~~~ What Type Of BC Were You Diagnosed With And At What Age? ~~~
You know me, I have lots of questions! lol So, what type of breast cancer were you diagnosed with and what age were you? ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
Avastin(not good)
There is a counterfeit Avastin out there. It has been distributed in the US.It is under the name of ROCHE and they have been contacted about the bogus drug by a health authorities outside the US.They decline to divulge which country it came from. FDA has sent letters to 19 medical practices infoming them about 400mg/16m…
I went to go thru a ct scan today . They did not understand I have a low blood sugar problem The test I couldnt do any ways it was npo for 4 hrs. I told the doctor I cant she told me I could according to her. Now they have to look at other tests to see if it has spread or not . I be calling her in the morning to see what…
Today is New2Me's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Sending BIG wishes your way - hope you have a beautiful day! -Jenny
exchange surgery done!
Heyyyyyy! firstly....apologies for not being on here in months! secondly...i hope everyone is ok??? well i had my exchange on october 26th. All went well. They put in the Allergan 410's (gummy) in the moderate height extra full projection in the 370 gram implants. They look pretty ok if i do say so myself! Not as big as i…
Having my first chemo drip now!
Pink ladies, you were right! The fear and anticipation was worse than the actual process. Even though I have anti-nausea drugs, I am not feeling too great right now but I will remain positive. My extremely supportive brother is here with me, and I am sooo grateful! By the way, I had my pre-chemo party last night and it was…
new to breast cancer, i am a survivor
i have started chemo first, but will do a sandwich approach and have radiation in between chemo treatments. has anyone ever done this. stage 2a grade 3, had mastecomy on left breast and was told margin clear, 2 out of 18 lymph nodes had trace.
i am so nervous for my fnab today. i am hoping the fact that i am very sleepy will help take the edge off, i do not do needles very well :( Anyone know how long it takes for the pathology to come back on these things?
Today is MrsZiggy's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have tons of fun and lots of wonderful surprises! -Jenny
Today is CinnycFlynn's Birthday!
Hope your day is wonderful - filled with lots of fun and many nice surprises! Jenny
has anyone heard from Kat since her surgery?
I may have missed something, but I sure would like to hear how she is doing! Carol
Interesting OT
OK I thought this was funny. I'm sitting here reading posts and watching (listening) to the local news. A commerical comes on for a bull riding thing coming to town. Guess who is sponsoring this event. A local orthopedic practice. How is that for irony?? I'm still laughing. Janie
OT - Old photographs
Going thru tons of old photo's to put together a disk for Mom who will be going into Hospice as soon as they can get her there. Amazing the memories I have of when they were taken. And so many photo's of people whose identity is a mystery. Makes me want to vow to write names and dates on all my pictures, but in reality, I…
Happy Valentines Day to all
HOPE YOU have great day!
Whitney Houston dies at 48 :(
I guess I wasn't surprised that this happened, but, what a loss. I think she had the most beautiful voice that I had ever heard. She was just so troubled, took too many drugs and drank a lot. RIP Whitney. Jan
The next dutch adventure....
We spent yesterday (Saturday) with friends in Friesland. This is where the 11-cities skating race would have been run, had the ice been strong overall. I took my skates, and skated where the race would have come thru the town in which our friends live. Sun was shining, cold but fun...with LOTS of people on the ice... We…
Just selected for Casting for Recovery in Smithgall Woods, Helen, Ga
I am so excited I was selected, just got a email. for April 20-22, thanks to this website, I received this information. Thanks so much. Let you all know more, as I do. Thanks a bunch.
Terriable LEG cramps at night
I have been getting them on occasion for long time but lately MY RIGHT Leg..each night (sometimes stops and starts right back up-seem like forever maybe only bad pain minute or bit more) afterwards LEG SO SORE..feels like whole calf would be black/ bruised. I mentioned some time ago to Oncologist said she didn't think…
Happy Valentine's Day Pink Sisters!
Hope you all have a great day - filled with love all around you! And don't forget to eat alot of chocolate! much love to all of you! xoxo -Jenny
Life after treatment
Hope the following article about life after treatment will be helpful. Feel free to share with your survivor friends. http://voices.yahoo.com/life-after-cancer-10949944.html
Growth on Thyroid
I had my physical and the Dr. found a growth on my thyroid. I have to have a sonogram done on it next week. I know that there is a 90% chance that it is nothing but I was told that about the lump in my breast too, and they were wrong about that one. I feel like I am being paranoid but I can't help wishing that the sonogram…
BRCA test
BRCA testing was approved! Right now I am drinking tons of water, so hopefully its a one time try for blood. Has anyone else gotten this test and how long does it take for results? I was too excited to ask and just forgot. lol
Thank You...
Thank You All for your thoughts and prayers yesterday (Feb. 8th). The spot I was worried about turns out is a small cyst. I get them a lot but was afraid because it was under my breast. I have had them all my life. The overall appt. went well but... I need an ultrasound because of thickening in the surgery area. Doctor…
Surgery in a couple of hours- bring on the pain meds!
Hi ladies! My girls weekend was exactly what I needed. We skied two days, went to the hot springs, drank lots of wine, played board games, watched movies and sat in the hot tub. It was perfect and so relaxing. Surgery is first thing tomorrow morning. I have to be at the hospital at 6am and the surgery is scheduled for 8am.…
Need my girls (& guys) with me at onc. appt. (warning-whine alert)
Finishing the 14 rad treatments to my T-12 vertebra today, then straight to the med. onc. to discuss future chemo treatments. I have my list of questions written out and hubby is going with me. I am so nervous and anxious. I don't wanna do this again. :( I know I've done it before, by why wasn't that enough and why didn't…
Fantastic Great News and don't know yet news
The most wonderful news! My BRACA 1 and 2 tests results are back and are NEGATIVE! I had it done because my mother had breast cancer on one side back when they were doing radical mastectomies. 10 years later it came back on the other side and another mastectomy. 10 years later back in chest wall. And now I have triple…
edema in breast
any suggestions on how to move the fluid? I had a lumpectomy, and had all lymph nodes removed under my arm...arm is not swollen but my breast is, any thing working for anyone out there? I do several exercises~Doc's were no help~I have large breasts so they blamed it on that~thanks Sinee
Today is Cinkal's Birthday!
Best wishes for a Happy Birthday! Celebrate! -Jenny
Today is Redhead 13's Birthday!
Hope you have a great Birthday - filled with lots of surprises! -Jenny
Back from oncologist's and I feel better (loooong post)
I guess maybe I feel better because first, I have a wonderful oncologist who answers any and all questions, gives me all the time I need, and treats me like I'm her older sister with a big hug when I leave. Second, I have a couple of treatment options that don't sound too horrible, and third, I feel like I have some…