How many of us are there with Stage IV Metastatic Cancer and when was it diagnosed?
I am really interested to know how many of us have stage IV and when they were diagnosed and where it has spread. I know of some of us and so far it seems many are doing pretty well. I am hoping this will give us more encouragement. I was diagnosed 9/2010, in my bones and skin. As always, thinking and praying for all of…
Question: Does your sugery side acts different than the other side (e.g. right vs. left)?
Hi my Beautiful ladies! I hope you are having a great time during this holiday weekend. I wanted to share my current situation. I know I am not going crazy. I feel with each treatment, and week that passes, I get different pains (throbbing) and feelings. However, I feel them more prominent on the side I had surgery, and…
2nd Ultrasound for Cysts in 6 months .... Why
This past Jan had mamogram, followed up with a mag view on both breasts and an ultrasound on left breast. Diagnosed with Stage I cancer in right breast - treated with lumpectomy and radiation. Told left breast has a group of cysts and I should return in six months for another ultrasound. Since my six months is upon me I've…
One year since last chemo and Oophorectomy scheduled
Well it has been 1 year today since my last chemo!! Yea!! It is hard to believe it has been a year already. On another topic I saw the Gyn after my Onc. had suggested having my ovaries removed. I decided to do it. I will have the surgery Wed. July 6th. Any words of wisdom from some of you who have had it done? God Bless…
Today is IL2read2's Birthday!
Employment troubles - What are our rights?
My work has been very supportive until recently. I came back from having mastectomy with a Tram (along with blood clot) in January. I've had 12 treatment of taxol and now am on herception until February 2012, zolodax shots evry three months until overies removed. I'm a executive assistant and have been able to put in 40…
I Started RADS Today...
I had my first radiation treatment today. The radiation therapists, I had two, started off by making additional markings on my skin to check the mapping guidelines set previously, took three x-rays of the area, and then calibrated the radiation machine to start radiating me. This will be the routine for tomorrow and Friday…
Surgery July 7 and anxiety is increasing - any tips?
Hi all: I'm scheduled for a right breast removal July 7. Finished my six months chemo June 3, met with the radiation oncologist Monday to to talk about scheduling that after the surgery, have pre-surgery prep June 28 plus one more meeting with my oncologist. I;m dealing with everything that I need to be dealing with but am…
Penguin Ice Cap
I have a question for all you knowledgeable Pink Sisters. I have a friend who will be starting chemo(TAC) on Thurs. Someone sent her info on this Penguin ice cap.It's quite expensive but she's thinking of trying it. I seem to remember a while back that this was discussed and someone stated it was bad. I don't remember the…
Here's to the Germans....and the Dutch! My new travel adventure begins...
So, this time, we flew into Dusseldorf in Germany because the flights were so much less expensive than flying to Amsterdam ($400 less per ticket, $800 total). The airport was clean and well organized. As we approached the SkyTrain, a monorail that would take us to the train station, we noticed that there was a long…
Taxol and ear issues
I finished 4 rounds of A/C and had my first round of Taxol a week and a half ago. I don't know if it is a taxol side effect or just a sinus issue. My ears feel similar to when you are on an airplane. They feel kind of clogged and have a buzzing sound in them. When I plug my nose and blow out it relieves the pressure and my…
Boppy of 4 out of surgery
I just heard from Janices daughter. She is out of surgery. The family has not been able to see her yet, but her daughter said the surgery went well. I will continue to update you as I get the updates.
PARP Inhibitors in Breast Cancer
Some cell-based assay labs have explored the biology of PARP inhibitors, alone and in combination, in actual human tumor primary culture micro-speheroids (microclusters), in breast, ovarian and other cancers. In these investigations, the lab applies the functional profiling platform to understand how PARP inhibitors…
curious about menstrual cycle resuming after chemo
hi, hope everyone is in the best of spirits considering what everyone is going through. I wrote a while back whining about my gynecological issues. Well, I feel I have been having some sort of hormonal cycle for a few months now although I have not had my menses until a couple of days ago since when I have had an extremely…
I have been on Arimidex since Dec 2010. Doc said side effects should get better after 6 months. I am getting very impatient! The stiffness I have is aweful. Anyone have any words of wisdom? Oncologist this week said, stick with it. Hard to do! But I don't want the cancer to come back so I guess I'm stuck. Chris
Effexor- stomach bloated and weight gain
My dr put me on effexor about 2 months ago. My stomach really bloats bad. I look like I am 9 months preg. and I feel like I am gaining weight. Anyone else have these problems?
Pre-Menopausal post chemo?
Hi all, any experience you all may have on this subject is very much appreciated. I was 40 when I started chemo and it put me into "chemopause". I finished my chemo last August and am now told by my oncologist that I am pre-menopausal again, but I have yet to get my period. Has anyone else experienced this? Does your…
Boppy of 4 surgery has begun
I just wanted to let everyone know that Janices surgery has started. I will post updates as I get them from her daughter.
Update with question
Sorry i havent beenon in a few weeks, i have one more Taxol treatment left. I meet with the doc. today and asked all the normal Questions like, whens the Pet Scan,MRI and the one we all dont want to ask, What if the cancers not gone? The Pet Scan is on the 27th, no more MRI or now, due to the amount of radiation ( im like…
July 4 is more special this year for me....
Tomorrow, Independence Day, is VERY special this year for me.....exactly 5 years since my last treatment for cancer (rectal followed by breast)....YEA!!!! And to think, I was told I had 6 months to live, over 6 years ago!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Today is TinaBug's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TINA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special & you deserve the best-wishing you a day/year filled with love & happiness! ♥ Cat
Planes, trains, and automobiles....
The day is upon us, it's time for the switch.... Everything's done, and ready to go.... I'm dancing!!! Hugs, Kathi
Different Subtypes of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Respond to Different Therapies
Hello Ladies. I thought those of you with TNBC would like to read this article on the most recent findings and hopefully promising treatments ahead... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110627184000.htm
Something funny
Go to youtube.com and put in the search area: Two dogs dining in a busy restaurant Pure fun, especially if you're a dog lover, Judy
Soon having a double masectomy, possibly reconstruction, and very scared and confused about it all.
I am a newbie here. I am facing soon a double masectomy, according to the first surgeon I have seen. Going for a second opinion soon. I already went through a lumpectomy last year, actually in June. Already , not even a year later, I am having issues. I am scared I will feel so different about myself. I also just finished…
just starting!
I am learning as I go along with all of this. One day I went in for a mammogram and the next like normal I am being called back for an ultrasound, then biopsy, sure enough the very beginning stages of ductal carcenoma. My Gyno set up an appt. with a surgeon where he sent me to a plastic surgeon. Had an MRI for the…
good medical practice, but now I am scared
repeated UTIs-- and having a CT scan this week!! They didn't even request an ultrasound, or something that seems less serious.
Hysterectomy info & tips -please share!!
This morning I have an appt for my annual exam with my gynecologist. I'll also be scheduling my hysterectomy. I have the BRCA1 gene & have had quite a few abnormal paps and uterine biopsies over the years, so rather than just having the ovaries removed my oncologist recommended that I have it all taken out. I remember when…
I'm new to this
I'm a newbie here to this forum and to having Breast Cancer. Your posts have made me laugh and cry, given me hope, encouragement and a feeling of special kinship with this pink sisterhood. Although I have to admit, some of the posts regarding Chemo are really making me dread it - but know I'll get through it just like all…
Happy 4th Of July Pink Sisters!
I'm wishing everyone a fun filled, beautiful weather, fantastic July 4th! Hugs, Megan