I love my friends!
Today I had my first chemo. Three of my girlfriends gave me a ring this morning engraved with the most beautiful passage. It reads, "what cancer cannot do...steal eternal life...conquer the spirit...suppress memories...kill friendships...cripple love...corrode faith...shatter hope...destroy peace...silence courage...invade…
Well today is my mom's birthday. It is a sad day because I miss her so much. I know she is in a better place due to her breathing problems. I know that if she was here she would not be able to handle me having breast cancer. Every time she got a new ailment she would always say it was cancer but it never was. We were BINGO…
Vent-Doctors and money...
From some of the previous posts it looks like I'm not the only one on here who had a crappy day today... So I don't have health insurance. My husband is self-employed and I don't work, I'm a stay at home mom. We did have health insurance until a little over a year ago, our rates went from around $350/month for the 4 of us…
Bought 2 wigs today, first Chemo in the morning!
I am ready, buying wigs was an experirence. I got one that looks alot like my own hair and then for fun I bought one that is a bit longer than I have ever worn my hair and its a little darker. I plan on getting a couple more for fun options. I have my bag ready with a laptop, dvd, book, snacks, a blanket! I think I am…
20 yr old friend found a lump ????
I have a 20-yr-old friend who recently found a lump. She went to the doctor who told her it is probably just a vitamin deficiency and to start taking some extra vitamin. Two weeks, no change. She has no family history. I was misdiagnosed for a year and a half, told it was something to do with my milk production. I'm maybe…
flowers from my oncologist!
now this was a surprise to be sure! i posted a couple of days ago how i had to wait almost two hours for my appointment with my oncologist, which then delayed my appointment for chemo. well, there was just a knock on my front door and low and behold, i received a beautiful floral arrangement from my onc and his staff…
I am a rad grad!
Today I became a rad grad. Because of the loss I posted about yesterday my celebration was giving a box of candy to the rad crew who got me through it. Hugs to all
Good Bye Chemo!!
I have finished my chemo!!!! Today was the last of my treatments and I am so excited to be done! It really did go by fast I never thought it would.I praise God for getting me through the chemo. I know all the wonderful support on here helped me do it too. God Bless you all. Have a great 4th (((Hugs))) Janice
It has been a sad day
It has been a very sad day for me. Late last night I lost a niece to the monster that is cancer. I am fighting the battle and surviving but at her young (36) age she could not. She has left behind an 8 year old son who will now be raised by his grandmother and aunt. Our whole family is coming together on Saturday - we are…
On my way to 1st chemo
I'll be leaving in a hour for first Cytoxan and Taxotere. Thanks to you ladies I feel pretty prepared for what to expect. I think I've already gained 5 pounds.
Why do so many say "'This' is what will happen"! because that is what "I" (they) experienced? I know that my experiences are not what EVERYONE has/will experience - nor did I experience what many others have. So why assume that you are the be all/know all? I don't understand! We are all fighting a monster called Breast…
Had to do something crazy today
Going thru all treatments known to man to "cure" me of cancer has taken its toll. I feel sidelined from life, excluded from fun that others are having as I watch from the time-out bench. I had to do something just to prove to myself that my life is more than treatments. So today it was raining, and I went to the beach. I…
America's soldiers
While everyone is enjoying the upcomming holiday, please take a minute to thank God for these wonderful men and women.
Update on my reoccurcence and good news
I hate to talk about my reoccurence, I do not want to scare anyone, But, anyway, I do have some good news. I just had my 3rd round of chemo yesterday, i was so exhausted, my nurse actually told me that chemo hits harder the second time around, can you imagine? I saw the doctor, he sees a great inprovement. My swollen lymph…
Today is JBug's Birthday!!
Finally some good news?
Today i went to the pulmonary doctor for the large mass they found between my lungs. I had another chest x-ray and ultrasound. They said it looks like an older calisification and determined it was from tuberculosis, which i got 3 years ago when i vacationed in Mexico. So they are not going to do a biopsy on it cuz they…
Ok, Fellow Wizards at Hogwarts~ the Muggles I saw tonight needed MY wizardry to help them! What's u
So, I live in a small town...no really! A small town! Reggies' brother is the booking agent at the local tavern and tonight they were having a band play. My "niece-daughter" was hired to serve drinks and otherwise be a hostess. All good! The music was GREAT! Many of our friends, neighbors and fellow small town residents…
Help - Need a Quick Answer -Can Hot Flashes Cause a Fever?
Does anyone know if a hot flash can also cause a fever. We are waiting for a call back from Sloan. Donna is running a 101.5 fever that came on in the past hour. Her cheeks and neck got bright red. Like she was having a hot flash. Bob
Okay this might sound really selfish but I am asking anyway.......................
Does having breast cancer qualify us for the Make A Wish Foundation? Yes it would be for myself but there is someone out there I need to meet before my time is up. Thanks for your help, if the answers are yes, then would one of you contact them for me..... PLEASE, Love Ronda
When I feel lost
I love this native american poem and I often look it up when I feel lost. I thought I share. what do i do when i am lost in the forest? stand still, the trees ahead and the bushes behind you are not lost. wherever you are is called Here and you must treat it as a powerful stranger, to know it, and to be known. stand still,…
Just diagnosed with Breast Cancer...Going Crazy...lol
I am 37 years old and no one in my family has a history of cancer… I went for a routine GYN examination and my GYN found a lump May 24th... June 2nd I had breast ultra sound and mammogram… It ended up being two clusters of micro calcification in my left breast… My stereotypical biopsy result that I received Monday stated…
coping with stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to lungs and bones
It's a lot to process being told that your loved one has breast cancer that has spread to lymph nodes under arm to also both lungs and rib area. How do you recover and cope with this all????what to do???
Going to argue with the Dr.
My oncologist, Dr. Jay, has left and I see a new one tomorrow. On my last visit with Dr. Jay he said we would not start my chemo with Avastin until all my scaps were gone from my mastectomy. I talked with the nurse today and informed her I still have over 3 inches of scap. I thought we should change my appointment tomorrow…
Am I just a big baby...
I walked into a New Balance outlet store looking for comfortable shoes to deal with the @#$%! neuropathy that I have learned is just another side effect of chemotherapy, as if losing my hair and the ability to taste a simple cup of coffee were not enough. Anyway...there was an entire "pink" section, similar to the Barbie…
waiting, waiting, and more waiting!
first of all let me say that as of today, i am halfway done with this course of chemo ; ) i got to the hospital in time for my 9:40 lab appointment, and there was a crowd in the waiting area. i asked if there was time for me to walk over to the pharmacy for my anti-nausea meds and only had to wait a couple of minutes…
Thought for Today
Here is a good quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why they call it the present."
Premiums for pre-existing conditions - Coverage will be available as early as August 1.
This article below applies to all cancers, I decided to post it here under Breast Cancer as it has the largest viewership and most responses of all the topic boards. The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan will start taking applications in every state by the end of the month. Coverage will be available as early as August…
Will be having my last chemo..Thurs...Sick of taking nausea meds. that do not work for me...I will be trying acupuncture the day after...This bc sure has brought a lot of new things in my life....But I am thankful.....
This is all so new
I have just been diagnoised with an infiltrating ductal carcinoma. I am reading every word that the cancer society and other sources have printed on the web and am getting better informed, but I would really like to talk to someone who has already been where I am heading.
I'm New Here & Have A Million Questions
When should I expect to lose my hair. My first chemo treatment was last Wednesday, June 23rd?