Vaginal bleeding

sylvan Member Posts: 66
I had some bleeding a few weeks ago and then again on Saturday. When it happened the first time, I thought maybe I was getting a UTI but then it stopped so I forgot about it. On Saturday it was after sex. There was quite a bit of blood and it went on for about 6-8 hrs. Bright red, same as the first time. There was probably less than I think. You know how when you bleed, even a little bit looks like a lot.

I went to the GP yesterday to get things checked out. She did a pelvic exam and said that everything looked fine. She wants me to get an edometrial biopsy and ultrasound.

So, I'm wondering, could Femara have anything to do with the bleeding? I haven't had a period in over three years. They ran a blood test before starting me on Femara to make sure that I was post-menopausal. The results weren't as low as they expected but low enough to start me on Femara. Even so, the bleeding wasn't like period blood. It was bright red.

Anyone have experience with something like this? I was node negative so I'm hoping this has nothing to do with the breast cancer spreading. I hope, I hope, I hope. Words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.


  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi -- I am 33 and my period
    Hi -- I am 33 and my period stopped last April, due to chemo. Last Thursday I was spotting and got worried. So I called the GYN. Right way they had me do a sono, which I had yesterday. I had extremely heavy bleeding - like never before - and it just stopped today. I'm not sure what the results are for me, but the tech said she saw cysts. I am now waiting for my GYN to make the next recommendation. I have been taking tamoxifen since last Aug.

    I want to wish you good luck with everything. Try not to over think too much and see what the Dr. tells you. One day at a time. Please let us know about your progress.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Talk to your Dr.
    I dug the fact sheet out I get every 3 months when I get more Femara and it doesn't say anything about your symptoms as side effects. It says to call Dr or can call FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. I went throught natural menopause 21 years ago and have beenm on Femara for 2 years with no issues.. Keep on checking til you find out what's going on.

    Estrogen blockers do effect our body. I had a PAP done last week (annual - no know issues) and Jan said there were some more changes than last year but looked normal for being on Femara - haven't gotten the report yet.

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    You definitely need to check
    You definitely need to check this out. Femara can put us at higher rish for endometrial cancer and a cardinal symptom of this is unexplained vaginal bleeding. It may not be cancer, but, because you are on femara, an endometrial biopsy and an US are in order.

    There can be other causes of vaginal bleeding. If it occurred after sex, it could be trauma related. After menopause, vaginal tissue can become very thin and fragile and it doesn't take much to cause bleeding.

    When I was perimenopausal, I had many endometrial biopsies and ultrasounds because of irregular bleeding. Everything was fine and probably just menopausal related, but, as an NP, I knew it had to be checked out.

    Good luck to you and I will be praying for you. Please let us know the results of your biopsy.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I was post meno by 4 yrs on
    I was post meno by 4 yrs on tamoxifen for about 2 yrs when I started bleeding one night like someone turned a faucet on! I went to the gyno right away> (prior to that I had internal utlra sound followed by D & C about @ 6 mths. I was taken off tamoxifen for 2-3 mths still had slight bleeding so had complete hysterectomy May 2011-all fine now..


    (THICKENED uterus)
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    You definitely need to check
    You definitely need to check this out. Femara can put us at higher rish for endometrial cancer and a cardinal symptom of this is unexplained vaginal bleeding. It may not be cancer, but, because you are on femara, an endometrial biopsy and an US are in order.

    There can be other causes of vaginal bleeding. If it occurred after sex, it could be trauma related. After menopause, vaginal tissue can become very thin and fragile and it doesn't take much to cause bleeding.

    When I was perimenopausal, I had many endometrial biopsies and ultrasounds because of irregular bleeding. Everything was fine and probably just menopausal related, but, as an NP, I knew it had to be checked out.

    Good luck to you and I will be praying for you. Please let us know the results of your biopsy.

    Please do get this checked
    Please do get this checked out. Your doctor needs to know of any bleeding you might have.


  • sylvan
    sylvan Member Posts: 66
    I called the GYN and they had an opening this morning so in I went. They did an ultrasound. Everything on that looked fine. They tried to do an endometrial biopsy but couldn't do it. Evidently they need to grab on to your cervix while they guide the biopsy tool through your cervix. My cervix was flush with my vagina so there was nothing to grab. He certainly did try though. We'll try the biopsy again another day. He'll give me some pills to dilate my cervix, which should make things easier. If that still won't work then it's back to the hospital for a D&C. He has to be out of the office for the afternoon but he said he'd call me tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the support.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    sylvan said:

    I called the GYN and they had an opening this morning so in I went. They did an ultrasound. Everything on that looked fine. They tried to do an endometrial biopsy but couldn't do it. Evidently they need to grab on to your cervix while they guide the biopsy tool through your cervix. My cervix was flush with my vagina so there was nothing to grab. He certainly did try though. We'll try the biopsy again another day. He'll give me some pills to dilate my cervix, which should make things easier. If that still won't work then it's back to the hospital for a D&C. He has to be out of the office for the afternoon but he said he'd call me tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the support.

    So glad you got in today
    So glad you got in today Sylvan. I am glad everything looked fine on the ultrasound. Wishing you good luck should you need the biopsy at a later date. Keep us posted.

    Hugs, Lex
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Alexis F said:

    So glad you got in today
    So glad you got in today Sylvan. I am glad everything looked fine on the ultrasound. Wishing you good luck should you need the biopsy at a later date. Keep us posted.

