Finished chemo today
I finished my fourth and final T/C treatment today. I still have rads and meds to keep me hopping but I feel great that this hurdle is over. Wouln't have wanted to do it without all of you to answer my questions no matter how silly I thought they were.
to chemo or not to chemo, A second opinion for me.
Just checking in. Went to my 1st Oncologist visit, and wasnt pleased with his manner, Felt like he was trying to sell me a car!! His suggestion of treatment was nothing like what I had discussed with my surgeon when we discussed the path report. He basically feels that anyone who has cancer, of any type should have chemo.…
Prayers for Carter
Most of you know about Carter. He needs our circle of prayer. Carter was air lifted to Children Memorial this morning. He was having breathing problems. He has been put on a ventilator. Carter is a 6 year old boy with a brain tumor. He has been through a lot over the past year. Carter and his family needs our prayers…
today is my birthday and i am celebrating. . .
i finished chemo last thursday and am celebrating that too! i have a group of friends from church that have gotten together for the past seven years for dinners at each other's homes. they are coming over with dinner and i baked the desserts. i invited a whole bunch of other friends to join us for dessert and drinks later…
Yippee!!! 20 chemo sessions done!!!!
I finished chemo yesterday and am sooooo happy to be done with that nonsense!!! I had so many side effects and was miserable most of the time, but that part of it is finally over! I had my MRI this morning and will meet with my surgeon for the first time on Thursday. Looking at 2nd week of May for surgery. I don't post…
Countdown to Surgery.......
I will be having bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on Thursday, April 15th. As the day gets closer my nerves and emotions are completely out of whack. Any suggestions to help make the upcoming surgery day any easier to get through.
Finished! Finally! (I hope..)
Just had to post that I have had my final surgery this morning. The end of the reconstruction process, and am so relieved that I am now at the end of another fun and exciting portion of this roller coaster ride we call "being diagnosed with cancer". This has been such an amazing ride, the ups and downs, wondering if it…
Wow, it's been a while since I posted
A lot going on, I finally moved out (away from my husband) got my own apartment with my son, we are SO HAPPY, no more chaos :) My beautiful daughter got engaged and we get to do the wedding stuff together, so exciting!! I'm about 3/4 of the way done with rads and cant wait to get the next scans to see if we killed this…
plastic surgeon consult & reconstruction
I just needed to hear that I am not alone! ( I know you guys will help with that)! I have my pl consult next week , my oncoligist visit & surgeon consult. This is all in preperation for my possible right breast mastectomy & tram flap surgery this summer. I already had a left mastectomy, chemo & rads. I will be a year into…
1st Chemo day tomorrow(TAC)! I'm really nervous!
Hi everyone. I am so glad I found this site! I think I've learned more here than from my doctors. A bit nervous about tomorrow. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Carol
Expanders and Radiation
Hello has anyone had Expanders put in before radiation and if so, were there no complications. My surgeon is telling me that since they are not sure if I am going to need radiation until after surgery, that he doesnt want to put the expander in because there could be problems. Thanks
Update on me
We went to see the Radiation Onc at the University of Miami for a consultation today. I had lots of questions that I needed answered and went there even though I knew that I would probably have rads done a little closer to home. Because of the issues I had while taking chemo I wanted to be sure I was getting honest and…
One year ago tomorrow
April 15 2009 is when I began this journey. I heard the words "you have cancer" Wow, I have come a long way thanks to all of you who were there for me every step of the way. As I look back on the year and all the panic and anger and emotion I have been through, I made it through.I remember when I posted the words "I can't…
So many symptoms, could it be?
Ok, to keep from telling my life story, I'll start with the last three weeks. Began having extreme pain in collarbone and shoulder, numbness in two middle fingers. That lasted 3 days so I looked up symptoms and saw lymphoma( because I have swollen lymph nodes under my collarbone and under my arm). Then noticed several new…
Do you think a Dr. would let me do one less week of Rads than supposed to?
