Has anyone ever heard of this happening?
After my bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction (my decision), the final pathology showed a 0.5cm area of invasive cells. The margins were wide and the nodes were negative. The cells were ER+, HER2-. My oncologist has said that I need no further treatment besides an every-four-month followup appt. I have never heard of…
Weight Watchers - Weigh-in 04/05/10
Lost 1 lb. 6 oz. - Total weight loss 9 lbs. I did a few things that I should not have eaten on Easter Sunday - such as homemade from scratch Angel Food Cake with Homemade Buttercream Frosting, homemade potatoe salad, and a pretzel jello recipe. So...I'll take the 1 lb. 6 oz. weight loss. I could have loss more but that's…
tamoxafin and mood swings
does anyone have a advice about how to handle the depression and mood swings that i believe are coming from the taoxafin. Today is a realy bad day --
I was following the exercise discussion and M-star losing her account. I received an excercise book along with other things in my surgeon's office before my surgery. It has the American Cancer Society logo on the front so maybe the booklet info is on this website somewhere? The excercises were close to M-star's but not so…
How to get your tastebuds back
Can anyone give me any tips on how to bring them back to life !? Also my appetite is very low due to the fact I have no taste buds. Please any advice will be appreciated. Thanks & God bless Onyx
breast reconstruction gone wrong
was diagnosed with dcis 6 yrs ago, had a radical mastecomy and opted for immediate reconstruction using the expander/breast implant method in NY. 6 yrs later, the cancer returned to the other breast. This time , it was stage 2. Had another masectomy, opted for reconstruction in florida. On March 9th, i had 2 new implants…
Joint Pain
Hello. Do any of you have suggestions on how to manage joint pain caused by Femara?
Mastectomy is tomorrow, and advice?
I have enjoyed this site and been inspired by so many, so I am looking again! Long 6 months, chemo allegies, work issues,Mom broke both feet etc, all handable! Surgery is tomorrow am, a day or two in the hospital followed by radiation. Naturally I have become a nervous wreck and have failed on getting my much needed rest.…
Tamoxifen - Side effects
My Mom (60 yrs old) is taking tamoxifen. She can not bare the side effects. She tells me that she feels it is killing her. I can not see her this way. Does anyone know of any alternative preventive medication? Or does anyone know if there is anything out there to help her reduce the side effects? Her doctor has prescribed…
Day 2 of rads done-sticker question
So far so good. I know in a few weeks I may not be saying the same. I have 3 adhesive stickers on my breast, one is in my cleavage. Do these stickers stay on good? I get pretty sweaty. I'm worried they'll come off. Has anyone had that problem?
Things ONLY WOMEN Understand! Your HAHA for the day!
THINGS ONLY WOMEN UNDERSTAND! 10. Cats' facial expressions 9. The need for the same style of shoes in different colors 8. Why bean sprouts aren't just weeds 7. Fat clothes 6. Taking a car trip without trying to beat your best time 5. The difference between beige, off-white, and eggshell 4. Cutting your bangs to make them…
Good morning everyone, I have heard from my two nephews who live in the San Diego area and they are okay but were outdoors at a park when the quake hit. They said it was "one heck of a shake that seemed like it went on for hours". Please let us know you are okay as you are on my mind and I am sure others minds as well. ♥…
Shout Out To My San Diego sisters~ did you all survive the Earthquake???? 7.2 YIKES!
Good Morning my San Diego sisters~ and points surrounding the earthquake area! Is everyone ok?? Check in with us... Would you believe that Reggie and I are leaving for a week in SD this morning? Reggie is part of a Native American singing group, and will be performing, and there is a big convention for the gaming industry…
Fatigue ?
Hi everyone. I am due for my last of four cycles of T/c on 4/6. This week I am experiencing extreme fatigue. Had blood work yesterday and everything was great. Has anyone experienced fatigue at this stage of the game? I haven't had really severe side effects thus far and I can live with this, just wondering if this is…
Nurse gave good news but said Chemo likely
Found out today that I am ER+ and Prog+ and HER2-, Nurse said after masectomy I will likely have Hormone Therapy, and since I am only 37 Chemo also stops estrogen production so expect that even if the nodes are neg. But the HER2- is a very good thing Do you think the nurse was right about the Chemo?
