dental problems from femara?
I have some swelling in my gums that the dentist said is often caused by hormonal treatments. I told him that I am on femara. He doesn't know if that is a known side effect. Has anyone had this problem?
Has anyone struggled with C-Diff
I have one more A/C chemo scheduled for Wed. I am worried as I have been treated for C-Diff since after the first chemo. I am on now on vancomycin. Thanks
i had bilateral mast. 14 months ago with lymph nodes removedfrom left axillary. my underarm is still quite numb-how long does this numbness last?
After Masectomy and Chemo complete
Hello I am wandering - I had double masectomy and 8 chemo treatemets. First was the coctail one and second was taxotere. I am going on 7weeks with Tamoxfen.My question is - Is it normal not to have a petscan or something after this is completed.Is it normal just to have the blood work done. and do they do a petscan again…
Should a PET be done after chemo?
My sister had cancer in both breasts, and had a double mastectomy with chemo afterwards. She has never had a PET scan, even though her tumors had two different types of cancer cells, one type of cancer in each breast. After she completed chemo her oncologist said that a PET scan wasn't necessary, because he knew how to…
What do I expect after next treatments?
Hi Everyone. This is all new to me. Glad I found you all. Looks like I'll be spending a lot of time here. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March, 2010. First underwent a lumpectomy. However, I ended up having a mastectomy of my left breast May 4, 2010. I had my first chemo treatment last Wednesday (June 23rd). I have…
Guardian Angels
There are those who believe, So the story is told, That at birth you recieve Your own Angel to hold, You come into this world on a wing and a prayer and through your lifetime She will always be there. A guardian Angel, Who will guide what you do, Her heart filled with Love, Sent to watch over You.
how wonderful is this site?!?
i am so happy that i found this place - it is one of the first things i check out in the morning when i wake up and the last place i look at before going to bed (not to mention referring to it all through the day). there are so many wonderful women (and men) who are willing to share their experiences, offer encouragement,…
Nutritional Choices - help!
I am confused. Depending upon what website you look at or who you talk to, there does not seem to be any consistent, accurate information about proper food choices once we have been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. Can anyone lend some accurate information? Milk/Dairy ... good or bad? Gluten free ... necessary? No…
I need some foundation garment recommendations...
Supportive camisoles for my remaining 'girl' for use while undergoing radiation? I get that I don't want anything constricting and absolutely no underwire, but I am in dire need of some support for my remaining breast. After my mastectomy, and due to the placement of my drains, I was unable to buttress the old girl up. I…
****** What Is Everyone Doing For The 4th Of July? ******
I know it is a little early, but, I assumed everyone already knew what their plans were for the 4th of July. So, whatcha doing? Fireworks, parades, barbecuing, working, resting, eating homemade ice cream. OH YUM!! LOL Inquiring minds want to know! ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
Had last AC treatment today.....Taxol to start on the 16th.-What should I expect?
I have finally made all the scans, biopsies, lumpectomy and port cath installed and now I have made it thru my LAST round of AC!!!!! I feel like I finally have hit a big marker in this long journey. My Onc says I can take 2 or 3 weeks off before I start Taxol, I chose to take only take 2 weeks off, I am ready to get these…
Phew! Glad 1st chemo is over
Got there at 8 this morning, started with Dexamethasone and Zothan. Then Taxotere & the fun started. Within 3 minutes I was feeling "funny" from my tummy up. Then got very hot and turned red as a tomato...thought my head was gonna explode. Nurses were all over me and gave me benadryl then made my flow slower and it worked.…
Got bold and brave and went with the bald look today
I could not believe I did it but I thought about what some others on this site have said about not worrying about what other people think....I thought about how hot it was and how much more comfortable it would be to go without the head covering and finally did it today. I had to go on post to renew my military dependent…
Today is Zhentup's birthday!
