OT-But just had to share!
Yesterday I was walking around on my back porch & my movement scared a bird out of my old duck pen & it flew off into a tree just outside of the fence. It was chirping and it sounded odd, yet familiar.(I hadn't seen it yet) I then noticed 2 Blue Jays hovering over this bird like they were about to strike at it. It was a…
numbness and tingling
I have numbness and tingling in my left leg .Pet amd bone shows no recurrence thank god. Seems that chemo caused nerve damage in my lowerspine Anyone with this nerve damage? I m On a drug called Tramadol for leg.
Today is GrandmaJ's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JUDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a wonderful day/year filled with love & happiness! ♥ Cat
Today is JBug's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JULIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May your special day be filled with all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
Today is Zhentup's Birthday!
just starting!
I am learning as I go along with all of this. One day I went in for a mammogram and the next like normal I am being called back for an ultrasound, then biopsy, sure enough the very beginning stages of ductal carcenoma. My Gyno set up an appt. with a surgeon where he sent me to a plastic surgeon. Had an MRI for the…
Better Late than Never Pics from My Daughters Wedding
I posted a couple of pictures (way late, I know) from my daughter's wedding under the Expressions Gallery. Happy Fourth to all of you! Chickadee
Just back from NY--need a few prayers
Hi everyone--I'm just back from visiting my 87-year-old mom in upstate NY for 2 weeks. We so enjoyed each other. And, I so enjoyed seeing Sue and Joyce for our Greek lunch. I haven't had much time today, but I have scanned through the posts very quickly. First of all, hello to all the newbies--so glad you found this site.…
Embarrased but asking
Does tamoxafin affect ur sex drive and if it does what can u do to improve it
just starting!
I am learning as I go along with all of this. One day I went in for a mammogram and the next like normal I am being called back for an ultrasound, then biopsy, sure enough the very beginning stages of ductal carcenoma. My Gyno set up an appt. with a surgeon where he sent me to a plastic surgeon. Had an MRI for the…
just starting!
I am learning as I go along with all of this. One day I went in for a mammogram and the next like normal I am being called back for an ultrasound, then biopsy, sure enough the very beginning stages of ductal carcenoma. My Gyno set up an appt. with a surgeon where he sent me to a plastic surgeon. Had an MRI for the…
just starting!
I am learning as I go along with all of this. One day I went in for a mammogram and the next like normal I am being called back for an ultrasound, then biopsy, sure enough the very beginning stages of ductal carcenoma. My Gyno set up an appt. with a surgeon where he sent me to a plastic surgeon. Had an MRI for the…
Happy Day!
Silly I know but I cant stop smiling. MY eyelashes are back!!!! Its funny how something so small has me dancing around the house. They are short but I had to put mascara on lol. My last chemo was on May 10th and I was told not to expect hair for at least 6 months. Well I have a good covering of thick dark fuzz on head ,…
Radiation graduate !!!
Woohoo... I just finished my final treatment about an hour ago and I got the diploma to prove it. It was kind of a bittersweet moment, Paula said to me before leaving the room for the final dosage "last one Lorrie". I laid there on that table trying to hold back my emotions. Six and a half weeks led to this last 30 second…
Silly ...... "brain squeezers"
So, in a few of my ornery moments I had been telling family and friends that I needed some wide headbands with huge flowers on them to wear so that I could ditch my wigs. I said that if infant girls can do it "big" girs should be able to also. Just a headband with a big flower and big funky earrings. Okay...be careful…
Is coffee okay?
Hi Ladies, I had my 4th treatment (TAC) four days ago. Do you know if it's safe to drink coffee? Thanks! Julie
Good news!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Mjfromtx..here's the info)
Yeah yeah yeah! Okay....lol. Yesterday was day 10 from the day I took the clinical trial drug TESETAXEL for my recurrence of TN bc..On Thursday when I woke up, I, as usual, touched the "lump" above my clavicle..hmmmm I thought...this sucker seems smaller...nah I thought, just wishful thinking...but I looked in the mirror…
recipe book
Just got a new book that looks promising for some good healthy recipes, with advice on the ingredients that help fight cancer. called "the Anticancer cookbook" by Julia B. Greer MD MPH I am going to try them, have been looking for a healthy lower calorie muffin and it has several.
