Extreme Hot Flashes

RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
I have had extreme hot flashes since taking Tamoxifen like many other ladies/gentlemen. I have always been the type of person to get super hot easily, humidity also very uncomfortable which we get yearly. However, natural hot flashes were nearly gone before cancer came (I am 55) and was treated with good old Tamoxifen like so many of us. One year after treatment I did start Venlafaxine, generic for Effexor the only medication proven successful for hot flashes. Please understand I suffered from these very badly and want to share with all of you out there that it appears this has helped me with this very troublesome problem. My life had become a nightmare but I see much improvement and if it works for me it certainly may help others. I do still get the burning up feeling, especially at night but more tolerable. I just wanted to share this with those who it may help. I heard other people who had posted how Effexor had helped them and happily I joined their ranks. Please give it a try anyone who suffers badly from this nasty side effect.


  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    I will have to ask my
    I will have to ask my Dr.about Effexor and see if she will put me on it as i also suffer from hot flashes some thing terrible, as she put me on Gabapentin but it only lets me sleep at night so i guess that is some help but in the day time it only helps a little.Thanks for the info.
    Hugs Frankie
  • ThycaAnne
    ThycaAnne Member Posts: 68
    Yay for Effexor...!!!
    I had a hysterectomy at 28; (I am 54 now) & was put on HRT at that time. Stayed on them all these years. I was dx'd with thyroid cancer 19 months ago--and just last month with IDC. (I know, double whammy--right?) My breast surgeon had me get off the HRT & started me on Effexor right away--even before my lumpectomy. I had a couple of hot flashes the first week I was off the HRT. But since then; nothing!! I wholeheartedly agree that Effexor works!! I had my lumpectomy on the 20th of this month & am going through accelerated partial breast rads right now. I haven't started the Tamoxifen yet--haven't decided if I'm going to--but hopefully with already starting on the Effexor--it will help with hot flashes.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry to hear...I had what I
    sorry to hear...I had what I think were mile during meno and even on tamoxifen NONE....I am sure frustrating and uncomfortable..

    I HOPE it gets better..

  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    sorry to hear...I had what I
    sorry to hear...I had what I think were mile during meno and even on tamoxifen NONE....I am sure frustrating and uncomfortable..

    I HOPE it gets better..


    thanks for sharing. I've been having the hot flashes also - not fun! Will ask Dr. about
    the Effexor.
    Hugs, Debi
  • starseed
    starseed Member Posts: 62
    No effexor for me
    Onco doc said he wouldn't even consider it for me, which is good because I would have refused it.
    I know alot of dr's poo-poo it, but I started using Black Cohosh about 20 years ago and it was a life saver for me. I went through menopause(the first time) when I was 39 and seriously, I used to change my shirt 4 times before going to work because I'd be hot, than cold, then sweaty, it was horrible.I don't take it every day,usually for about 4 days near the end of the month. I realize it's an herb and they aren't regulated by our friends (NOT) at the FDA I can only tell you it works for me. My onco doc is thankfully not a tyrant when it comes to stuff like that so he allows me to use it.

    Just my periodic 2 cents worth.

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    starseed said:

    No effexor for me
    Onco doc said he wouldn't even consider it for me, which is good because I would have refused it.
    I know alot of dr's poo-poo it, but I started using Black Cohosh about 20 years ago and it was a life saver for me. I went through menopause(the first time) when I was 39 and seriously, I used to change my shirt 4 times before going to work because I'd be hot, than cold, then sweaty, it was horrible.I don't take it every day,usually for about 4 days near the end of the month. I realize it's an herb and they aren't regulated by our friends (NOT) at the FDA I can only tell you it works for me. My onco doc is thankfully not a tyrant when it comes to stuff like that so he allows me to use it.

    Just my periodic 2 cents worth.


    Evening primrose oil
    SOmeone on here suggested it and my onc said it was okay to try. I still the flashes but not as often, not for as long, and not as intense. I ranked them as nuclear! I especially like that it's herbal.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    I will have to ask my
    I will have to ask my Dr.about Effexor and see if she will put me on it as i also suffer from hot flashes some thing terrible, as she put me on Gabapentin but it only lets me sleep at night so i guess that is some help but in the day time it only helps a little.Thanks for the info.
    Hugs Frankie

    Effexor does work for some
    Effexor does work for some really well!
  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    skipper54 said:

    Evening primrose oil
    SOmeone on here suggested it and my onc said it was okay to try. I still the flashes but not as often, not for as long, and not as intense. I ranked them as nuclear! I especially like that it's herbal.

    My breast surgeon suggested
    My breast surgeon suggested Vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil. I heard online about Black Cohosh. I take all three and still get hot flashes but they aren't as bad when I take them, but they still suck.
    I have also read online that Black Cohosh has an estrogen component and some women aren't allowed to take it. My dr.'s ok'ed it for me.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Power Surges!
    Hi Roz,

    I can't bear to take on one more pill. Have lots of medical issues so I take a lot of pills. I do know that over time with a hormonal therapy drug it does seem to go away. Or else I become use to it and don't even take notice. I've been on Tamoxifen, Arimidex and Femara and Faslodex. As I restart Femara once again, I notice the hot flashes are back full time. I really wouldn't mind if I had one when the wind chill factor is -16 below zero. I do mind having them while in a warm room. Never could figure out why I couldn't have that power surge when I was cold.

    At times, I feel like I flunked menopause and need to keep repeating it like in the movie "Groundhog Day" until I get it right. (lol). When I began the journey back in '94, I was told vitamin D by my oncologist. I do take Vitamin D but, it does do much for hot flashes. I do thank you for the tip on what is good.

    Best wishes,

  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108
    SIROD said:

    Power Surges!
    Hi Roz,

    I can't bear to take on one more pill. Have lots of medical issues so I take a lot of pills. I do know that over time with a hormonal therapy drug it does seem to go away. Or else I become use to it and don't even take notice. I've been on Tamoxifen, Arimidex and Femara and Faslodex. As I restart Femara once again, I notice the hot flashes are back full time. I really wouldn't mind if I had one when the wind chill factor is -16 below zero. I do mind having them while in a warm room. Never could figure out why I couldn't have that power surge when I was cold.

    At times, I feel like I flunked menopause and need to keep repeating it like in the movie "Groundhog Day" until I get it right. (lol). When I began the journey back in '94, I was told vitamin D by my oncologist. I do take Vitamin D but, it does do much for hot flashes. I do thank you for the tip on what is good.

    Best wishes,


    Effexor was a life saver for me! Still have a hot flash every now and then but nothing like before!
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    A friend of mine found
    A friend of mine found drinking chai tea with soy milk helped her. Of course it you are hormone positive you wouldn't want to use this. The poor women would look like someone was pouring water over her head and her face would be cherry red. After doing the tea around 5 times a day she went down to just feeling toasty.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Nana C. said:

    Effexor was a life saver for me! Still have a hot flash every now and then but nothing like before!

    Effexor works fantastic for
    Effexor works fantastic for a lot of the pink sisters. Try it and see!