Happy Birthday wishes to you! Do what you love! Celebrate and eat lots of cake & ice cream! -Jenny
breast cancer has moved
I was diagnosed with breast cancer Feb 2009. had 8 treatments of chemo and 32 treatments of radation it has only been 9 months since my last chemo treatment.And I jist found out the the cancer has matasiszed to the lining of the lung looking for any info someone can give me. Doctors do not sound very promoising about the…
new port pain - put in yesterday
Hi everyone. I had my chemo port put in yesterday morning and am considerable pain this morning. My port is on the right side close to the center of my chest. I have pain from my port to my right shoulder and up the right side of my neck. No pain on the left side at all. I was told there wouldn't be pain today. Should I be…
After chemo effects. Anyone have this
Chemo ended in March. I thought great. I had lumpectomy in April, and now radiation June/July. A month ago my legs started to ache, neuropothy. I never had leg neuropothy while on chemo, but I am having it 3 months later. Nothing helps unless I take pain meds. My dr. called it after chemo side effects, wth. Also if I try…
How long
How long did you experience annoying discomfort after bilateral mastectomies???? My sports bra, tape over bandages or something is really irritating my skin. It almost feels like a burning sensation. Does the ache take a long time to lessen? I'm only 10 days post op, so am I expecting too much too soon? Char
Radiation Graduation!
Cannot believe I am a radiation graduate today! Wonderful celebration with my new friends in the Radiation/Oncology department. With diploma in hand the tears came as they did when this process began. What will I do on Monday at 2:30? How will I know that I am still fighting this horrible disease when I am not actively…
Another Update from Sunrae-Just Plain Tired
Good news, I just had my 7th chemo yesterday, only 5 more to go, should be done by end of July if I can stay on track. My hands had healed up but are starting to blister again so I'm taking steriods for 2 days after treatments, hoping that will help out. The lymphedema in my right arm got better for a few days but now its…
My mom was just diagnosed. Should I move in to help her?
My mom was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer a few weeks ago, and yesterday we found out it's stage 3. My question is, for those of you who have been through the chemo and radiation, if it were you, would it be more helpful or would it wear you out if your grown daughter moved in with her toddler? I'm a stay at home mom…
Lost my Dad June 21st
I have not been on here to post for quite sometime. I have been able to read posts once in awhile. I lost my Dad last Monday the day after Father's Day. He went from doing better to loosing him within about 10 hours. They originally thought he has until around July 15th, but he only lasted about a week. There was no…
Thanking God for early detection & technology
Good evening to all, My journey has seemed to be an adventurous one with many trials. But I pray that I can remain a fighter through it all by the Grace of God. My story follows: Dx w/BC 12/09 Lumpectomy 01/10 Vulva abcess (highly infected & need to be addressed before chemo could start)removal w/hospital stay 04/10 Chemo…
July 4th Parade Comparison
From 'Our Daily Bread'....strength for the journey http://www.rbc.org/bible-study/strength-for-the-journey/2010/06/30/daily-message.aspx Today's Text: 2 Corinthians 2:14 A Parade Worth Marching In “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of…
Praise Report!
After 4 years and 4 months of completing treatment (last Chemo was Valentine's day 2006), I went to see my Oncologist last Friday because I had been having tingling, stinging pain on the right side rib cage area. As much as I didn't want to fess up I had to tell her, knowing she would order that darn PET scan. Had the scan…
Dr.'s should listen to their patients!
Went in today and the Dr. agreed with me that my incision is not healed. We will be putting chemo off for another two weeks. Have to be honest and admit I was a tad bit smug and enjoyed telling her I told you so!
Having mixed feelings
I'm having such mixed feelings. I felt so prepared going into surgery and am healing nicely at home. However, because of my biopsy report my oncology surgeon thought I would definitely need chemo and radiation following bilateral mastectomies. I had my post surgery appt with him on Tuesday and he gave me some really great…
first a heart attack, now breast cancer
Is there anyone who has had a heart attack and is now battling breast cancer? I am going to the oncologist next week but I have been reading about the side effects of the treatments on the heart. I had a quadruple bypass 5 years ago and now I have this to face. Has anyone had the same?
You are not a man!
Went to the mall today with a friend. While standing in line for a latte this man kept looking at me with an almost angry look on his face. As I started to walk away I heard him say underneath his breath, " Stupid lesbo you aren't a man." WELL...I turned around and let him have it. I told him stupid man I know I am not a…