inflammatory breast cancer
Hi all My name is Joan from Dublin Ireland and have just found this site not too sure how to find my way around it yet - but will learn we don't have anything thing like this in ireland only organised meetings you have to travel to- hence the reason i am here I was diagnosed with the above a month ago and just 24th March…
Rads are done and cruising in 2 weeks!!
Rads are done and cruising in 2 weeks! I am finally done with rads (30 treatments) and yes I a burnt up! I am so glad I have a few weeks to get cleared up before the cruise. My DR said for 7 to 10 days I will still be "cooking" on the inside, so not to get any sun YET! I know there will be shade somewhere on that boat!! So…
When did you notice your hair starting to grow back?
Finished last chemo yesterday (only 4 A/C) and was just wondering when to expect hair to grow back..Actually I have not lost mine completely, still have some soft stubbles about 1/16" long, is that normal? Also stubbly legs. Oh and also still have eyebrows and eyelashes. Just wondering if the "experts" can answer a quick…
Doing it makes me proud!
I lost my godmother to breast cancer last June, i still miss her and what hurts the worst is that i never got to say goodbye, one day we had a message on our answer macheine and that was it...she was gone! in may i'm doing the relay for life in memory of her and i have raised about 100$ so far and i'm very proud i feel…
Thank you ... from Teena
I just had to thank all of you for your comments to my post about how down I was feeling. Your posts really helped and I can honestly say I felt the love and the hugs. love you all ... teena
Greatest Video in a long time...
This is a re-post of a video I posted in March, 2010. Someone in the discussion titled "Grrrrrrrrrr" requested it a couple of weeks ago. By the way, that is a discussion that has been going on since the beginning of March and is still going on...lots of great stuff in there if you haven't seen it. It's still open. This…
Drains gone, whoo, hoo..
Hey All, I am 2 weeks post surgery, bi-lateral mastectomy. My 1st visit to the Platic surgeon, removed the drains, I was afraid it might be painful, but it wasnt, what a relief..I feel like a new woman. Also had my 1st fill up for the expanders, again not painful. I have become accustomed to the scars, they arent so bad,…
Hi Everyone It's a WOW DAY!!! I got my port out today. It has been a year now that I had both breast removed and 6 treatments of chemo to treat a rare BC that chemo and radiation has no effect and Triple Negative BC and I'm CANCER FREE. Port was removed about 2:30 this afternoon and I was totally scared to death. As of…
Anyone with fibromyalgia have breast implants after mastectomy?
Hello everyone. I am new to the board and haven't even done my profile information yet. I was daignosed 3 weeks ago with invasive ductal carcinoma left breast. The first surgeon I saw wanted to do lumpectomy with radiation. The second opinion Doctor, ( who I am staying with)laid out options of mastectomy, mastectomy with…
Need your opinion....
At our local breast center, there is some controversy about whether a surgeon should be involved in a woman's case prior to any biopsy. In view of the fact that over 80% of biopsies have a negative result, what is your opinion on the following question: After having a workup which indicates a need for biopsy, would you…
Emotional too!
Seems like several of us are going through some tough times emotionally. I know I shouldn't complain ... but ... I really need to vent. No one really needs to read this ... I just need to get it "out." I'm 66. I had a lumpectomy 1/21/09... and did GREAT! Had chemo (taxol/herceptin) infusions ... all the side-effects were…
can anybody tell me what you used instead of or in addition to meds, for nausea? I was thinking of those wrist bands and ginger tea, crackers, any other ideas.?
just found this network so I'm new to this
I found this network because I was searching the web to help me with all these feelings of what to do next. My younger sister at 35 dx and was cancer free for 10 years; just got dxed again in other breast, in chemo now. She had the BRACA1 and it's +; so my youngest sister (39) and me (52) just got tested a little less than…
Hands off, girls -- NED is all mine today!
This morning I had my first post-treatment mammogram, 3 months after finishing rads, and nearly a year after my very first mammogram that started this whole roller coaster ride. And I'm beyond happy and grateful to report that I'm now officially dancing with NED! Even sweeter, the radiologist who got to give me the good…
Has anyone else had this same problem????
