BLESS
  • yvette56
    yvette56 Member Posts: 4
    rjjj said:

    Welcome Yvette
    I am glad you joined us, you will find a lot of caring support here. I'm glad you found your cancer at a early stage. Did you have to do chemo? It is very natural to feel sad over the loss of your breast. But please do not feel survivors guilt...You are in recovery and feeling good so rejoice and feel joy, you do have a right to be happy. And I am happy for you...except for the loss of your job. I hope you can find another that you really like soon.
    Hugs, Jackie

    No I did not have chemo. I will be taking arimdex for the next 5 years
    Thank You for your kind words . GOD BLESS
  • yvette56
    yvette56 Member Posts: 4
    VickiSam said:

    Feel a lost
    I am so sorry about your job. I will be praying that another one, better comes along for you.

    I made the decision to have a double mac'tmy today, and find myself somewhat depressed. God only knows what I will be going thru once I've had my surgery.

    Continue on this site, and send out words of encourgement.


    Feel lost
    I do hope all is well I think that it natural to feel that way stay in pray and God will guy you. let me know how you are doing. God Bless You. Yvette
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    yvette56 said:

    Feel lost
    I do hope all is well I think that it natural to feel that way stay in pray and God will guy you. let me know how you are doing. God Bless You. Yvette

    Hi Yvette
    Yvette, when it comes to having bc, it is normal to feel any way. Your emotions will be all over the place. Unfortunately, that comes with the diagnosis. Try to relax and try to focus on getting better!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