~ Do You Have Any Plans For The Fourth Of July? ~
July 4th will soon be here, so, I was wondering if you have any plans. Perhaps going to a parade, camping, grilling out, a party, going to a fireworks display? Have a safe and fun July 4th! ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
Radiation Begins in Three Days
Hello everyone. I will begin my radiation treatments in three days, starting on July 6th. I will be radiated on the left side, from just under my jaw, to just above my waist, from the middle of breast bone around to the back. I'm nervous, scared and under a tremendous amount of stress. My mother-in-law is making our life a…
Tips on how to keep my mind from wandering
Good morning sisters! I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday. I got carried away and before I knew I had walked over 6 miles in the park. On my way to the car I got dizzy and nauseous, on top of it I had these weird spots on my legs, they looked like spider webs. Yes, I went there, and yes I freaked out a bit. Which is not…
Back to work I go
Don't really want to but can't wait any longer for SS diability to make a decision and husband refuses to work. He wants to just draw his SS check. Problem is he spends more than we have coming in. I hope my brain will work so that I can hold on to the job. I have downgraded to HR Specialist. Not the money I am use to…
Chemo #1 down
Had my first chemo on Friday June 25th. They put the chemo port in on Thursday. I think having the port surgery one day and the chemo the next was a little much but have survived. Have got along pretty well, they gave me a nausea drug to take 1 hour before chemo started and then take a pill for two days around the same…
Diep reconstruction
Hi. I had a double mastectomy and now have expanders in place. I've had them in for several months because I had radiation in Sept. '10. I have been thinking all along that I would have implants put in when the time comes (most likely October '11). Now I am wondering whether I should look into Diep reconstruction. Is there…
Is it true that you should have your implants replaced every 5 or 10 years?
I saw on the world news the other night that one should have their implants replaced every 5, or, at the latest 10 years due to a possible leakage or rupture from them. Is this right? I didn't know you would have to do this. And if you do, will your insurance still pay for it? Just wondered if that is what the pink sisters…
im 14 and my mom died of breast cancer
Last year my mom passed away after a very long cancer experience. She was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 4 then went into remission when I was 7. And when I turned 8 the cancer came back, but in her spine and got worse and worse. When I turned 13 it spread to the liver and about a week later she passed away.…
vent - husband being a jerk
I was diagnosed 3 weeks after my mother-in-law died. For about 8 months my husband kept blaming me for getting cancer. "I haven't been able to mourn my mother because of this." Like I asked God to give me breast cancer right then. He told me this at least once a month. Then he lost his job right before my…
Son having a hard time supporting his mom because he dont know the pain she is feeling
Hi My mother has beaten breast cancer twice and just recently found out the lump on her breast could be round #3. I did all I could both times by going to the doctor visits and asking questions. I was there when she needed me. The problem I have is she goes through this withdrawal stage where she doesnt want anybody around…
Low carb / high protein diet & breast tumors in mice
Research on the effect of diet on breast tumors in mice: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=21673053 Cancer Res. 2011 Jun 14. [Epub ahead of print] A Low Carbohydrate, High Protein Diet Slows Tumor Growth and Prevents Cancer Initiation. Ho VW, Leung K, Hsu A, Luk B, Lai J, Shen SY, Minchinton AI, Waterhouse D, Bally…
I saw my medical oncologist and my general surgeon today for check-ups. With no prompting, my oncologist told me she could safely say I was "CURED". Later my surgeon told me I had "No Evidence of Disease". This is the first time either has used these terms and I have to say it felt GREAT!! I am off the Femara and will…