Off to the Oncologist tomorrow

smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Off to the Oncologist tomorrow. I am not sure what will happen tomorrow.. The surgeon call the oncologist and then the Oncologist called me to come in. I hope I get my portal and a treatment. I get tired of waiting and wondering. What did most of you do once a week for Chemo or twice. What is the difference. Do the portal's hurt very much? Are they hard to take care of? Can they be put in different places or just the chest?


  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Here's my experience:

    Here's my experience:

    PORT: I did not have any significant pain with the surgery to put the port in. I was very happy to have it instead of an IV in the arm. Surgery to remove it was even easier than putting it in. Most of them are installed under the skin, so there is nothing you need to do once the incision site heals. When you get a treatment the needle they use to insert into the port is about like pricking your finger with a sewing needle. As far as the location is concerned, I suppose they could be put in other places, but the shoulder is very convenient. It is not visible, you don't bump it on stuff, they can reach it easily when you get your treatments, and it leaves your arms free while you are hooked up to the chemo.

    TREATMENT: My treatment schedule varied. I did weekly for a while, monthly, weekly, then less than monthly. I think it depends on the drugs you are using, the cancer you have, your reaction to it.....

    ADVICE: Write down all your questions now so you will remember to ask the Dr. when you go. Write down his answers so you will be able to look at them later. If you can get someone you trust to go with you, let them help you get the information you want. 2 heads are better than one in such an emotional situation.

    Take care of yourself, seof
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Like Seof Said....
    I think your treatment plan probably will depend upon the type of cancer you are dealing with and the cocktail they are giving you. I had my port put in about a month after my bilateral mastectomy (they couldn't get all the darned drains out from my surgery) and things moved pretty quickly from there. I started on Cytoxan/Taxotere every 3 weeks - a lot of the ladies only have to get 4 rounds but I got the package deal of 6. I also get Zometa once per month for 6 months and then quarterly as part of a clinical trial for the treatment of early breast cancer. Getting the port and using is is no big deal (but I'll still be really happy when I get to take it out after my last chemo!!) It really doesn'y require anything after the incision heals (other than making sure my grandson doesn't smash his head into it). Although ports can be put in different locations, usually they are put in the upper area of the chest. Good luck with your oncology appointment - all the information they give you can be overwhelming but I know it will be a relief to get some more answers!!
