Today is debbie 1162"s Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with everything and everyone you love most! -Jenny
port removal
Hi all, I'm having my port removed this Tuesday, 11/22/11 in the doctors office. I'm one year cancer free - and a little nervous about this.
Warm breast and post treatment nipple pealing - did anyone experience this?
Hi everyone, I am almost 2 months out of radiation. The radiated breast still feels warm, especially after physical activity. In addition to the whole breast being warm, the nipple of the breast have little yellow crusts. Are these still side effects from the radiation or something I should worry about? All comments are…
Hello...It's been a while
Hi Guys... I haven't posted in a while and thought I would just check back in and say hi. Looks like there are lots of different things going on in the blog posts (as always). My health is very good and continues to be that way, but I missed all of you. Hope this posts finds all of you surviving and winning the various…
Holiday Week
Hi Pinks- We're leaving in the morning to visit our kids for the holidays - in Las Vegas. We'll drive down so that takes care of Monday. It's about a 9 hour drive. Tuesday I have an appointment at a wig shop for a new do. I just need a change, the current wig is not being phased out. I'm taking my 5-year-old granddaughter…
alcohol consumption
Anybody here consume any alcohol during chemo? I'm on cytoxan & taxotere 4cyckles every 3 wks. I know dehydration could be an issue, but if that's watched can I have alcohol?
MRI results
Hi, I got the results of the MRI yesterdat, 3 mm x 3mm x 5mm enhancing nodule, plateau pattern of enhancement. BIRADS-category 3 - probably benign. Another MRI in 6 months. This wording of "probably benign" has me a little scared. Should I ask for a biopsy to be done? I don't think I can wait and wonder for 6 months. I've…
Possible endomiatrial abliation next Wed but I'm not bleeding.
I am 51 years old and have been on tamoxafen for a little over three months for breast cancer. I was told by my oncologist that my periods would probably stop. I was recently tested and am not in menopause yet but have not had a period in three months. I have been having severe cramping and after transvaginal ultrasound,…
Done with the chemo....
HI Ladies I was supposed do my 5 chemo treatment today however, my doctor advised me she took my diagnosis to the board and they all decided that i do not need 6 treatment 4 was enough..soooo happy....i'm now halfway done with this journey...i have to do 28-33 rad treatment but i'm assuming radiation is no where near as…
Chest feels like it is in a vise-- doctor update
Dr. called, the fluid in the lungs is from the progression of the cancer throughout my ribs and chest wall. I will see him Wednesday and will need to make some decisions then. Will start chemo again next Friday or the following Wednesday. He said it is progressing quickly... he said the tumor in the liver is the least of…
Today is shortscake's Birthday!
Sending Birthday wishes your way - hope your day is filled with lots of fun & surprises! -Jenny
Happy Birthday to all those I've missed
Between site issues and computer problems (it would just shut down in the middle of a session on line) I haven't been posting much for the past almost 2 weeks. SOoooooo, Happy Birthday to all those I've missed. I think I'm back now but time will tell. Trying to catch up on all that's gone on. Blessings to one and all!
Update.. My Moms results
Its scar tissue, however the radiologist did see something on the upper part of her abdomen but the picture was not clear so now she gets to have another CT scan. The radiologist recommends a CT scan immediately. So very nice of her dr to wait 13 days to give her te results & order this " immediate" test. I still think…
Bone Scan results!!
Hello everyone that was on the bus yesterday with me i just wanted to let you know the scan results are fine just a little "author"and that's OK with me i can beat him up,I've really been scared to exercise because i thought i might break something well look out the Dr. told me to start out walking and work my way back…
The PInk Bus Is Needed Again For JuJuBeez - Julie On Thursday!
Julie has her six month check up this Thursday, so, let's all get aboard. I am bringing the potato soup that she has a craving for, so, let's fill the bus up with great food and drinks as always. All Aboard The Pink Bus For Julie
Anyone heard from Laurissa..
