Pinkflutterby/Libby You've been MIA, praying for you!
How are you Libby? How is your chemo going? Has anyone heard from her as to how she is? Hugs and prayers, Lex
Have you missed me???? I have missed all of you!!!
Hello, my Kindred Spirits!!! So much has been going on in my little corner of the universe~ wish that most of it was good...I apologize for not posting regularly~ seems like foerver since I have been on the boards. A BRIEF re-cap of just the last 2 weeks or so...I continue to fight a respiratory "somthing" of unknown…
Lat dorsi surgery...muscle contracts
I had a latissimus dorsi flap surgery 6 weeks ago. When I cough or use my arm in a certain way the muscle over my breast contracts..which hurts and feels very strange. I'm a swimmer and it feels like this muscle will contract with every stroke. Does anyone have this experience? Does it go away, get better, or do you just…
Hysterectomy and Breast Cancer
Hi I am 39 and Estogen Recepter positive. I had a double masectomy this past Feb. Next week will be my sixth and last round of Chemo with Taxater Carbo and Herceptin. Then I will move on to just the Herceptin. I am considering having a complete hysterectomy to avoid Tomoxifen and a possible Cancer reacurance down the line.…
Dear friend, stage IV thyroid and brain mets...
now 'suspicious' lump in breast... If you can spare a prayer or a thought, please send one to her. You pink sisters have the magic of making things better! This gal I met thru my computer business, and has beaten all the odds. Even with mets to the brain, she keeps working...because otherwise, she says, "I would be sitting…
This is an old post of mine, but with the New Kindreds on the Boards, I thought it might be helpful.
I am the Mistress of Repetition when I find something which I think works! So, as always, I trust my longtime sisters here on the boards will forgive me for giving once again, my description of the Emotional Rollercoaster we are on.. Not only are we on a rollercoater, but OMG~the seatbelt is broken, there is oil on the…
Am I in menopause? 29 years old on Cytoxan.
Hi everyone, I just realized that my, primarily nightly, sweating might be hot flashes. I am on cytoxan/taxotere and have been told there is a 20% risk this will put me in permanent menopause. Do you think this is what is happening to me? I have a vague memory of reading about "temporary menopause" caused by chemotherapy.…
Being around "normal" (non-cancer) people is hard for me sometimes
Hi all: Had an overall good weekend being with friends and visiting Busch Gardens and Water Country USA with all our kids. But it was hard at times, feeling like I was on such a different plane than they all are. They are not bald, they did not have to go through chemo, they do not have cancer, they are not worried every…
So scared - test results on 7/5, 11 months and counting
Dear Pink Sisters: Need all your prayers, warm thoughts and good wishes. Seeing the oncolgoist on the 5th to discuss PET Scan and blood test results, 11 months since end of radiaton. Thanks, Marlene
Just heard from Boppy of 4
Janice just texted me. She is on her way home & eating cheetos in the backseat. I am so proud of her & so thankful to God that her surgery went well. Hugs, dawne
One year ago today
Was my hysterectomy for endometrial cancer. May 11 was my 1 year anniversay for my breast cancer surgery. So, by my definition, the hysterectomy removed the last of any nasty cancer cells that I'd been growing and I've been cancer free for a year! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Yahoo! Suzanne
Questions regarding lymphedema
Does lymphedema start gradually or does it just hit you. My arm pit has been sore lately but I don't really see any swelling but have not had that sore sensation before. Just curious is it is a gradual swelling or if it just happens quickly.
Any ladies live in or near Houston possibly going to MDA?
Would love to correspond with breast cancer ladies in and around the Houston area. My email is sudawilson@yahoo.com. I'm doing A/C now (had one treatment) and then on to T/H. Would love to hear from you!
