totally lost
I am just learning how to do this connecting with others who have cancer. I am very shy,need to push myself. I have breast cancer that has metatisized to the bones. I am 57 with ahusband and son. I am sorry. I do not know what else to say . I will get back here and try to learn more.
Pain in my joints after Chemo & Radiation!!!
Hello my name is Karie other known as Weazer, I am a tripple negative Breast cancer Survivor, I had my last treatment of Chemo in July and my last Radiation treatment in September, and have joint pain in my hands wrists and elbows and now really bad in my hip. I'm going for another bone scan tomorrow and are hoping they…
Pet Scan to Obese for it
Im very obese & a normal Pet scan will not work for me. Does anyone know of a place in florida that can handle a obese person? Other wise I will have to do my chemo the way they did it over 15 years ago. Just give me chemo & pray. Not sure Im willing to chance doing chemo that way
Off to Relay for Life this morning....
Beautiful day! I'm taking you all with me on the survivor's lap!!! Hugs, Kathi
Movie Living Proof
I just rented this movie about Dr. Dennis Slamon UCLA who developed Herceptin. WOW! Are we lucky that he didn't give up when the drug company Genentech wanted to scrap the whole project. It was Revlon that saved the day and donated 2.4 Million Dollars to keep him afloat! I went on the Genentech website and found out my…
propyllactic mastectomy
Hi all, I have finished all my treatments for stage 2 , invasive lobular cancer, left breast mastectomy, chemo & rads. I had the Oncotype DX test with a score of 31, which puts me in the range for recurrence at 21%. I am seriously considering having my right breast taken & will probably have a tram flap because of…
I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, I have had a lumpectomy and am currently doing Chemotherapy. They just sent in my gene test and if the gene test comes back positive my 21 year old daughter will need to get the test also. If it comes back positive for her, she will have to undergo a mastectomy and…
support groups for husbands/partners?
i'm starting my chemo on monday(19th). my journey began on jan 26th and i had a double mastectomy in feb, ovaries out last week and the port put in this week!!!!!! my husband is a man who loves support groups and can't find one for spouses/partners. is there anything online that is available?
New hair - 3 months post chemo
Hi everyone! I just posted my latest photo showing my new hair. This was taken exactly 3 months after my last chemo treatment. I am so happy to have hair again. I tried hanging out with my girlfriends yesterday for lunch (in my friend's home) without my scarf but I felt completely naked. After about 10 minutes I put my…
Mastectomy is over! Good reports, thnak for the vibes
Mastectomy was 04-02 came home 4 days later, to be readmitted 1/5 days later due to a severe infection. Stayed 11 days, finally released again Margins allclear, no c in skin, 29 lymph nodes removed, 11 cancerous and 2 large unfound tomurs also removed. All looks good, I still have vns for iv;s at home and changing bandages…
OFF TOPIC: Resources/suggestions/ideas for child with diabetes?
I haven’t posted much in the last week –- my girlfriend’s young son has been in the hospital, and I’ve been staying at their house, looking after her daughter. Her son is 11, and has been diagnosed with sudden onset type 1 diabetes. He’s home now, getting ready to go back to school tomorrow, and doing very well –-…
What's the story on port removal?
So, I was reading the post that Arkansasgirl (which I was born there....ARgirl if you read this I was born in Harrison but grew up in Springdale..wondering where you live)...ok...onto the port issue....I have one and for some reason it seems all wrong for that thing to be in there. I feel it tugging when I lay on my left…
Just checking in.....
So, we are back to America from Holland. We go again the end of June. We came back to water damage in the house, and a heater that was on the fritz. But now it's beautiful weather here, and things are getting done. WHEW! I love seeing my family and friends here. Both 'homes' are grand! I have been lurking and reading here…
Need Advice
I have done A/C and have had my breast removed, because the A/C didn't shrink my tumor. It grew during treatment. My test for my lymphnodes all came back negative. My oncologest wants me to still to do Taxol and radiation. Does anyone have advice or have to go thru the same siuation. Thank you
no hair
Maybe a silly question but hair nearly gone now and just woundering - how do you look after your head? soap, creams, and maybe sun tan lotions ? -I'm looking weird at the moment look like a ninety year old with a few strands of hair you'd see in the movies. heading for next chemo tomorrow so more hair to be lost - it is…
I had my bilateral mastectomy back in november 2009 & had tissue expanders put in. Over the last 5 months i've been getting fills & am now up to 600cc per my plastic surgion. I saw her 2 days ago to decide on a surgery date & what style/type implant to go with. Soon as her nurse took me back into the room her first comment…
Thanks everyone for such quick answers on itchey red bumps on scalp.!!!! Ideas are great and it helps to know I am not the only one!!!!
