New to this site!
I am new, well not really I have been on this site almost everyday for over a year. I found myself being able to answer some of the questions your sisters have so I thought it was about time I became a sister TOO! I was diagnosed in February of 2010 with Invasive Ductal Carsinoma. Stage 11B. I was really shocked because I…
breast cancer with neck lympnode
looking for someone who has or had breast cancer with a neck lympnode infected. trying to find out if it can be removed. any suggestions would be nice. or if someone had breast cancer with a stray lympnode in the neck . that survived with it left in. thanks. julyscat.
Gift to surgeon - is this appropriate?
I was browsing embroidery designs this evening and came across a design titled "A Gentleman and a Robot". See it on my Expressions page. As most of you know, I had a robotic assisted hysterectomy last year. I've always thought of my gynecologic oncologist as such a gentleman (and a nerd). When I saw this design I…
Today is Christine Louise's Birthday!
Done, done, done, done, done....even got a certificate
I am a rad grad!!! Popping the bubbly soon. Thanks everybody for getting me through it. It was a little iffy there for a while. Yaahooooo!! Jennifer
Tamoxifen effects - help!
I'm currently taking Tamoxifen and noticing several things: of course, the hot flashes/night sweats are unbelievably bothersome...but also, I can't seem to lose weight no matter what I do. Has anyone else gained weight on this med? And any advice about this steady increase of facial hair? Yuck!
GREAT news - some not so good news but not BAD
Last week after my 6 month exam with my PA, I had a bone density scan and a nuclear bone scan. The GREAT news is there is no signs of mets! The 'not so good' is that there is significant change/evidence that I now have osteoporsis - not surprising considering my family history and all the chemo/rads/Femara. So - since…
BRCA Testing
Hi I'm curious about the results from my BRCA test. It came back as negative. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 9 mths ago. My Mom was diagnosed 3 years ago. My sister was just diagnosed with it ...but the test came back as negative.....Are they accurate? My Dr said it could be a environmental factors, lifestyle…
What are Tumor Markers and how accurate are they?
Hi pink sisters, Hope you are all doing well. I was wondering about what tumor markers were, and if they are accurate enough to identify cancer activity in the body. I hear some people say it just adds worry to the situation, while others are grateful for the test. They will be doing this to me to track my tumor markers,…
Technically challenged
Haven't been on in a while and find I have my first private message. I'm embarassed to say, I don't know how to retrieve it. Would appreciate any help. Six month mammo tomorrow and blood draw for Friday's onc appt. Needless to say I'm a bit, oh, a lot anxious. daughter being married in 18 days. If I make ot through July,…
Triple Neg Breast Cancer
I have another question how many Triple Neg. people went through how many different kinds of Chemo before they found the right combnation of drugs before they found the right ones. This will be my 4th set. Hopefully this will be the right combo which they are Gemzar & Carboplatin has there been anyone to have these.
Hey ladies, I am on day 14 of my 2nd round of T/C and I was wondering if any of you experienced headaches?? I, literally, woke up with one this morning. It seems like I have one everyday. Sometimes they are slight, but most of the time they are severe. Tylenol does NOTHING for them and I am forced to take Goody's powder…
Inspiring Breast Cancer Documentary
Hello, My name is Allie and for my senior project I put together hours of footage from the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in order to make a documentary about breast cancer. I did this as a way to pay tribute to my grandmother, who died of breast cancer when she was 54 years old, my mother-a two time breast cancer survivor,…
emotional reaction after surgery
3 days after surgery I;m getting hit with the blues...physically doing well but emotionally drained out...anxious waiting for pathology report on Friday....and sick and tired of having cancer! I initially felt relieved and positive after the surgery and now I feel like I just want the whole thing to be over,,,,need to go…
Breast Lump Surgery advice
Some background: I was diagnosed at 29 with breast cancer. After a year and a half of treatment I am cancer free. Now for the surgery to take the lump out. This is where the problems lie and I was hoping I could give advice. I am currently starting tomoxifen and looking at a surgery date in August so I am feeling pressured…
I have dealt with cancer since August 08, it's come, gone, come back in new places and most recently my brain. I was on steroids for over a month, never slept, gained 20 pounds went off of them just short of 2 weeks ago. then went on a much need vacation with my family it the mountains....it was great. My leg (bone mets)…
Ixempra and Xeloda
Hello, Has anyone had these two drugs? I have been on carboplatin and gemzar since September 2010, and it has stopped working. My tumor markers and CTC numbers are rising again and PET scan last showed new hot spots. Wednesday my oncologist will be starting me on the combination of Ixempra and Xeloda. I'm nervous and…
Back to OB/surgeon today
OB appt today for my 4th and HOPE final appt post hysterectomy! I am hoping all back to normal and can do all I was prior.. Denise
Surgery is over!
