Oops Double Post
Oops Double Posts! Susan
Can I borrow the Pink Bus?
I go Thursday for my annual mammogram on both breasts. This time I am a little nervous, and could use some hand holding. Looks like after three and a half years I wouldn't be concerned, but I guess when issues are there, you always need support. Wish me luck. Hugs, Judy
I finished my chemo and had bilateral mastectomy the first of September. I started Arimedex the first of October. Around that time I started feeling sad which confused me. I had to planned to have a party when I was pronounced "cancer free". Now I cant make it through a day without crying. I am also very anxious all of the…
New here and have a question
Hi everyone. I just found this site today and am so glad I did! I was diagnosed in August with Stage IIIA, ER+, PR+, HER2-, 9 out of 23 nodes positive. I opted for a bilateral mastectomy since I did not want to find out a year from now that I had it in my left breast also. I have the tissue expanders in and just finished…
Iphone APP
BreastCancer.org has an app. You can go to the Itunes and search under Breast Cancer. I just found it and thought someone else might like to know.
MAJW - Nancy -- Any update (s) ??? We are here with you, waiting ...
Nancy ... Please let us know when information is available. We adore you so much, and we are praying that everything turns out in your favor... Strength, Courage and Hope our dear Sister. Vicki Sam
Yearly mammo done!!!
NO sign of the beast!!! I'm dancing!!!! (dx'ed 2005 stage II).... Hugs, Kathi
Christmas ornament
My ornament is on its way....hope my "special survivor" likes it. Hugs, Judy
OT Guilty Pleasure: Once Upon a Time
Katherine was in town for Thanksgiving and got me addicted to this new tv show. It is about a small town where everyone really was a fairy tale character in the past--lots of magic and mystery and a wicked, fun-to-hate evil queen. Anyone else hooked?
Daughter teased at school because a girl showed everyone a picture of me bald from last year :(
Hi everyone. Sharing something that happened to my 10 year old daughter yesterday. For some of you who may not know me, I was diagnosed with IDC stage 2 last year at age 34, and 2 months after my diagnosis my mother was also diagnosed with breast cancer. I have a 10 year old and a 3 year old daughter. My oldest daughter…
hair loss from Femara
I have been on femara now letrozole for a year and half and have had hair thinning a lot. I am assuming that is because this drug kills all of the estrogen left after menopause. I am also assuming that there is not much to do about it as long as you take the pill short of buying a wig. If anybody has any suggestions,…
HERCEPTIN Movie called "Living Proof"
A few weeks ago, I read on this board about a movie called "Living Proof". It is based on a true story on how the drug "Herceptin" came to be and how it helps treat thousands of women each year with breast cancer. I immediately purchased this DVD on EBAY for less than $8. Since I am on Herceptin (until May 2012), it gave…
How do i get into the chat. I have sent the e-mail to subscribe several times. Still can't get in. Thanks for help.
Laurissa in hospital
To update you all, Laurissa is in the hospital sence nov. 16th she is having trouble keeping her blood counts up, platlets was down to # 2 when taken to the ER... They got them up to a 15 then they dropped to a 5.they said she was on the critical list when brought into the ER.. My daughter Lisa and I have been working and…
Whale watching! November in SoCal...
...one of the reasons we live in Southern California this time of year.... Sun was shining, dolphins were cavorting....WONDERFUL day!!! Hugs, Kathi
I need the bus...Please
I need the pink bus on Monday, please...I have labs then back to back PET and CAT scans....will see my oncologist on Thursday for the results....I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried...this ^*+>##% sneaky disease! Short recap...triple negative..lumpectomy, chemo and rads in 2009....negative nodes, stage IIa grade…
fitting for "falsies"
I have an appointment with the "Image Recovery Specialist" next week to try prosthetics and bras (again with the bras). Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, questions I should ask? I kind of have mixed feelings about this...of course I WELL know what a gordian knot this whole breast cancer deal is!
I mailed my package
today to my secret pink sister. It has a ways to travel but going priority mail:D Char
I started Arimidex in June. I finished chemo in May 2011 and Rad in August 2011. My prognosis is very good. However, my husband and my mom both think I am going crazy. I am having a lot of anger issues with one of my kids and my spouse. My mom and husband are wondering if the Arimidex is affecting my moods and I am staring…
Today is ladybug22's Birthday!
Best wishes for a wonderful Birthday - filled with everything you love most! -Jenny
back seems to be spasming
At least that's what it feels like,i mean every time i move i feel like i pull a muscle, remember about 2 weeks ago you all rode the pink bus with me to get a bone scan which turned out to be fine from mets but showed mild arthritis,i don't know at this point what to do,i actually started walking last week and the next day…
Recently Diagnosed - Triple Negative - BRCA2+
Hello there... I just joined this site. Seems we all have similar but different stories and it is inspiring to read through this discussion board. Here's some of my story Oct 4th - Went for my annual mammo (at 42) Oct. 10th - diagnostic mammo and ultrasound, then got in with breast surgeon that afternoon after results Oct…
Been part of this website for over a year for my mom....now I'm here for me...
Hey ladies and some gents! I've been lurking for a few days and finally have the gumption to type it out....I have breast cancer. I have been in awe and inspired by all of you and glad that I have a large sorority of sisters in this with me! Wish we could meet over a few cocktails instead of this forum!!!! Although I feel…
Sonogram results
Well, I mananged to squeeze in yesterday at 3 for a sonogram and it was so much like the experience I initially had when I was first given the bad news. They clicked away at the lump and underarm, then I had to wait (praying the entire time), then I got called back again to take mammogram scans then sent back to wait some…
OT - cat needs home in Milwaukee area
I am posting this for my Aunt who has inherited my Uncle's cat, Calipso. My uncle was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in May. He died last month, a lot quicker than he had anticipated. His cats were very important to him and I am sure he would have provided for something given time. My Aunt has taken over care for the cat…
anyone traveling for Christmas/ HOliday season?
MY whole family both sides LIVE in same county...so no traveling for us.. Denise
Radiation Recall?
I saw the surgeons PA today for a follow up on my cellulitis issues. She told me about a condition she's been researching called radiation recall. It was a bit much for me to absorb but she says I may have to switch from Femara to another hormone blocker. Has anyone ever heard of this? Any info would be appreciated. I do…
I thought I'd get away without getting them but no such luck. I've got a bag of frozen peas right now that I'm using to cool things off. Any clues what else I can do? The heat that is being generated is amazing. The cool washcloths get hot in a matter of minutes, which is why I switched to the frozen peas.
Rad Grad
Since I have been toasted and then have been roasted, I'm not quite diminished. I'm glad to be finished.
Hello Ladies, I just wanted to drop in to say Hello. I view the posts occasionally, and I send my prayers to those sister who are not doing well. For those of you that remember I was concerned that my white blood count would never go up again, it was over 1 year and just staying down (2.3 to 2.9)and the nuetraphils were…