Hi, I'm new! Having a right mastectomy on Tuesday and not planning on reconstructiion. This whole bra thing is confusing. i bought a camisole to wear home and at first. No one has talked to how to buy and what to buy. I hear sports bras are good in the beginning I hear bras ride up so you have to have the mastectomy kind.…
Hello all. I am curious if my current rash of dizziness may be related to chemo. or rads and am wondering if anyone has had these spells. Multiple times a day I can feel spinning for very short sessions. I am never sick and can function normally, in fact, you would not know this is happening by looking at me. However, it…
weight loss
Hi all, I have gained about 10 pounds due to chemo, radiation & now I am on Femara. I will be a 1 year survivor this July and am considering reconstruction surgery this summer. My cancer support friend told me to give it a year or so before I see any weight change. I have decided to not fret about it anymore and just…
Good News Today
NO SURGERY. My onc called me this afternoon to tell me that she had a consultation with the surgeon she was recommending and they decided that since I have already finished a rather agressive chemo, that surgey to remove more of my lymph nodes was not necessary. I told her that she almost made me cry again and she asked me…
!6th canserversary of first diagnosis
today is the 16th anniversary of my first BC diagnosis. although I am battling a new primary, I am in apretty good mood, there is HOPE girls. In the words of lovely shortscake GIRL POWER!
Done with rads!! Done with treatment!! Thank you..
WOW...I did it! 33 dang treatments later and Im still alive. That was really tough. I am really looking forward to getting my life back. I never thought after chemo, surgery and radiation that I would see this day. It is finally here....I rang the bell today when I walked out and just started crying. I guess tears of joy,…
Last day of RADS
Today was my last day of Rads! I'm really glad they're over but feeling very sad and depressed. I have been crying since I came home and I don't know why? It can't be because rads are over because I hated the treatments. I told my doc I would rather have had more chemo treatments. I felt like a baked potato in a microwave…
Today is my sixth chemo!
I have mixed feelings about today - it's my last chemo . . .or is it??? The surgeon wants to do a mastectomy right away. The oncologist wants to do a petscan to see where we are. He said it's possible that I will need further chemo (with different drugs) before the breast can be removed. What if I don't want that? How much…
my first round of chemo
earlier today i was almost as anxious as the day i waited for the phone call with the cancer diagnosis after the biopsy. i was scheduled for my first chemo treatment, 5FU, epirubicin and cytoxan. everyone was as kind and caring as they had been at my initial visits. it's over and i feel fine. relieved that i've taken that…
Thanks for being there
I am only 5 days post surgery and already I am feeling more changed every day. The first thing I want to do every moring is get on CSN and see what every one is talking about today. Its a connection to others, my new friends that I already feel such a bond to. Happy Easter everyone and thanks for being there.
Beware: Chemo and sun sensitivity
Something to think about for those doing chemo: I took some walks, completely covered in clothing except for my hands and, apparently, a bit of my neck. Now I have a devilishly itchy, poison ivy-like rash on my hands and back of neck, keeping me awake at night. I suppose this could have been dangerous if my face or more of…
in need of a good plastic surgeon in orlando, fl
I recently had reconstruction on both breasts and i am NOT happy with the end results.Both breasts are differnent in size and shape. Pls note that i am only 45 yrs old and still have a couple yrs in me to wear close fitting garments. Has any one used plastic surgeons in the orlando area and happy with the end result, and…
8 weeks since mastectomy and I still have my drainage port.
I had a bilateral mastectomy 8 weeks ago and I still have one of my drainage tubes. I'm draining 80 cc's a day of clear yellow fluid. My surgeon says that I am just a slow healer because of my diabetes and he wants to leave it in to avoid any possible conplications. There is no sign of any infection and I'm actually…
Happy Easter
Happy Easter everybody. Hope yours is full of fun, joy, and lots of love. I have been playing farm with some of our CSN sisters this past week. It is pretty fun. It kind of gives us a break from our cancer but allows us to stay in touch. Send me a private email if you would like to join. Other than that, I hope you all…