I am really beginning to be deeply concerned! I had a lumpectomy and removal of 12 lymph glands, with only 1 malignant, in Nov. 2009. Have been seen regularly by my surgeon, Oncologist, Radiologist. In fact, just finished chemo the 10th of March. Was supposed to start radiation soon after, but Onc. and Radiolgist…
MLB and the Komen Foundation
Hello ladies, I love baseball. A friend of mine sent me a link about being an honorary bat girl for Mother's Day. All you have to do is write your story and select the team for which you'd like to be a batgirl. I entered my story. You can vote for me, if you'd like. Or enter your own and let your friends know and we'd be…
emotional mess today
I'm really not sure where it cam from and just really need to vent. But I finished my 2nd round of chemo a week ago today and went back to work part-time on March 15th. I have battling the big D since Saturday. Got to work today and completely had a emotional melt down in front of my boss. I have 4 more rounds of TAC to go…
I did it, I dyed my own hair
I could not stand it any longer. I have always been a blonde or brownish color with blonde highlites. This white and gray just was not me.I have always dyed and and added highlites myself so I thought what could happen. I went to Sally's and bought a bottle of Miss Clairol and a small bottle of 10 volume developer. All is…
I was just thinking...
I was just thinking...I think I know where my cancer came from. It seems that it has a lot to do with increased estrogen release, so I'm thinking back to 2001 when I had a tubaligation. Then, I took 2-3 different kinds of birth control pills to alleviate other problems like acne and regulation. In 2006 I began to have…
Misdiagnosed and needing support
I found a fairly large growth in my left breast and went to my Dr. in January. He sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound. The mammographer was so kind, and said "there's an exception to every rule, but don't worry too much, breast cancer doesn't usually grow this fast, nor is it painful like yours is. The labs came back…
Will it ever get easier? It still hurts…
I went to genetic counseling today. Even my hospital and cancer center have electronic records, every time when I see a new doctor, I have to tell my story about cancer. Why doctors don’t read? I know I have a very big file. Today’s geneticist was not exception, so told how and when I discovered my tumor, the size, the…
Basting a Turkey.......Me!
I am currently undergoing radiation therapy and was given 2 lotions to use twice a day. The first is a moisturizing lotion and the second one acts as a barrier to keep moisture in. My husband puts the lotion on for me which I appreciate, but the second cream is really thick and he has to apply pressure to spread it. I am…
Taxol Side Effects
I have had 2 Taxol treatments over the past 2 weeks. I am just off 4 rounds of AC chemo too. I have noticed that I am having sharp chest pains. Have you had that side effect? Or is it just me being too stressed with life?!
When doing radiation in 2009, which then carried into 2010, how did your insurace work?
I started radiation on December 1, 2009. I ended radiation on January 18, 2010. My BS/BC started 2010 as a fresh year and so everything that I paid beginning with the recurrence in October 2009 ended in 2009. That is normal. I was hoping, however, that the radiation would carry to the full term. For 2010 I have to start…
Has anyone had success getting the insuarance company to approve an out of network doctor as "In Network"? There are only 3 PS in my network and 1 doesn't do immediate reconstruction, 1 doesn't do the TRAM - which I am scheduled for, and the 3rd can not see me till the end of May. So my BC surgeon says that waiting till…
Newcomer with questions on TAC chemo
I have soooo many questions, I don't even know where to start. I had a lumpectomy on Feb. 17th and mammosite rediation a week later. Now for the hard part. My chemo starts next Tuesday(TAC). I'd like to know what to expect. I'm reading a lot of scary stuff! What I dread most I think is the nausea. Any positive news out…
Is there any way to correct a typo in the Discussiion Heading?
I hate to misspell. Is there a way to correct a misspelling in the Discussion Heading? Janelle
Today's funny
I just saw this on another website and thought it was very appropriate for us. Enjoy!! It is a fact that Eve was created first and when God was finished He asked Eve what she thought. "I like it", she said as she looked at her image in a pool of water. "Except for one thing." "Oh?" Asked God, looking Eve up and down. "Yes,…
Can't Believe It (Off subject)
Yesterday when I came home about 4 pm I noticed a dog under my husband's truck. I mentioned it to him and he said that it had been around the neighborhood for a few days. We live on a very busy street, with a 1/2 acre lot and a big fenced in back yard. He said that the dog would probably get run over. About 8 pm he passed…
To the Couple Who Adopted Lucky and To Those Who Love Their Pets
This is especially for the couple who adopted Lucky. I can't find your original posting on that adoption. I searched and searched but kept missing it. I have seen this article before. Today I got it again and immediately thought of you. It always brings a tear to my eye when I read it. Hope you all enjoy it. STORY BEGINS:…