I haven't been on much lately so I might have missed it but haven't seen any posts from her since mid October. Just wondering if anyone else has heard and how she's doing. Thanks, Wanda
Herceptin movie
Others may already know this but, I just found out this week about a movie called "Living Proof" staring Harry Connick Jr. It is about Dr. Slamon that discovered/invented herceptin. It is a good movie about what he went thru to develop the drug and make it available for women that are her 2 positive. It also explains how…
Femara and rads at the same time?
On Thursday I was given Femara to start taking. I've done that. Since then, I got to thinking that maybe I shouldn't have started until I'm through with radiation. I'll be through on Tuesday so maybe it isn't a big deal. Does anyone know if it's okay that I take Femara before being done with radiation? I'd call the doctor…
First Worldwide Guidelines for Advanced Breast Cancer on the Horizon
Experts from around the world are meeting in Spain to set forth guidelines for the treatment of advanced breast cancer. This is so important because both physicians and patients will have access to recommendations for care. Guidelines have begun to multiply for many conditions (for example, google "guidelines for asthma…
Update: Has anyone used lead vests/shields etc for radiation?
Hello girls! I'm on my 5th of 30 rad treatments on both sides since I had Ca on both sides ( so double exposure ). Just wondering if any of you had used lead covers/vests over the rest of your body/head etc. I know the radiation works a little differently but I'm concerned about increased risks of ca in other parts of our…
chemo for the rest of life
Is there anyone here who has to have chemo for the rest of your life? Any stories? My husband has stage 4 breast with mets to all bones. We have been on chemo since 2009 with no breaks. Every 21 days. I have watch the disease change him physically. He was 41 when he had a reocurrence, now he looks like an eighty year old…
What to do if you think you received the wrong chemo at one treatment?
I need help deciding what to do. I believe that I received the wrong chemo treatment at my second session. The nurse hung up my second bag and read my name and birthdate. It was correct. She also said that bag took 1 1/2 hours. I said that's odd because last time it took 3 hours. She said probably because it was the first…
Fessing up
I've been having some stuff going on with the OTHER breast. About 2 months ago I felt a small lump, about the size of a peppercorn. To me it doesn't feel like what I think a bc lump feels like and I wasn't in a state of panic, but I did know that I'd show it to my pcp when I saw her a couple of weeks later (October 7). She…
Has anyone been dx with
Hi pink sisters. I hope everyone is doing well. Has anyone ever been dx with dcis/lcis and later ovarian cancer? Ballerina
ANOTHER new one!
The plan was to continue Abraxane until a scan in the middle of November - THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. Since I could never have any kind of surgery to remove the cancer, (too extensive and in too many places), it is easily detected in my left breast so we can see if the tumors are responding to treatment or not. What's…
chat site
Hi i'v been trying to get into the chat site but to no a vale anybody having the same problem Hugs Frankie
Took my first Femara
I took it at 10pm. I guess I'm on to the next step now. Radiation will be over in three more sessions. The current plan is that I'm to be on it for 10 years. I was told to take it in the morning but that really didn't seem right to me. The papers said that it might make me drowsy and to not drive until I knew how I…
radiation twice
Hi, has anyone had radiation for breast cancer on each breast? I know you cannot have radiation again on the same breast, but can each breast receive a dose of radiation?
Got my Xeloda
Finally got my Xeloda script approved and picked up my pills today. My HR manager at work interceded on my behalf and made things happen after days of insurance delays. Now I have to worry about how I will tolerate the 2 weeks on and one week off Xeloda treatment in addition to my daily radiation treatment on my pelvis and…
Trying to fly under the radar of scans...
Well, as of 3 weeks I've had some REALLY funky pains and discomfort from the affected reconstructed breast. They ruled out Lymphedema today. Some swelling over the affested breast under the armpit, now I feel a lump. It seemed to come on so quickly. I finished my 5 year Tamoxifen back in September. Prayers please. I know…