Yesterday i had my surgery to correct my fallen boob...im so glad i dont have to throw it over my shoulder to keep me from tripping over it anymore...LOL! The surgery went well but i was in the recovery room for about 4 hours waiting for them to control my pain...i was pretty out of it but when your in pain like that you…
Ayse--how are you doing?
Hi Ayse--just wanted to know how you're feeling, how's that rash, did you see the doctor and make sure that wonderful man is still in your life. Details, please! Hugs, Renee
just completed my 2nd week back to work after 6 wks sick leave
New location, new boss and coworkers but just greatful to have a job-it feels good to be back in the work force! (2nd day back I had to call in to take my teen to ER and she was admitted-so slept at hospital and then went right to work so all is good) Denise
breast cellulitis
Has anyone experienced cellulitis in the breast after surgery/reconstruction? I just had it a second time, the first time I lost the expander and was in the hospital for 5 days, this time I was in the hospital for 2 days, on antibiotics for 2 weeks. I'm petrified of loosing the new implant, it's taken me over a year to get…
start taxotere and cytoxan on 15th
Say Ladies, I am starting taxotere and cytoxan on the 15th of this month.. it is going to be every three weeks for four treatments.. I have read some of the side effects and I just lost my left breast I really do not want to lose my hair again... I love my hair the way it is some thinning would be okay though..one of my…
Finally--submitted pix on my expressions page!!!
I finally managed to figure out how to post a couple of my cruise pix (from April!) and a picture of Sue, me and Joyce at our recent lunch in upstate NY. For some reason, I have been unable to change my picture on my member page :( Hugs, Renee
feel like half a woman
I had my left mastectomy on June 24th.. I look down at my body when I am in the shower and I feel like I am half a woman... My man that has been with me for almost 4 years now and through this with me for two years says he loves me with or without breast.. but he does not understand how it is with us women...men judge us…
I rang the bell yesterday (July 1, 2011) and feel amazing
Hi everyone: Well I rang the bell yesterday at 3.45pm after 4 rounds of T & C and I feel amazing!! I have had a couple of issues from the last two infusions with my poor little veins being "shot" afterwards but this one was a breeze. It is over and I am so happy. I stlll have some hair ( I am rocking my wig!) and I have…
Today is Kickie's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KICKIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! *I'm sorry for posting this so late-I couldn't get on the site! Hoping your day was filled with all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
RAD Update
I asked my radiation therapist yesterday about when I might begin to see a skin reaction to the radiation. She told me that typically by the 6th treatment or so, basically by mid-week next week. Well, so much for the middle of next week... yesterday evening my chest, neck, shoulder and upper back of my shoulder began to…
I was wondering if anyone else saw the news about Aromisin. They are saying it's a "new" drug that is being praised for it's great results with relatively no side effects. I was on it and did have bone pain. Just wondering why they are reporting that it's new. My daughter called me all excited that I should try it and I…
Daughter was admitted-no online at hospital
I went back to work monday after 6 wks sick time (post hysterctomy) I went back monday and tues AM had to drive my daughter 19 yrs to ER and then she was admitted for week. Very bad kidney infection...stayed the week....I slept there nightly with her and then went to work in the am and back again...after being out 6 wks I…