shaking on inside
Hi again, I was wondering if anyone has been shaking on inside. I have had a lumpectomy(3 weeks ago) and know how my cut nerves feel, but now I am shaking on inside. Not bad but very noticeable. Hope all of you have a beautiful day. Dottie
I had such a weird dream last night. I dreamed I walked into a beautiful church and a nun was blessing people. I stood in line and waited for my turn. When I finally got to her she lightly touched my left breast and said "I am so sorry you have breast cancer" I am not catholic or overly religious. I had a right mastectomy…
Cute Only a Mother would know
ONLY A MOTHER WOULD KNOW..... Cup of Tea . One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me. I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as A gift and it was one of my favorite toys. Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I Brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which…
Radiation Preparation
Can my "sisters" advise me about what to expect from radiation? I start in 2 weeks ... tattoo or markers? special deoderent? time off work? side effects? sports bras? Any bit of advice would be greatly appreciated!!
Good Morning, sweet warriors :) I have read the other thread that is like REALLY LONG, and thought beings I'm starting rads on Monday I would start a new thread (being kind of selfish huh). Anyhow I have a few questions that I haven't found on the other thread, and hope (actually know) that you can help me with them. 1.…
Thank you ALL! <3
I want to thank you all for this wonderful opportunity to share experiences with each other. I wrote to 'jbug' that it's like having 100 new BFFs all at once! You're all just what the doctor (me) ordered! Thank you! And please know how much you are all doing to help out the 'newbies'. I am 750 miles away from my 'home'. I…
surgery is over!
Well, I made it through the surgery. Tubes and ovaries gone! It was a rough day (Wednesday) but, I'm doing ok today. Everybody---knock on wood for me---this is supposed to be my final surgery! I'm done! Now, if I can just find a job. I don't know how to explain why I haven't been working. I'm not sure I want to tell a…
Expanders and Radiation
Hello has anyone had Expanders put in before radiation and if so, were there no complications. My surgeon is telling me that since they are not sure if I am going to need radiation until after surgery, that he doesnt want to put the expander in because there could be problems. Thanks
vain or getting back to normal
Don't know if this is being vain or getting back to normal, before i was dx nov09 i had very nice skin, now i have black spots and white bumps that hurt that are in my face i love wearing make-up and getting my nails done, wanted to know if anyone knew of a skincare treatment for cancer pts?
Any one take Chemo pill Capecitabine
I might be jumping the gun here, but prior to my surgery, my oncologist said that I might need more chemo, and if so, it would be this pill. My lump did not shrink. In fact, it grew from 4 cm to 7 cm. (sucks huh?) I had my mastectomy on April 1st, and 8 out of 15 lymphodes were positive... all this AFTER chemo. Totally…
Femera Update for Aztec
Hey, Gang, I had chemo yesterday and saw my Onc. She is so great when it comes to Women's Health. Anyway...we talked about Femera and how it made me feel. It made my bones ache so bad and it made me feel uncontrolable aggression. The onc says this is because Femera stops the production of estrogen completely and you need…
I got my expander surgery date and I am so nervous!
Hello sisters! I got the call today for my expander surgery. May 10th. I don't know why I am more nervous about this than the mastectomy. I didn't have any arm limitations after my bilateral, but I will with this. Just someone telling me I can't raise my arms for weeks. Crazy. I'm not asking specific questions because I…
Is it my bra, or....
I had lumpectomy 12/7 followed by 33 rads - finished 3/8. Started wearing my regular bra (no-poke underwire) about 2 weeks later. Now, I have a tenderness, a soreness near my incision - the node incision close to underarm. Since there is still numbness, I don't feel pressure or rubbing from the bra, but wonder if it's the…