Counterfeit cancer drugs...

MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
Huge article in today's Wall Street Journal on counterfeit cancer drugs...Avastin, Herceptin, Rituxan, Faslodex....with Faslodex being the one "most
likely" to have been administered to patients....

It's not bad enough that we have cancer but now we are made to wonder if we are getting " the real thing!"
I would encourage anyone getting these particular drugs to read this Wall Street Journal...we have it delivered but I think you can access it we have heard this on the national news....

Thought this would be of interest to all....
Hugs, Nancy


  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Bad. I just saw Avastin on my news.This isn't good.I haven't been on any of these treatments.Just very upsetting to alot of people.Now the wonder is "did it get out there and find out to who".

    They just found out but how long ago has it been around????? I hope everyone is safe and this was caught before anyone was treated with the bogus drugs.

    Yes it is bad enough struggling with cancer and now some people MIGHT be faced with this.

    Lynn Smith
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Bad. I just saw Avastin on my news.This isn't good.I haven't been on any of these treatments.Just very upsetting to alot of people.Now the wonder is "did it get out there and find out to who".

    They just found out but how long ago has it been around????? I hope everyone is safe and this was caught before anyone was treated with the bogus drugs.

    Yes it is bad enough struggling with cancer and now some people MIGHT be faced with this.

    Lynn Smith

    This is so irresponsible,
    This is so irresponsible, and an outrage. We need to trust that the meds we are getting are real. We are in the fight of our lives.
    We need to trust in something!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Bad. I just saw Avastin on my news.This isn't good.I haven't been on any of these treatments.Just very upsetting to alot of people.Now the wonder is "did it get out there and find out to who".

    They just found out but how long ago has it been around????? I hope everyone is safe and this was caught before anyone was treated with the bogus drugs.

    Yes it is bad enough struggling with cancer and now some people MIGHT be faced with this.

    Lynn Smith

    This is so irresponsible,
    This is so irresponsible, and an outrage. We need to trust that the meds we are getting are real. We are in the fight of our lives.
    We need to trust in something! I did not have these drugs either but know how devasted I would be if I found out the drugs I was given were bogus.
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    carkris said:

    This is so irresponsible,
    This is so irresponsible, and an outrage. We need to trust that the meds we are getting are real. We are in the fight of our lives.
    We need to trust in something! I did not have these drugs either but know how devasted I would be if I found out the drugs I was given were bogus.

    And i also saw on the news where a childhood lukemia drug is short too. One of the reasons they gave was that because the drug is so cheap the drug companies are not making the money they want on it. So, they choose making more money over a childs life?!! What the heck is going on with all these important drugs for cancer patients? Its really sad!!
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    some people
    Some people have no conscience.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    some people
    Some people have no conscience.

    Good Morning America .. stated that 3 states
    involved with counterfeit cancer drugs .. California is one of them, I do not
    recall the other 2 states -.

    So sad ...
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Counterfeit Cancer Drugs
    The FDA has sent Warning Letters to 19 specific medical practices in the U.S. that have purchased medications from a foreign supplier not approved by the FDA. One of the products from these suppliers is a counterfeit version of Roche’s Avastin 400 mg/16 mL.The list of practices can be found at: When there is a recall, shortage or investigation of drugs or devices the FDA website is a wealth of information.

    I hope none of our Pink Sisters have gotten tangled up in this mess.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Counterfeit Cancer Drugs
    The FDA has sent Warning Letters to 19 specific medical practices in the U.S. that have purchased medications from a foreign supplier not approved by the FDA. One of the products from these suppliers is a counterfeit version of Roche’s Avastin 400 mg/16 mL.The list of practices can be found at: When there is a recall, shortage or investigation of drugs or devices the FDA website is a wealth of information.

    I hope none of our Pink Sisters have gotten tangled up in this mess.


    I have been a nurse for 30
    I have been a nurse for 30 years. In the last 5 or so i have noticed shortages on various drugs. One because of the chopping down of the rainforests and the drug is amde from plants there. Now ativan is in short supply.