Today's funny

MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just saw this on another website and thought it was very appropriate for us. Enjoy!!

It is a fact that Eve was created first and when God was finished He asked Eve what she thought.
"I like it", she said as she looked at her image in a pool of water. "Except for one thing."
"Oh?" Asked God, looking Eve up and down.
"Yes, I'm not sure about this third breast I have."
"Easy fixed", said God as He scooped it off and held it in His hand.
Eve was much happier now with only two breasts and wandered off.
God looked down and wondered what he would do with this extra Boob that he no longer needed.
And so God created Man........ .


  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    what a great laugh for this morning
    Thank you --I needed it.
    I have vertigo again and also tinnitus. Hopefully it won't last four months like it did two years ago at the same time of year.
