OT - Old photographs

sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
Going thru tons of old photo's to put together a disk for Mom who will be going into Hospice as soon as they can get her there. Amazing the memories I have of when they were taken. And so many photo's of people whose identity is a mystery. Makes me want to vow to write names and dates on all my pictures, but in reality, I know my daughter will be looking through them someday wondering who in the heck are these people.

And I think I will take more pictures and actually get them printed. I'm so guilty of having all these SD cards in a little dish. It's the only time I miss film - at least I would have had that developed.

Feeling a little melancholy, nowhere to go, except to the kindreds. Thank you so much for being there.



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was more organized when we
    I was more organized when we used film and put the prints into books. I have the digital organized by dates but no notes for each picture. I should work on that. Since we have them on the computer we make sure we backup to another external drive. Drives do fail. Did you know that on a digital picture (mine works this way) if you right click you will get a list and if you click on properties, at the top is notes. If you click on notes you get a box to type whatever you want to remember about the picture.

    I don't print anymore just move the pictures directly over from camera to computer. I can't wait to see my pics! In the old days I had a box full of undeveloped film! Digital is so much more fun. Now I blog with pics I take. So much you can do with them.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    my family makes fun of me
    my family makes fun of me since I write on each and every picture of who, where and when...they say crazy..
