Estrogen Positive: Is Red Wine Bad?

XO143XO Member Posts: 23
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have seen a couple of comments that suggest wine (I suppose it's the alcohol) is not good for ES+PR+ BC. Can anyone explain that to me? I do like a glass of wine from time to time, but will stop immediately if it is going to make my cancer worse or increase my recurrence odds. Thanks to all of you. Kristi xoxox


  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    My oncologist has said that
    My oncologist has said that as long as you are not drinking 2-3 glasses per day, then not to worry. Some studies are out there that shows red wine acts as an estrogen blocker; other studies show that too much red wine increases the levels of estrogen and therefore helps the cancer to grow. Follow your doctor's orders and try not to worry too much about all of the studies. We could drive ourselves crazy if we wanted to.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    My oncologist okayed an occasional glass of wine for me, so I'm going with that. I rarely ever had more than one glass at a time anyway, and only drink wine about twice a month, so I'm not going to worry about the occasional glass.

    I haven't seen the studies on that particular subject, but you are right that there seems to be so much conflicting information out there sometimes it's difficult to know what to do.

    Take care,