Today is ladybug22's Birthday!
Best wishes for a wonderful Birthday - filled with everything you love most! -Jenny
back seems to be spasming
At least that's what it feels like,i mean every time i move i feel like i pull a muscle, remember about 2 weeks ago you all rode the pink bus with me to get a bone scan which turned out to be fine from mets but showed mild arthritis,i don't know at this point what to do,i actually started walking last week and the next day…
Recently Diagnosed - Triple Negative - BRCA2+
Hello there... I just joined this site. Seems we all have similar but different stories and it is inspiring to read through this discussion board. Here's some of my story Oct 4th - Went for my annual mammo (at 42) Oct. 10th - diagnostic mammo and ultrasound, then got in with breast surgeon that afternoon after results Oct…
Been part of this website for over a year for my mom....now I'm here for me...
Hey ladies and some gents! I've been lurking for a few days and finally have the gumption to type it out....I have breast cancer. I have been in awe and inspired by all of you and glad that I have a large sorority of sisters in this with me! Wish we could meet over a few cocktails instead of this forum!!!! Although I feel…
Sonogram results
Well, I mananged to squeeze in yesterday at 3 for a sonogram and it was so much like the experience I initially had when I was first given the bad news. They clicked away at the lump and underarm, then I had to wait (praying the entire time), then I got called back again to take mammogram scans then sent back to wait some…
OT - cat needs home in Milwaukee area
I am posting this for my Aunt who has inherited my Uncle's cat, Calipso. My uncle was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in May. He died last month, a lot quicker than he had anticipated. His cats were very important to him and I am sure he would have provided for something given time. My Aunt has taken over care for the cat…
anyone traveling for Christmas/ HOliday season?
MY whole family both sides LIVE in same county...so no traveling for us.. Denise
Radiation Recall?
I saw the surgeons PA today for a follow up on my cellulitis issues. She told me about a condition she's been researching called radiation recall. It was a bit much for me to absorb but she says I may have to switch from Femara to another hormone blocker. Has anyone ever heard of this? Any info would be appreciated. I do…
I thought I'd get away without getting them but no such luck. I've got a bag of frozen peas right now that I'm using to cool things off. Any clues what else I can do? The heat that is being generated is amazing. The cool washcloths get hot in a matter of minutes, which is why I switched to the frozen peas.
Rad Grad
Since I have been toasted and then have been roasted, I'm not quite diminished. I'm glad to be finished.
Hello Ladies, I just wanted to drop in to say Hello. I view the posts occasionally, and I send my prayers to those sister who are not doing well. For those of you that remember I was concerned that my white blood count would never go up again, it was over 1 year and just staying down (2.3 to 2.9)and the nuetraphils were…
lumps and breast feeding
Is it unusual to have a cancerous lump while breastfeeding?
Eva....port removal?
Eva, Weren't you scheduled to have your port removed last week. Just wondering how it went. Hugs,Debi
What to do financially?
I am trying to figure out my options during this difficult time. I work at a small family owned store who doesnt offer health insurance; I have state insurance so i m covered there. Because its retail I am not going to be able to work while I going through chemo. Because the store doesnt offer insurance i don't have the…
Port for Infusions concerned about possible problems.
I am scheduled to have a port put in Monday morning. I have so many questions and due to the holiday I can not reach any doctors before my scheduled apt. I have been surfacing the net and on another community board I have found a lot of woman who have had extreme amount of pain and many problems with their port. Pain so…
The issue surrounding Avastin
Dr. Len Lichtenfeld of the American Cancer Society, blogged about his experience at the hearing, on June 28th and 29th, held by the FDA on the question of whether or not Avastin should retain approval for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.…
Mammograms with 3-D imaging
Dear Pink Sisters: I may have missed previous posts on this subject. Got a letter from the Breast Care Center at my local hospital (Memorial Herrmann in Houston) advising me that 3-D imaging technology of tomosynthesis is available immediate. This technology enables the radiologist to see inside the breast, especially good…
Let's Get The Pink Bus Rolling Monday For MAJW - Nancy
Nancy is having labs tomorrow and a PET and CAT scan. Let's get the pink bus rolling to support her! Hugs, Angie
I missed my own bus...
I've been sick three out of the last four weeks, and I had to cancel my 6 mo mammo that I reserved the pink bus for. I also had to reschedule my hysteroscopy and D&C that was set for 11/18. I think my immune system went to Florida for the winter. I can't snap out of it, and I'm starting to get really frustrated and whiny.…
OT - I made it through
Just wanted to let everyone know that I made it through my dental visit. 7 teeth removed and dentures placed. I am doing ok but can not eat much. My mouth is stil pretty sore but at least I did not have a lot of pain. Happy Thanksgiving Hugs, Georgia
would love to hear from anyone who has had a hysterectomy
In 3 weeks I will receive my last f/a/c.I am very excited for this part of treatment to be almost over. I will start Tamoxifen 3 weeks after last chemo and resume the herceptin. I have been contemplating whether or not to have a hysterectomy.My spouse does not want me to have to go through another surgery and recovery if…
Today is Camul's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day filled with many wonderful surprises! -Jenny
Today is jackiejhm's Birthday!
Best wishes for a great day and your year ahead filled with health, happiness and lots of love! -Jenny
Bi-lateral - Non reconstructive surgery
I have pretty much decided against reconstructive surgery. Come on now - for 40+ years I have felt like saying to men "I am about a foot higher and they are NOT going to talk to you." Now that they are gone they are CERTAINLY not going to talk to anybody! At any rate, has anybody had surgery to "smooth out" the unevenness?…
running Bra
I do not care about fake breast. I am looking for a running bra? Does any one know a brand??
Another pink lady
On Thanksgiving evening former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's wife Maggie died after a 9 year fight with breast cancer. She was very involved with after school programs for kids. She will be greatly missed. Please remember her in your prayers.
My precious lil' wiener dog "Tootsie"~~
Such a sad morning for me~ we had a thread recently about our pets, and I mentioned my sweet lil' tootsie. I shared that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer just recently. The tumor was too large to remove, and it seemed to gain speed in its growth. We chose to let her live her days out here at home, comfortable and…
My neck
OK, I had my MRI and Xrays. MRI was "limited" due to too many fillings and a large metal crown. Once again, I peeked (I know I am naughty) at my results at work. I have degenerative spondylosis of C4-5. It is mild, so I am praying a few NSAID patches, maybe some PT and even a cortisone shot and I'll be good for a few…
I'm new here.....
Hi, I've been following the boards for a couple of weeks now, so glad that I found them finally! I've sat back and just kept up with everybody but decided it was time to join in the conversation :o ) I was diagnosed in Sept. with ILC. Upon further testing (MRI), IDC was found in the other breast. I opted for a double…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone....and
Hoping everyone is well and having a great time with family and friends. Staying positive and staying away from negative people :) I'm having a sodium fluroride scan on Dec 13th. Has anyone had this. Its supposely new. Looks at the bones without all the nuclear medication. It's the latest, greatest in the battle with the…