    Hugs, Lex

    D & C
    I vote for the D & C. While an endometrial biopsy is standard, if there is difficulty dilating the cervix, it can be painful. I'm a chicken. Also, a D &C removes all endometrial tissue, not just what is biopsied, so it's really the best way to check everything. I had several episodes of postmenopausal bleeding and had several endometrial biopsies, never a D & C. The last one showed cancer. Was it missed on the one I had several years prevously or were there precancer changes missed? I always took 800mg of Ibuprofen prior and had minimal pain/cramping, but I hated it every time. I put off the last one until my primary care physician nagged me. I was lucky - very lucky.

    I don't know about Femera and endometrial cancer, but it is really important to get these things checked out. Good for you for knowing enough to know you needed to report it. I don't think all women do. Endometrial cancer, if caught early, is curable - and they do use that word!

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    sylvan said:

    I called the GYN and they had an opening this morning so in I went. They did an ultrasound. Everything on that looked fine. They tried to do an endometrial biopsy but couldn't do it. Evidently they need to grab on to your cervix while they guide the biopsy tool through your cervix. My cervix was flush with my vagina so there was nothing to grab. He certainly did try though. We'll try the biopsy again another day. He'll give me some pills to dilate my cervix, which should make things easier. If that still won't work then it's back to the hospital for a D&C. He has to be out of the office for the afternoon but he said he'd call me tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the support.

    D&C - Might be the Easiest Way
    I agree with Suzanne that a D&C might be the easiest way to go for you Sylvan.

    I did so many endometrial biopsy which were negative. Ended up with a D&C and it solved the problem.

    Knew that Tamoxifen could cause endometrial cancer but, unaware that Femara could. I went to the Femara page and found this.

    ... Other important less commonly reported side effects include blood clots, other cancers, stroke, heart attack and endometrial cancer.

    We do learn something every day.


  • sylvan
    sylvan Member Posts: 66
    sylvan said:

    I called the GYN and they had an opening this morning so in I went. They did an ultrasound. Everything on that looked fine. They tried to do an endometrial biopsy but couldn't do it. Evidently they need to grab on to your cervix while they guide the biopsy tool through your cervix. My cervix was flush with my vagina so there was nothing to grab. He certainly did try though. We'll try the biopsy again another day. He'll give me some pills to dilate my cervix, which should make things easier. If that still won't work then it's back to the hospital for a D&C. He has to be out of the office for the afternoon but he said he'd call me tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the support.

    They were eventually able to do a biopsy. The biopsy came back and everything was normal. The GYN said that under normal circumstances that he'd give me some estrogen cream and that would most likely take care of the problem. I'm guessing that isn't something I need to be taking. Unless maybe if it is localized, it won't be a problem. But probably not wise.

    So, what to do? Give up sex?
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    sylvan said:

    They were eventually able to do a biopsy. The biopsy came back and everything was normal. The GYN said that under normal circumstances that he'd give me some estrogen cream and that would most likely take care of the problem. I'm guessing that isn't something I need to be taking. Unless maybe if it is localized, it won't be a problem. But probably not wise.

    So, what to do? Give up sex?

    So glad your results came
    So glad your results came back normal.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    sylvan said:

    They were eventually able to do a biopsy. The biopsy came back and everything was normal. The GYN said that under normal circumstances that he'd give me some estrogen cream and that would most likely take care of the problem. I'm guessing that isn't something I need to be taking. Unless maybe if it is localized, it won't be a problem. But probably not wise.

    So, what to do? Give up sex?

    TMI, but here goes...
    Add a lubricant to your sexual routine. Replens is a good one to try for perimenopausal/postmenopausal issues. Replens is a long-acting lubricant and is most useful if you use it regularly (sort of like a moisturizer).

    Also, please remember that sex does not have to end with intercourse. There are other alternatives that may be gentler and can be a good alternative when your tissues are traumatized.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    TMI, but here goes...
    Add a lubricant to your sexual routine. Replens is a good one to try for perimenopausal/postmenopausal issues. Replens is a long-acting lubricant and is most useful if you use it regularly (sort of like a moisturizer).

    Also, please remember that sex does not have to end with intercourse. There are other alternatives that may be gentler and can be a good alternative when your tissues are traumatized.

    Luvena is a very good vaginal moisturizer, which was recommended to me by my gynecologist. I am highly recommending it a week. It is not a lubricant and should be applied when you are Not going to have intercourse. You will see improvements after two weeks
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I am post meno and started
    I am post meno and started bleeding after about 2 1/2 yrs on tamoxifen...I had total hysterctomy in May 2011-all find now and back on tamoxifen..

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    TMI, but here goes...
    Add a lubricant to your sexual routine. Replens is a good one to try for perimenopausal/postmenopausal issues. Replens is a long-acting lubricant and is most useful if you use it regularly (sort of like a moisturizer).

    Also, please remember that sex does not have to end with intercourse. There are other alternatives that may be gentler and can be a good alternative when your tissues are traumatized.

    So happy you got good
    So happy you got good results sylvan!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Prior to hysterectomy I had
    Prior to hysterectomy I had internal ultra sound followed by D & C about @ 6mths...PRIOR TO bleeding..(checking for enlarged Uterus which I did have..
