Do you ever have just one of those days?
I have been tryin really hard not to have a meltdown...but im just on that edge if just one more thing goes wrong..... Lately ive been over whelmed with having so many doctors appointments and tests and on and on and on....does it ever end? Plus im worried about a couple of tests...the bone density scan that i just had…
Consult with PS; more decisions!
I currently have tissue expanders in and will have my exchange surgery on July 19th. I should have made this decision by now but I'm having a hard time. would you ladies help me and/or share your experiences with me? I have to make a decision on what type of implants; saline or silicone. I've had the discussion with my PS,…
Ladies, please I need advise
I have to risk sounding like a child right now because I am having terrible mood swings and I can't get a handle on what I should do. Please bear with my rambling. I stopped Femara because of this same feeling, and after I did I felt like my old self again. My new Onc. put me on Arimidex and Bingo, here it is again. I want…
Living Will
Last night, my husband and I were sitting in the living room and I said to him, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.' He got up, turned off the TV, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my wine. He is SO on my s*** list…
Asking for prayer for Joni Earickson Tada dx with BC
Many of you may know the story of Joni who as a teenager dove into the water and broke her neck. She has lived as a quadraplegic for over 40 years. She's now 60 years old and has had such an impact on the lives of the disabled internationally. She has a beautiful voice, does artwork holding her pencil or paintbrush with…
Speaking of Ports
What keeps them in place and what is it that keeps it from moving around? I have not even ventured in to touching mine, ewwwwwww it's in there but will sleeping a certain way cause it to shift? Thanks, Love Ronda
Going to Smokies
Leaving late tonight til Friday. I love the Smokies. Has anyone else been there by Gatlinburg? We see so many beautiful sights, streams, mountains, wildlife (including bears). Last trip I couldn't do any hiking at all, but will be able to this time. It will be so good to put bc on the back burner for awhile. Going river…
Important Women's Health Issues - MUST READ!!
Well, here goes................. Important Women's Health Issue: * Do you have feelings of inadequacy? * Do you suffer from shyness? * Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? * Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind? If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about…
Today is Jadie's birthday!
Dear Jadie, Sending you Birthday wishes - hope you have a wonderful day ... and a year filled with health, happiness and love! Celebrate BIG!!! much love, Jenny
New photos of Brooke and Charlie
These photos were taken in May and June of this year. They are really growing. Cant wait for Brooke's new brother due in Sept, and Charlie's new sibling due in February. To view click on my photo and go to my expression page.
TNBC second round HELP!
Hi, my name is Alison. I was diagnosed with TNBC last June. I underwent bilateral mastectomy, chemo and recon in December. I had no node involvement and we all have thought I beat it. Shoot I thought they said I had an 80% chance it wouldn't come back. Well I have been recovering very well,it's been 8 months since my last…
Friendship quilt
Just had to share something warm and wonderful. I attended an embroidery club meeting this morning and was presented with a friendship quilt made by 16 of the women in the group. Each embroidered a square and then it was pieced together and quilted. There was no theme, everyone just did something they thought I'd like. And…
1st Mammo clear ~ 1 year cancerversary ~ now for a well earned vacation!
YIPPEE!!! It's been a year since I sat here at my computer crying my eyes out....for 3 weeks before I finally declared "BATTLE ON!!" For you newbies, YES there is life after breast cancer! and it's not too bad at all! I am looking forward to a month in Costa Rica! I wish I could share my pictures with you guys. If you have…
cancer marker numbers
Hi all- I just received CA15-3 and CA27.29 marker numbers today and although they are in the normal range, they are still a little higher than the last ones. I am new to what the numbers mean but am panicky because they went up, if even slightly. Anyone else know about the markers??? Thank you!!!
Photo's posted.