Hi, I just finished w/ chemo on March 31 (YAY!), it was rough, and am told to wait a month, then have 6 weeks of Radiation. Well, I am planning to go away for the whole month of June. (I am 36, living with my parents for the past 2 years thru this and a back operation before it, that is how the cancer was found), but…
final surgery tomorrow
Tomorrow I am having my ovaries and tubes removed laparoscopically. That is the final step in my battle with bc! I feel like I can get on with my life after this is done. It's like I've been living in some sort of strange limbo. I was diagnosed just after moving (hubby took another job) so I didn't have a job yet. I didn't…
Just the beginning the FIGHT
We are a little over a month into the beginning of this fight. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and last week had a mastectomy. They took the lymphnodes too. Well the news today is that 5 of the 7 were cancerous. So now withink 3 weeks she will begin chemo therapy. She's scared, we are all scared. The numb…
Scared to Death
I went for my routine mammogram on Friday. I got a call yesterday from my oncologist saying they had booked me for another one this coming Friday as the doctor wants a few more pictues. The hospital called me back and they had a cancellation on Wednesday so I'm going then instead. let me give you a little history. I had bc…
Weight Watchers - Weigh-in 04/12/10
Monday night's weigh in - April 12, 2010 Gained 0.2 ounces Total Weight Loss: 8 lbs. 8 oz. Walked 5 days, 1 hour per day I was doing so great, eating Salmon and lots of green vegetables - showing a weight loss of at least 3 pounds. Then Friday, Saturday and Sunday - did not eat many green vegetables. Ate salad - but…
Finally Got The Green Light!
After spending 2 1/2 hours Monday at the hospital with the pre-op team, blood work, tests, etc. I was finally okayed by the dr. I was dxed in Sept. 09 with IDC, 3 tumors and lymph node involvement, been on Femara all these months, I was starting to feel like I was going backwards with all the health setbacks. Of course I'm…
Radiation or not after mastectomy
Help! I am getting conflicting information from doctors on whether I need radiation after a mastectomy or not. I was diagnosed in November 09 of stage 2 breast cancer w/ 3cm tumor and 2 positive lymph nodes. I did a/c chemo to try and shrink the tumor, which it did not. But I had a lumpectomy and 13 lymph nodes removed.…
Radiation therapy fatigue
I got my bi-lateral MRI results back and I consider myself very lucky that they were negative except for the original Stage 0 DCIS. My surgeon says it is High Grade so I will probably need the radiation treatments but nothing else. Can anybody tell me how bad the fatigue was with this? I am a single working person with no…
Today is mariam_11_09's birthday!
Happiest Birthday to you! Hope you have a great day filled with alot of everything you love the most! Best wishes for many, many more! much love, -Jenny
I feel so scared and alone!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found a lump on My breast and went for a breast examine. Witnin 1 week I went through a mamogram, an ultrasound and a biopsy and was diagnosed with breast cancer. I never expected that. I turned 44 on March 9th, the same week I was diagnosed. I felt my world crashing in. I still feel it. Iv'e been through 2 surgeries so…
Just diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma on 4/8/10. I am scared and extremely sad! This all hap
38yrs mother with two small kids 9 and 10. I felt the lump and scheduled my own mammogram on 4/5/10 and they also ordered a sonogram on that same day. Then wanted me to come in for a core sono guided biopsy on 4/7/10...then I got the worst news of my life this far....I have cancer. My Dr. said I was a great candidate for a…
friends and co-worker issues
I am really new to this site & so grateful for it! I have finished my treatments for stage 2 cancer ,chemo & rads. I am now in discussion about reconstruction. I work in the front office of an elementary school and am surrounded by caring parents and co-workers who ask all the time how I am. My problem is my office mate.…
Don't Give Up!
Cancer is very serious i know that..i have since the day i was born so anyone thats a cancer survivor its great that you made it but anyone thats still fighting cancer...keep fighting and don't give up...someone i was close too gave up after it came back for the third time, Yes it might be tiring and i know i have NO idea…
Relay For Life
i am walking in the relay for life on may 14-15 my goal is too get there..when it starts and then walk to about eleven o'clock or so and then go home..sleep...get up the next morning and walk again till it ends! i hope i can do that but since i'm only 12 i still have all of that little kid energy, if you know what i mean!…
2 weeks until flying in an airplane
2 weeks until I fly in an airplane and I'm getting nervous. I have my compression sleeve and glove, but OMG they are so tight I don't know if I can stand them! I can wear the sleeve, but the glove is AWFUL! I had lymph nodes removed so my radiologist and Physical Therapist want me to wear the stuff on the plane. I have had…
I'm almost half way baked and starting to feel some of the effects already. 3 1/2 weeks to go, how bad is it going to get? I have a very red shoulder???!!! and am itching like a dog with fleas. What have you women used for the itching? They told me NOT TO scratch, that only makes it worse. Also my arm is getting the…