Avastin(not good)

Lynn Smith
Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
There is a counterfeit Avastin out there. It has been distributed in the US.It is under the name of ROCHE and they have been contacted about the bogus drug by a health authorities outside the US.They decline to divulge which country it came from.

FDA has sent letters to 19 medical practices infoming them about 400mg/16m dose of Avastin.The FDA is taking a lead on the evaluation.It is not safe and should not be used.Lot numbers of Avastin are comprimised of six digits with no letters.Counterfeit lot number begins with a letter,Also missing info such as "intravenous use"

There are difference in packaging and doctors should spot the bogus drug.Among them is Avastin known as bevacizumab(not sure of the spelling).All in English.The counterfeit says Roche and label is in French.

I read this on my news from yahoo.

Lynn Smith


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    You beat me to the punch! ...lol I just posted about the counterfeit cancer drugs...read my post, it's not just Avastin that has been counterfeited...

    Hugs, Nancy