I posted a few photo's in the Expression's gallery of our recent camping trip if you are interested. Hope you all have a good day. Hugs, RE
I'm home from hospital
I came home yesterday afternoon after having bilateral mastectomies. My sentinel lymph node tested negative. Yah! I was prepared for the worse and am actually doing quite well. I spent more time in recovery (6-7hrs)than my surgery (4hrs). My oxygen level wasn't stable. I was up and walking less than 24 hrs. I still take…
Aquaphor Question
I've just completed my first week of radiation and thanks to this marvelous forum, found out I should be using aquaphor on my skin. I bought some yesterday and even bought some cheap tanks because it's so messy, greasy. Does anyone know if there is a cream Aquaphor instead of the greasy ointment? I didn't see any at my…
To Claudia
Dear Claudia, I just heard about your recurrence and I have been thinking about you and praying ever since. I have not been visiting the site very much the last few months so I have been out of the loop. I just want you to know that I have always been in awe of your strength, humor and wisdom. You are the first one to…
Emotions after treatment from cancer.org
From the American Cancer Society website - I think this says it so well . . . "For some people, emotions that were put aside during cancer treatment come flooding back all at once, and they feel overwhelmed with sadness, anger, or fear. Maybe you feel emotionally exhausted and tired all the time. Some of it may be the…
just saying
I have been so miserable today. I am usually ok with occ bouts of panic. I went to the doctor today, a survivorship clinic. very positive experience. but now I am very sad. I guess reliving stuff again, we were talking about genetic testing, and I started worrying about my kids. I guess I should be tested for the new panel…
Nipple Update
Hi All, Well, it's been almost a week since my nips were constructed and I'm doing great. Had to recreate the "monopoly hotel" cover (thing protecting the nip on all sides all the way to the top) on my own by sterilizing a sponge and cutting a hole in it but other than that it's all good. Like a lot of you I had a major…
MissRenee How's The Hair
Hi Renee How's the hair going or is it coming these days? Kathryn
Today is MyTurnNow's birthday!
MyTurnNow, Hope you have a great day - filled with everything you love most! Happy Birthday! -Jenny
I can still laugh in the face of fright...I hope you can too!
- Hypnotism at the Senior Center It was entertainment night at the Senior Center. Claude the hypnotist exclaimed: 'I'm here to put you all into a trance - I intend to hypnotize each and every member of the audience.' The excitement was almost electric as Claude withdrew a beautiful antique pocket watch from his coat. The…
phantom hair?
does this happen to anyone else? i used to have long red hair, and i think i have adjusted fairly well to being bald. but every now and then, i'll be curled up on the couch reading and i reach up to flip my hair over my shoulder. . . or i will adjust the pillow when i am drifting off to sleep because i feel my hair is…
wig advice
I'm 8 days out from my first T/C treatment and know the hair will start to come out before long. I have 2 wigs, but don't know what's best to wear under them. Advice anyone?
Chemo Weight gain confused with Pregnancy
What do you do or say when people confuse your chemo weight with being pregnant? Very upsetting.
++++++Can you recommend a good red wine?++++++
At the risk of sounding like a drunk ( lol ), I wanted to know if any of you that do drink wine could recommend a good red wine. I usually drink a glass ( or two ) of a Riesling. I really love the taste of it. But, I have read so much about a glass of red wine being good for us. I talked with my oncologist about drinking…
Waiting, Wigs, and a new tattoo
I'm playing the waiting game now -waiting for a surgery date. I'll be having a double mastectomy with expanders put in for reconstruction. Hoping the doctors can find a time soon to get together and fix me up. I feel like I'm in limbo right now. I just want to have my surgery, get my boobs back (well, not my originals, but…
A/C Did not work
Hi Gals, Its me again just had a pet/ct scan and meeting with onc AND THE A/C DID NOT WORK FOR ME - the cancer has increased in the hip and the lungs and the breast held a small bit begining Taxol and herceptin on monday the Taxol for 12 weeks let the war begin with this beast ugh!! Moving house tomorrow life really up…