Be sure to get copies of ALL your scans and tests -
read them carefully - there may be something wrong on them. Today I got the copy of my last nuclear bone scan done on July 1. I'd already talked with my PA's nurse and she told me the findings - no mets and arthritis isn't signicatly worse though it's been hurting more (but the etodolac is definately helping). For some…
any help with suggestion
My Breast Cancer has spread to my Right Lung and it is on the top of the lung. I got the result of the Biospy and it is Triple Neg. I have already been through 3 types of Chemo with no result of shrinking the tumor. So starting Tues. he is going to try Gemzar & Carboplatin has anyone been on these before. I am only 46yrs…
How are you doing MyTurnNow?
I hadn't seen a recent post from you and wanted to know how you are. Praying for you! Hugs, Angie
Shout Out To Meena - How are you doing?
Meena, it seems so long since we have heard anything from you that I am starting to worry. Please update us on how you are doing. Sue :)
Shouting out to Chen!
Thinking of you...hoping all is well and you're busy doing your walks! Update us when you can. Big hugs, Sylvia
depressed: aniti-depressent and tamoxifen
Did you know that there are alot of common antidepressents that stop or alter the way tamoxifen works. Proaz is one of them. I found this info on the internet after 5 months of being on both. I had to tell my oncologist. She switched my prozac to effexor. Has anyone else gotten depressed and need to take medication.
Sudden swelling and pain in the breast
I finished chemo 2/1/11. Had a lumpectomy on 3/2/11. And finished radiation 6/8/11. My breast was starting to soften up a little and not hurt a as the weeks wore on. But this weekend, I noticed swelling and hardness all over. Is is normal for the breast to swell and harden off and on? Anyone else experience this? I am…
Anxiety Level After Surgery: Lumpectomy vs. Mastectomy
Good morning beautiful ladies! I've been thinking and would like to learn more about this treatment option, mastectomy. I know the basics: it decreases chances of new cancers from happening by 95%, but not the one you already have as lumpectomy and radiation are the same as mastectomy, for the diagnosed cancer. It also…
YAHOO!!! Got approved for Social Security Benefits & Update on PET scan/CT
Hi Sisters, I have some great news! I got a call today from Social Security and I have been approved for disability and it took me 3 months to get approve. If any of you want to know how I did it PM me and I'll be happy to tell you what I did. To make a long story short my ex husband divorce me a year and half ago for…
Today is MMontero38's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LILI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all your dreams & wishes come true today & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
in case you are interested
Hi I have been here since 2009, when I was diagnosed with my second breast cancer. This is not what I am referring to when I said you might be interested BTW LOL. anyway, I am an RN and pretty reserved by nature so i dont believe everything I read, but i have received my second copy of "Cure" magazine which is free to…
Arimidex -vs- Tamoxifen
Are these two drugs used to block estrogen? I am on Tamoxifen and I am having all the side effects of arimidex.
Am heading for a mastectomy Friday. I'm told this is so rare there isn't much out there about it. Not to worried about the operation I just want to find survivors. Please let me know if there is anyone out there with this type of breast cancer and how does the future look?
Sorta New
Hi Everyone, I have truly enjoyed reading the encouraging words you all have posted. I was diagnosed last October with stage 1 invasive estrogen positive. I had a lumpectomy and no lymp nodes were found positive. I had radiation called mammo-site twice a day for 1 week, and put on Tamoxifen. I feel terrible on this…
My port was put in today
I'm so happy the port placement is done. I was able to read many post here that helped to calm my fears about the procedure. I hope to start my chemo rounds soon. With the stories here I know I will have lots of support during my journey, as I'm not alone. Constance
flying or driving for lymph edema
I have a question regarding lymph edema. I have a little time before going back to work so I want to visit my daughter in Colorado. As far as LE, would flying for 2 hours or driving for 18 hours cause more risk? It would be 2 days to drive. I have had a little trouble with swelling but not much. I wasn't going to fly til…
3 new pix...tape & sleeves for lymphedema
RE's posting of her massage as a u-tube video influenced me to share what the Kinesio tape looks like on my hand....and a couple of my compression sleeves. I posted 3 new pix today on the Expressions page. Whatever it takes ladies........we can do it and look good too! Hugs